Wow what a time we've had...
So a couple weeks ago, my gums were hurting really bad, it came and went throughout the week but it kept getting progressively worse. So I finally broke down and went to the dentist because it was becoming slowly unbearable. He told me that it was gingivitis that was just made worse by pregnancy hormones, and that it probably would keep up until after I was done nursing (let me tell you that made me oh so happy). So he prescribed me some mouthwash-who knew dentists could prescribe stuff? Not I!- and so I went and got this mouthwash, and started using it. Then on Saturday the pain had moved to the row of teeth, I was in soooo much pain!! I finally went to instacare because I couldn't get a hold of my dentist, and because of how much pain I was in, I was just praying that they would be able to do something for me. Unfortunately, because I was 33 weeks pregnant-as the physicians assistant was so happy to remind me of- he didn't want to do anything for me, but that didn't stop him from telling me all the things he could do for me-if I wasn't 33 weeks pregnant. It was a total waste of time, and I totally started crying as soon as we were out of the building. My pain was building up and the only thing I was allowed to have was Tylenol, which does nothing for pain, I was in so much pain I couldn't chew or even touch my teeth with my tongue. I ended up making a rice bag out of one of Jon's socks because I had nothing else, and then it became my comforter for the next week. Then Sunday, it had localized to one tooth which hurt like no other, but I couldn't not go to church because I was playing a piano duet for mothers day. After playing Jon and I just left and he took me home. Then Monday I went back to the dentist and he told me that I needed a root canal, he then prescribed me an antibiotic and then said that he would give me Lortab for the pain if my OB ok-ed it. So I filled my antibiotic and then called my OB's office, and lo and behold some lady had decided to have her freaking baby that day. So I couldn't talk to him to get the ok for my pain medication. Finally his nurse got a hold of him and she called me back and told me that he'd said it was ok. So Jon rushed to the pharmacy after I called my dentists to call in my prescription and while he was gone I was in so much pain that I am pretty sure I passed out because of how much pain I was in. Jon finally got home with my medication, and then I don't remember the rest of the night. According to Jon I was very funny and said some very funny things, including calling Pantomime the "meow".
So Tuesday I had a partial root canal but he couldn't get all of it out, so I had to go to a specialist the next day (Wednesday) and he got to finish the job. Then that night we went to dinner for my dad's birthday. And for the first time since Saturday I managed to eat semi solid foods. The next day was Thursday, and truth be told, I didn't realize that it was Thursday. As much as the root canal sucked, I'm glad it's over and now I'm not in pain.
During all of this, sometime... Jon and I got maternity photo's taken!! They turned out really awesome! Our photographer was Jen Hampton and she was really awesome. We totally loved her! Jon was really funny because we got pictures taken in fields and what not and Jon finally piped up and said, "for a girl who hates nature we sure get pictures taken in nature a lot..." and I realized that that was true. So here are a couple of our maternity photo's!
Mosher Clan!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Thursday, May 3, 2012
9 Deadly Words Used by a Woman
I have been meaning to post this for quite awhile for my married and non-married friends. This list is so very true that I don't think anyone could refute it. If you are married, have your husband read it. If you are dating, have your significant other read it. And for my guy friends that aren't married yet: read it, memorize it, and REMEMBER it! Because I guarantee there will come a time when one of these words are uttered and you will find yourself either in a wonderful situation because you read my words, or you will be in deep trouble because you didn't pay attention. And then if you didn't pay attention, you will be wishing you had.
Alright, here is the list!
1) Fine: This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up.
2) Five Minutes- If she is getting ready, this means a half hour. Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to stop playing your video games and to start helping around the house.
3) Nothing- This is the calm before the storm. This means something, and you should now be on your toes. Arguments that begin with nothing usually end in fine.
4) Go Ahead- This is a dare, not permission. Whatever you do, DO NOT DO IT!
5) Loud Sigh- This is actually not a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you about nothing (Refer back to #3 for the meaning of nothing).
6) That's Okay- This is one of the most dangerous statements a woman can make to a man. That's okay means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.
7) Thanks- A woman is thanking you. Do not question. Just say "you're welcome" UNLESS she says, "Thanks a lot"-- that is PURE sarcasm and she is not thanking you at all. DO NOT say "you're welcome", that will bring on a whatever.
8) Whatever- Is a woman's way of saying "screw you".
9) Don't worry about it, I got it- another dangerous statement, meaning this is something that a woman has told a man to do several times, but is now doing it herself. This will later result in a man asking, "What's wrong?" For the woman's response, refer back to #3.
So, after I read these for Jon he now picks up on the tiniest sigh and asks what's wrong. Even though sometimes my sigh is just that, a sigh. It's pretty funny. Anyway, that's going to be about all for today. As finals are completely over and I'm ready for a nap now. It's funny just how tired pregnancy makes a girl, especially in the third trimester.
Alright, here is the list!
1) Fine: This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up.
2) Five Minutes- If she is getting ready, this means a half hour. Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to stop playing your video games and to start helping around the house.
3) Nothing- This is the calm before the storm. This means something, and you should now be on your toes. Arguments that begin with nothing usually end in fine.
4) Go Ahead- This is a dare, not permission. Whatever you do, DO NOT DO IT!
5) Loud Sigh- This is actually not a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you about nothing (Refer back to #3 for the meaning of nothing).
6) That's Okay- This is one of the most dangerous statements a woman can make to a man. That's okay means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.
7) Thanks- A woman is thanking you. Do not question. Just say "you're welcome" UNLESS she says, "Thanks a lot"-- that is PURE sarcasm and she is not thanking you at all. DO NOT say "you're welcome", that will bring on a whatever.
8) Whatever- Is a woman's way of saying "screw you".
9) Don't worry about it, I got it- another dangerous statement, meaning this is something that a woman has told a man to do several times, but is now doing it herself. This will later result in a man asking, "What's wrong?" For the woman's response, refer back to #3.
So, after I read these for Jon he now picks up on the tiniest sigh and asks what's wrong. Even though sometimes my sigh is just that, a sigh. It's pretty funny. Anyway, that's going to be about all for today. As finals are completely over and I'm ready for a nap now. It's funny just how tired pregnancy makes a girl, especially in the third trimester.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
IT's A BOY!!!!
So much has happened within this past month, I just cannot even describe everything! It seems as though the month of April just whizzed on by! I am now 31 weeks into this pregnancy, and as of Monday done with Spring Semester at school. It is such a relief to be done, but now we are gearing up for Summer Semester! Am I crazy doing summer semester with my baby due? Yes, most definitely. But they are all online classes so I'll be able to do them at my leisure. I just need to make sure that I stay on top of things. I was debating taking a class at school with one of my favourite teachers, and the class would have been Monday's and Tuesday's and I had even signed up for it, and then I had a feeling that that would be cutting it close, and so I dropped it.
Jon's crazy 18 credit hour schedule is coming to a close, and he couldn't be more thrilled. He is only going to do 9 credit hours this summer so that's going to be a drastic change, but even more exciting: Jon got a job as a court liaison with a company that deals with people who have to do counseling. And it will count for school credit for his internship. I am just so grateful that things have turned out this way! He got a job a couple months ago as a manager at the Nickelcade in Ogden, and I was excited for him because he was excited, but there was just something about it that made me feel uneasy. But I tried to suppress it, because I wanted to be supportive. But one day as he was leaving for his first day of work, and I was going to rehearsal I just broke down crying, and so I knew that I had to call him and tell him that I didn't want him to take the job. He was upset because I had waited til the VERY last minute, but he stayed true to his word and ended up not taking the job, because I had felt uneasy about it. I felt so bad, but I just knew that he wasn't supposed to work there. And now this opportunity came up and I am so excited for him. He gets to wear a suit everyday to work, gets really awesome contacts with lawyers and judges, and the best part: he gets his own business cards! How cool is that? I am so proud of him. I couldn't have dreamed or wished for a better husband, who loves me so fully and would do anything for me!
So we've had a couple crazy weeks babywise, April 20 was Rachel's birthday, and she came with us to the ultrasound and kind of my last hope in finding out what the sex of our baby was. And she worked!! We are having a BABY BOY!! We are planning on naming him Liam Andrew! And we couldn't be more thrilled. The doctor, after that appointment, sent me to McKay Dee to get checked out because he said that my amniotic fluid looked low, and so we were off to the Hospital. We had to get a Non-Stress Test and a Biophysical Test done on our little boy, and he passed everything with flying colors. But they wanted me to go back in a week just to get checked out again, so the following Friday I went back to the Hospital and we got everything checked out again, and they found something odd with his heart, and so they made me come back today to check that out. But everything turned out great, so the doctor said that I didn't have to go back anymore until it was time for me to have Liam. Last night, however, a trip to the Hospital was almost needed.
At about 11:30 last night I was having some major pains that were really consistent and would come in waves and overall lasted about a half hour. My uterus wasn't tightening up at all, so I wasn't sure what it was, but it felt like a Charlie Horse in my abdomen. It was very painful, definitely not as painful as I've imagined labor pains to be, but it was up there in the pain tolerance level. The pain was consistent and so I called my mom to ask her what I should do, and she told me that maybe we should go to the ER since it hadn't let up. So Jon and I started getting dressed to go to the ER, and the pain started subsiding, and eventually went away, so I just passed it off as a Braxton Hick and we decided to stay home unless the pain came back. It definitely made me realize that we are SO not prepared in case the time comes for real. So last night, while my pain was away, there was no way that I was going to lay back down for awhile cause I didn't want the pain to come back. So I packed my hospital bag for when the time comes and then packing my bag made me realize how unprepared I am just for that too! So... I have some shopping to do for some essentials to take to the hospital. But for now, it'll suffice. And at least I'm a bit more prepared than I was before. It definitely makes everything a bit more real when it comes to this baby. He is coming! I'm due in two months, and I have a feeling that this baby is coming early. I could be wrong but that is just how I feel.
So much has happened within this past month, I just cannot even describe everything! It seems as though the month of April just whizzed on by! I am now 31 weeks into this pregnancy, and as of Monday done with Spring Semester at school. It is such a relief to be done, but now we are gearing up for Summer Semester! Am I crazy doing summer semester with my baby due? Yes, most definitely. But they are all online classes so I'll be able to do them at my leisure. I just need to make sure that I stay on top of things. I was debating taking a class at school with one of my favourite teachers, and the class would have been Monday's and Tuesday's and I had even signed up for it, and then I had a feeling that that would be cutting it close, and so I dropped it.
Jon's crazy 18 credit hour schedule is coming to a close, and he couldn't be more thrilled. He is only going to do 9 credit hours this summer so that's going to be a drastic change, but even more exciting: Jon got a job as a court liaison with a company that deals with people who have to do counseling. And it will count for school credit for his internship. I am just so grateful that things have turned out this way! He got a job a couple months ago as a manager at the Nickelcade in Ogden, and I was excited for him because he was excited, but there was just something about it that made me feel uneasy. But I tried to suppress it, because I wanted to be supportive. But one day as he was leaving for his first day of work, and I was going to rehearsal I just broke down crying, and so I knew that I had to call him and tell him that I didn't want him to take the job. He was upset because I had waited til the VERY last minute, but he stayed true to his word and ended up not taking the job, because I had felt uneasy about it. I felt so bad, but I just knew that he wasn't supposed to work there. And now this opportunity came up and I am so excited for him. He gets to wear a suit everyday to work, gets really awesome contacts with lawyers and judges, and the best part: he gets his own business cards! How cool is that? I am so proud of him. I couldn't have dreamed or wished for a better husband, who loves me so fully and would do anything for me!
So we've had a couple crazy weeks babywise, April 20 was Rachel's birthday, and she came with us to the ultrasound and kind of my last hope in finding out what the sex of our baby was. And she worked!! We are having a BABY BOY!! We are planning on naming him Liam Andrew! And we couldn't be more thrilled. The doctor, after that appointment, sent me to McKay Dee to get checked out because he said that my amniotic fluid looked low, and so we were off to the Hospital. We had to get a Non-Stress Test and a Biophysical Test done on our little boy, and he passed everything with flying colors. But they wanted me to go back in a week just to get checked out again, so the following Friday I went back to the Hospital and we got everything checked out again, and they found something odd with his heart, and so they made me come back today to check that out. But everything turned out great, so the doctor said that I didn't have to go back anymore until it was time for me to have Liam. Last night, however, a trip to the Hospital was almost needed.
At about 11:30 last night I was having some major pains that were really consistent and would come in waves and overall lasted about a half hour. My uterus wasn't tightening up at all, so I wasn't sure what it was, but it felt like a Charlie Horse in my abdomen. It was very painful, definitely not as painful as I've imagined labor pains to be, but it was up there in the pain tolerance level. The pain was consistent and so I called my mom to ask her what I should do, and she told me that maybe we should go to the ER since it hadn't let up. So Jon and I started getting dressed to go to the ER, and the pain started subsiding, and eventually went away, so I just passed it off as a Braxton Hick and we decided to stay home unless the pain came back. It definitely made me realize that we are SO not prepared in case the time comes for real. So last night, while my pain was away, there was no way that I was going to lay back down for awhile cause I didn't want the pain to come back. So I packed my hospital bag for when the time comes and then packing my bag made me realize how unprepared I am just for that too! So... I have some shopping to do for some essentials to take to the hospital. But for now, it'll suffice. And at least I'm a bit more prepared than I was before. It definitely makes everything a bit more real when it comes to this baby. He is coming! I'm due in two months, and I have a feeling that this baby is coming early. I could be wrong but that is just how I feel.
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