So. Liam is hilarious. He just is. Here are some of his stories....
We went to the Train Depot in Ogden, and Liam has started the potty training process... Basically, when he tells me that he needs to go pee or poop, I take him to the potty. I don't force it, I don't make him. I just let him choose when he wants to go. Well, when he goes potty, I always tell him "good job!" and give him a high five. So I had to go to the bathroom, so Liam came in with me into the stall. Well, I did my thing and he said, "good job!" and gave me a high five. Right then, we heard the lady in the next stall give out a little laugh. Then Liam heard her doing her thing and pounded on the stall divider and shout, "good job!!!" I was laughing pretty hard!
Somedays, Liam is a bottomless pit of an eater, while other days he's super picky about what he'll even look at. On this particular day, he had had quite a good lunch and had eaten quite a bit. Well, we had to go to Walmart afterward to do some grocery shopping. We are going down the aisle that has all the Valentine Candy on display and Liam points and asks, "please". I told him that we weren't going to get any candy today but that we could another day. That answer didn't satisfy him, and he grabbed his stomach and dropped to the dirty Walmart floor and proceeded to cry out, "Hungwy! Hungwy Mama, So so hungwy!". While I'm standing there, watching in horror as all these people are staring at me as the mother who doesn't feed her child. I was quite mortified.
Jon and Liam had a pretty funny interaction the other day. Liam was by the brick fireplace that we have, and Jon asked him if that was brick. Liam said, "no! It's rocks!" to which Jon responded, "No, it's bricks." This went on for awhile and then finally Liam said, "No daddy. It's not bricks, it's rocks!"
Lately, Liam has been calling Jon by his first name. Usually when he's not happy with him. And it's usually in lower tone with him clapping his hands. It's pretty adorable!
The other thing that is super cute, is Duncan usually wakes up after Liam and I have been up for a little bit. Well, the other day, I told Liam that we needed to go get Duncan from his room and so he went into his room, turned on the light and in what I can only imagine was him imitating me he said, "good morning Duncan! Did you sleep well?"
Liam is very good at recognizing his alphabet. There's only a couple that he can't quite figure out yet. D is usually B or A, S is usually C, X and Y get swapped and Q is always O. But my favourite that he says is W. He says it 'wubbleyou', oh my heck. Cutest thing ever!
Today at call backs, he found one boy that became his new best friend for the rest of the time, and he followed him everywhere and did whatever he did. It was really cute!
So, a while back, my parents cat who was 22 years old went downhill really fast, like within a week, and so my parents decided that it was best for us to put her down so that she wouldn't have to suffer. Well, that was about two or three months ago. The other day, Liam went to the stairs and waved to something and said, "oh hi, Daisey!" Jon said that was pretty creepy, and then the next day Liam was in the dining room eating breakfast and I was in the bathroom doing my hair and I heard Liam say, "no, no, no Daisey. No, No". So we are pretty sure that my parent's cat is haunting our house.
Those are all the ones I can think of right now, but there are more. oh boy, are there more! When I think of some more I'll write them down. Because they say that you forget if they aren't written down. Which is so true!
Mosher Clan!

Friday, February 6, 2015
Three Months in ONE!
Well, there is a ton to catch up on!
December was great! We had a ton of fun, for a whole family of sick people! Jon had five weeks off between semesters, and he was sick for most of them! As was Liam, and then Duncan, and then Me. It was not the best Christmas we've ever had. But we still managed to have a ton of fun. We did our Christmas Tradition of putting up the Christmas Tree! And that was difficult in of itself, because Liam wanted to play with it for a month! We were constantly telling him not to touch the tree, or touch the ornaments, or play with the lights. Then we went on our Christmas Hayride through the Layton Park to see the lights! We had a really fun time! Then Christmas Eve, my parents left for England and Scotland to go visit my family over there for the holidays. The trip had originally started out as going to see my Aunty Mary because she was sick, but in September, she was going downhill and so my parents and two of my brothers went over to visit her and to say their last goodbye's. So the trip that was originally meant to see her turned into visiting the whole family. It was really hard not having Christmas with my parents. I cried a lot. As silly as that is, but it's true. So Christmas Eve we went to Grandma and Grandpa Mosher's home to have the traditional family party that night, and we had a fun time! Liam got a giant train set, and Duncan got a cute train that he can play with. Liam is very much into trains right now, trains, cars and airplanes! So he was thrilled to have gotten such a wonderful present! Then Christmas Morning we went over to Rod and Sheri's house for our traditional Christmas Breakfast. We had a fun time with family opening presents and spending time together. Then afterward, we came home and I had put a roast in the oven earlier that morning, and so that was cooking and smelling delicious. Because my parents were gone, we didn't have the traditional Christmas Dinner at my parents house, so it was very odd indeed. But Barb and Patrick came over and ate dinner with us and got to spend time with the boys.
January was crazy! After Winter Break, the kids came back to school and had two weeks to put on Aladdin Jr. It was a rough couple of weeks, and we had quite the little diva moment from one of the girls, and then Brittany and I got yelled at by a parent- which was my first time! I was more excited than I probably should have been- and we had some wonderfully sweet moments with the kids. It was rough, because they aren't used to how strict I am with things, and so it was definitely a learning experience for me, because I have to teach them differently than SJH.
Duncan also had his 9 month appointment Dec. 31, and it didn't go very well. When Duncan was 6 months he weighed 15.10 and at his 9 month appointment he weighed 15.11- so he had only gained an ounce in three months. I was shocked and taken aback, because he loves to nurse, and eat, and he loves table food. So I was told that I needed to take him back in February so that I could do a weight check. The doctor said apart from his weight that he looked great! He was happy and healthy, just small. I left the appointment in tears though, because I felt like I had failed him somehow. I had started working out more and eating less, but still eating what I had been told were enough calories to keep up my milk supply and that's the only thing that had changed in those three months. I was pretty beat up about it, and I was blaming myself for Duncan lack of weight gain. So, I started eating more calories and drinking about 50oz more water in the day, and really trying to make sure that I could keep up my milk supply for him. His appointment wasn't until February, but I took him in two weeks in to see if what I was doing was working and he had gained TWO pounds! I was so happy, and felt a little less guilty.
I also went to Theatre Conference and attended some really fun workshops, and then went to the fantastic keynote speaker of Frank Wildhorn. He had brought four of his friends to do a mini concert for us of songs from his shows. It was wonderful, and I love him!
Then we started a new semester and started the audition process for SJH's Once on This Island! I am so excited to work with Kallee and Alyn again. I love these women, they are wonderful. We cast the show and I'm excited to see how these kids grow and learn!
My parents also celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary! How wonderful is that? It is such a huge accomplishment and I am so grateful that I get to have their example in my life of how to be a good wife and create a happy home and marriage.
Now we are to this month! It's been a crazy couple of weeks! After finishing up auditions at SJH, I went right into auditions at NDJH. It's been a crazy busy, and exhausting two weeks! But we cast the show tonight and I'm excited to work with these kids as well. My schedule is going to be so packed full for the next couple of months, but that's the way I love it! I'm to the point where I wish Duncan would take a bottle or a cup, just so that I don't have to worry about having to be there to nurse him, because that's gotten to be difficult managing my time so that I can nurse him and then go to rehearsal. It'll be easier now that auditions are done, but these two weeks have been hard. He is a very demanding child though and he knows that I have got the goods for him, so he refuses anything other than me. Except table food. This kid has got quite the appetite for everything!
Life is also crazy, because back in December my dad got the diagnosis of prostate cancer. So because my mom is my caretaker, we've had to do some juggling, because there are days that she has to take him to doctor appointments and so I've had to figure out what to do with my kids. Thankfully, Alyn and Brittany are totally understanding so if I have to bring one or both of them then they are ok with that. Because I will make about at much as Jon would while working, we had discussed Jon quitting his job so that he could go to school and then watch the boys for me so that we could relieve my mom of that responsibility, but when Jon went to give his two weeks, his boss was very understanding and said that they were willing to be flexible with whatever Jon needed to do and that even if Jon needed to take a couple months off then they would be willing to work with him. As hard as it has been to know that my daddy has cancer, we've all been blessed so much and there are so many tender mercies that have happened to us. I am so grateful for all of the blessings that we've been given. So when I absolutely need Jon, he is able to be there for me, and mum still is able to watch the boys. I am so lucky to have such wonderful family that support me in what I love doing. People have asked how I'm doing with my dad's diagnosis and all I can tell them is that I'm trying to stay positive, because it's happening regardless, and I might as well have a good attitude about it.
Well, that's the past couple months in a nutshell!
December was great! We had a ton of fun, for a whole family of sick people! Jon had five weeks off between semesters, and he was sick for most of them! As was Liam, and then Duncan, and then Me. It was not the best Christmas we've ever had. But we still managed to have a ton of fun. We did our Christmas Tradition of putting up the Christmas Tree! And that was difficult in of itself, because Liam wanted to play with it for a month! We were constantly telling him not to touch the tree, or touch the ornaments, or play with the lights. Then we went on our Christmas Hayride through the Layton Park to see the lights! We had a really fun time! Then Christmas Eve, my parents left for England and Scotland to go visit my family over there for the holidays. The trip had originally started out as going to see my Aunty Mary because she was sick, but in September, she was going downhill and so my parents and two of my brothers went over to visit her and to say their last goodbye's. So the trip that was originally meant to see her turned into visiting the whole family. It was really hard not having Christmas with my parents. I cried a lot. As silly as that is, but it's true. So Christmas Eve we went to Grandma and Grandpa Mosher's home to have the traditional family party that night, and we had a fun time! Liam got a giant train set, and Duncan got a cute train that he can play with. Liam is very much into trains right now, trains, cars and airplanes! So he was thrilled to have gotten such a wonderful present! Then Christmas Morning we went over to Rod and Sheri's house for our traditional Christmas Breakfast. We had a fun time with family opening presents and spending time together. Then afterward, we came home and I had put a roast in the oven earlier that morning, and so that was cooking and smelling delicious. Because my parents were gone, we didn't have the traditional Christmas Dinner at my parents house, so it was very odd indeed. But Barb and Patrick came over and ate dinner with us and got to spend time with the boys.
January was crazy! After Winter Break, the kids came back to school and had two weeks to put on Aladdin Jr. It was a rough couple of weeks, and we had quite the little diva moment from one of the girls, and then Brittany and I got yelled at by a parent- which was my first time! I was more excited than I probably should have been- and we had some wonderfully sweet moments with the kids. It was rough, because they aren't used to how strict I am with things, and so it was definitely a learning experience for me, because I have to teach them differently than SJH.
Duncan also had his 9 month appointment Dec. 31, and it didn't go very well. When Duncan was 6 months he weighed 15.10 and at his 9 month appointment he weighed 15.11- so he had only gained an ounce in three months. I was shocked and taken aback, because he loves to nurse, and eat, and he loves table food. So I was told that I needed to take him back in February so that I could do a weight check. The doctor said apart from his weight that he looked great! He was happy and healthy, just small. I left the appointment in tears though, because I felt like I had failed him somehow. I had started working out more and eating less, but still eating what I had been told were enough calories to keep up my milk supply and that's the only thing that had changed in those three months. I was pretty beat up about it, and I was blaming myself for Duncan lack of weight gain. So, I started eating more calories and drinking about 50oz more water in the day, and really trying to make sure that I could keep up my milk supply for him. His appointment wasn't until February, but I took him in two weeks in to see if what I was doing was working and he had gained TWO pounds! I was so happy, and felt a little less guilty.
I also went to Theatre Conference and attended some really fun workshops, and then went to the fantastic keynote speaker of Frank Wildhorn. He had brought four of his friends to do a mini concert for us of songs from his shows. It was wonderful, and I love him!
Then we started a new semester and started the audition process for SJH's Once on This Island! I am so excited to work with Kallee and Alyn again. I love these women, they are wonderful. We cast the show and I'm excited to see how these kids grow and learn!
My parents also celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary! How wonderful is that? It is such a huge accomplishment and I am so grateful that I get to have their example in my life of how to be a good wife and create a happy home and marriage.
Now we are to this month! It's been a crazy couple of weeks! After finishing up auditions at SJH, I went right into auditions at NDJH. It's been a crazy busy, and exhausting two weeks! But we cast the show tonight and I'm excited to work with these kids as well. My schedule is going to be so packed full for the next couple of months, but that's the way I love it! I'm to the point where I wish Duncan would take a bottle or a cup, just so that I don't have to worry about having to be there to nurse him, because that's gotten to be difficult managing my time so that I can nurse him and then go to rehearsal. It'll be easier now that auditions are done, but these two weeks have been hard. He is a very demanding child though and he knows that I have got the goods for him, so he refuses anything other than me. Except table food. This kid has got quite the appetite for everything!
Life is also crazy, because back in December my dad got the diagnosis of prostate cancer. So because my mom is my caretaker, we've had to do some juggling, because there are days that she has to take him to doctor appointments and so I've had to figure out what to do with my kids. Thankfully, Alyn and Brittany are totally understanding so if I have to bring one or both of them then they are ok with that. Because I will make about at much as Jon would while working, we had discussed Jon quitting his job so that he could go to school and then watch the boys for me so that we could relieve my mom of that responsibility, but when Jon went to give his two weeks, his boss was very understanding and said that they were willing to be flexible with whatever Jon needed to do and that even if Jon needed to take a couple months off then they would be willing to work with him. As hard as it has been to know that my daddy has cancer, we've all been blessed so much and there are so many tender mercies that have happened to us. I am so grateful for all of the blessings that we've been given. So when I absolutely need Jon, he is able to be there for me, and mum still is able to watch the boys. I am so lucky to have such wonderful family that support me in what I love doing. People have asked how I'm doing with my dad's diagnosis and all I can tell them is that I'm trying to stay positive, because it's happening regardless, and I might as well have a good attitude about it.
Well, that's the past couple months in a nutshell!
This was right when Duncan was starting to stand. Now he's a total pro and has even walked two steps! |
Liam helping make dinner! |
We took Liam on Frontrunner and we went to Ogden to the Train Depot! He loved it! |
Liam on one of the Trains |
My boys both love the Piano! |
This does not happen very often, so I had to get photographic evidence of it. |
We had a very special visitor!! Uncle Matt came to visit the boys during his break from School in Denver. Liam was so excited to see him when he walked through the door! |
All of us back together again! |
Like father, like son! |
The best place to nap when you're sick is your mothers bed. |
Liam wasn't too into taking pictures, and so this was us with Duncan on Christmas Eve |
Christmas Morning! |
Christmas Night. It had been a long day! |
Two sick boys hanging out on the couch with the quilt Grandma Mosher made! |
How can you not fall in love with this face? |
The boys playing with one of their Christmas Presents! |
Liam is a lefty! |
Right after the New Year! |
My parents brought a kilt back from Scotland that they had purchased just for Liam and Duncan. And when Liam grows out of it, Duncan will get to wear it! |
See. He eats all the time. |
Alyn and I at Theatre Conference! |
Some of the kids at Theatre Conference |
Our whole group at Theatre Conference |
This is the present that I got for my parents anniversary. It's a canvas collage of our family photo's. |
This chair was actually a present for Liam but Duncan took over it. |
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