Well, Jon and I had a meeting with our Bishop and we have been given speaking assignments for this upcoming Sunday. Our topic: How Daily Scripture Reading Blesses Our Lives. I have been super nervous all week now in preparation for this Sunday. Jon mentioned today that he didn't know why because I'm a really good speaker, and I just laughed and told him that I really am not a very good speaker. I am a good writer and can present my thoughts and idea's more eloquently with my written works. I am an actress and not even a great one at that, I suck at ad libbing and I always stick to the script! I can recite words well, if they are written out for me, but I am by no means, a good speaker. So I wrote down an outline yesterday and started working on the easy part, which is going to be my favorite part: our introductions! I love that I am the wife and get to introduce us! And then today, Jon and I went to the temple to do the names for Ed Scriven that we've been meaning to do for ages!! It was so cool, as we were in the session I felt the baby move more strongly than I have ever felt so far. I've been able to feel little movement every once in awhile but this was the first time that it was super noticeable, and it came at a very powerful part. And it made me think about how cool it is that even in my tummy my baby can feel the spirit. After the session, Jon and I were famished and so we went to the Temple Cafeteria and ate their yummy food! Honestly, that's one of the best parts of going to the temple, not just the sessions and all of that stuff, but temple food is probably the best food I've ever eaten!! And those who know me know that I am a VERY picky eater!!
After the temple we came home and Jon went downstairs and I stayed in the kitchen just thinking about the topic, then I started writing and writing and writing, and soon I had finished my talk. I'm nervous out of my mind but I am very excited to be speaking for our new ward. We love it here so much! Everyone is kind and considerate and so friendly, I never want to leave.
Living in our own home has been pretty fun, it's fun getting into a schedule; and with Jon going to school every day and I only go MWF I've gotten into cleaning on Tuesdays and Thursday's while Jon is at school. That way when he comes home he can relax and we can do homework or play for the rest of the day. We have started going grocery shopping for ourselves which is easier said than done and we always seem to forget something, even if I have written a list. But I guess it'll just take time. Pantomime is adjusting well, although I have to admit she's somewhat annoying half the time. I'll be doing my hair and she'll want to come into the bathroom, so I'll let her in and then the door will shut and then she'll cry and want to get out and so I'll open the door and let her out, and then she just sits there and cries til I let her in again. And I'm thinking to myself, "you silly cat, just make up your mind!" she's still being naughty and jumping up onto the kitchen counter but with the enforcer of the water gun she's slowly getting rid of the habit. This morning, I heard a weird noise coming from the baby's room and so I walked in there and she was climbing up the carpet that we have on the wall (yes there is carpet on the wall). She's like a little ninja cat! The other funny thing she does is she'll jump to the step just before the landing and she'll crouch there as if to hide. She's not hiding but I'm pretty sure she thinks she is... Overall things are going really well, school is awesome for both of us, although I'm pretty sure there has been a bug going around the teachers cause we've gotten emails all on different days saying that class was cancelled because a teacher was sick... So I'm hoping I don't get whatever is going on, because I have me and my little one to keep healthy.
Mosher Clan!

Thursday, January 26, 2012
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
The Move
Well, Jon and I are in our new house! It's not new, but it feels like it, with nice new paint and carpet! We got mostly everything moved in on Saturday, and then Sunday we just rested because we were pooped from moving everything the day before, and then Monday my mother and sister came over and helped us unpack and clean. They are totally heavensent, there were things that I wouldn't have even known how to do if it hadn't been for them!
Pantomime took the move a lot better than we expected. When we moved Daisey into our Syracuse house she went missing for about three weeks cause she was so scared. Pantomime was only missing for a day. She explored all of Saturday night into Sunday morning and then when we got home from church on Sunday and were finally relaxing she was laying next to us in bed under the covers, just curled up and sleeping soundly. She stayed there for quite awhile too! She was very tired. She is having a fun time just exploring places, when we first brought her over she found the tiny crevasse in between the counter and the fridge and so being the silly cat that she is, she wriggled into it. And she got stuck, turned out she couldn't go forward or backward, dad laughed and then moved the fridge so he could help her out. She's such a crazy cat! But I love her! She is now sprawled out in the sunshine coming through the window. We still have some stuff to do, namely buy curtains... right now we have none... but that's ok!
So last Wednesday, I went to my doctors office for my appointment! And we got to have an ultrasound! And try as he might he couldn't determine what the sex of our baby is... I was very sad. But it was cool because the baby was moving and kicking and stuff and then it waved! Jon wasn't able to come to the appointment because we'd made it before we realized what time we would have classes and it was the day he had classes til really late! So my mum came with me to this appointment, but it was fun! We laughed while waiting because my mum and I are really good at that. Mum laughed at me later and told me that it wasn't waving but just swimming around and I told her that she was wrong! My baby knew I was watching it and was waving to me. She's probably right, but it was still really cool to see!!!
Well that's about it for now. Time for homework!
Pantomime took the move a lot better than we expected. When we moved Daisey into our Syracuse house she went missing for about three weeks cause she was so scared. Pantomime was only missing for a day. She explored all of Saturday night into Sunday morning and then when we got home from church on Sunday and were finally relaxing she was laying next to us in bed under the covers, just curled up and sleeping soundly. She stayed there for quite awhile too! She was very tired. She is having a fun time just exploring places, when we first brought her over she found the tiny crevasse in between the counter and the fridge and so being the silly cat that she is, she wriggled into it. And she got stuck, turned out she couldn't go forward or backward, dad laughed and then moved the fridge so he could help her out. She's such a crazy cat! But I love her! She is now sprawled out in the sunshine coming through the window. We still have some stuff to do, namely buy curtains... right now we have none... but that's ok!
So last Wednesday, I went to my doctors office for my appointment! And we got to have an ultrasound! And try as he might he couldn't determine what the sex of our baby is... I was very sad. But it was cool because the baby was moving and kicking and stuff and then it waved! Jon wasn't able to come to the appointment because we'd made it before we realized what time we would have classes and it was the day he had classes til really late! So my mum came with me to this appointment, but it was fun! We laughed while waiting because my mum and I are really good at that. Mum laughed at me later and told me that it wasn't waving but just swimming around and I told her that she was wrong! My baby knew I was watching it and was waving to me. She's probably right, but it was still really cool to see!!!
Well that's about it for now. Time for homework!
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Here We Go Again
Well, tomorrow is the start of a new semester for Jon and I! He is excited...me? not so much. I've never been a lover of school. But tomorrow I will start my Social Work Classes and Jon will be starting his Pre-Law/Law classes. I'm excited to start learning about what I am going to be doing in the future. That will be really fun!
This Christmas Break has been one heck of a break! We have been working hard for most of it, was sick for a part of it, and didn't even relax on Christmas because of all the family stuff we had to do! Starting next year Jon and I have decided that we are not going to go to everyone on Christmas Day, since this next year we will have our little one with us. I don't think it would be very fair for him/her to open a present, get excited about it and then have to put it away for us to trek him/her off to the next family. So starting this next year we will do one family Christmas Eve, one family Christmas Day and one family on Boxing Day and then alternate. Christmas day this year was so stressful for me I got physically sick and I was annoyed all day, which isn't fun for a day that is supposed to be happy. Jon was fine because he's done this his whole life, but for me: having had a military family where it was just us for most of the holidays we just have each other. And even though we were in Utah for all of my life and we do have family so close we always just spent it with each other. There was no way for us to see my mom's side as they were half way around the world. I don't like this whole having to spend time with three different families in one day. It's stressful and I feel like we were offending someone the whole day, so this next Christmas we won't do that.
The next thing is the house! Jon and I are going to be moving into my parents other house that my brother just moved out of. We went in and we ripped up carpet and padding, patched walls, repainted, took nasty crayon marks off the wall, bought new doors, painted the doors and new carpet is coming in tomorrow! We also cleaned out vents and just overall cleaned everything. Jon and I made our first big purchase as man and wife! We bought new couches! And we got them for a brilliant deal. We were very excited with the purchase as they had everything that Jon and I were looking for. He wanted a couch that had pillow backing so you can move them to be comfortable on and the ones I had seen I didn't like very much, but this couch it worked so nicely and it didn't look stupid. It's a very classy couch that both of us agreed on and we are very glad it worked out! After the carpet is in tomorrow, we will start moving what possessions we do have and start moving into our new home. For the past couple of weeks we have been going to church in the Snow Creek Ward, and we sure do love it! This was my very first ward when I moved back to the states and there are many wonderful people in this ward of whom I used to be very good friends. I feel like I'm coming home to this ward, and Jon felt so welcome by the wonderful members of the ward. There are definitely not a lot of wards that are quite that welcoming but this is most certainly one of them! Jon and I are very excited to start moving into our new little home! One thing that I must say is how incredibly grateful I am to my fabulous father, there really are not many men like him and I truly feel sorry for the people who have not had a dad as truly awe inspiring as him. He is honestly one of the best men that I can even think of, and as much as I love Jon already he has very huge shoes to fill, but that's why I chose him! Cause I know he can! But my daddy really is the best man that I know! He is always so supportive of anything that I have ever done, he has never told me that I am stupid for deciding to do something and he has never shown any judgement for a mistake that I've made. He has always wanted to help me and he has always been there for me, no matter what! And he is like this with all of my siblings and with our spouses. My dad just wants us to be happy and he wants us to succeed and he is willing to do ANYTHING to make that happen! He is so proud of Jon especially for going to school and even when Jon changes his mind because we've decided a different course, my father always shows excitement for whatever Jon chooses to do and he is always willing to help Jon achieve success. My dad has been a huge leader in this project, he has been a wonderful boss in the renovating of this house and he has never been brooding over anything, he tells us or shows us how to do it, and then he trusts us to do it on our own. It's been wonderful working with my daddy. The other people that I need to mention are my wonderful brother Timy and his fantastic fiancee Meagan! The amount of abounding love I have felt from them has been overwhelming in this renovation project. Meagan is here for her break and she has been such a hard worker for all of this! And Tim... wow... that really is all I can say. Tim has such initiative to know what needs to get done, come up with a plan and follow thru. Even though he's several years older than me, Timy is closest in age to me and I have just looked up to him my entire life. A lot of plans I made when I was younger was because of Timy. And I am so happy that he has found happiness in Meagan, she truly is his other half! And we all LOVE her to death! I am so excited for their upcoming wedding, even though it's still a little ways off, they just complement each other so well and it's really fun to see them together. I love them so much!
Jon and I were wanting to do institute for school but with us being at different campuses we would have to be in separate classes and I was so sad! Because I wanted to take institute with him. And then there was this wonderful alternative! A young married adults class every other Friday at the WSU-Davis campus! And what's better? Nothing, most would say, but for us, yes... it does indeed get better! It is taught by my cousin Scott Read and Jon's old seminary teacher who I wanted to take a class from all through high school but never got to Bro. Derek Crimin! To say I am excited would be an understatement! We had a wonderful lesson from Alma on Friday by Bro. Read and it was definitely a VERY fun date night! I am so excited to take this class with my husband! And it's for married peeps! So we aren't the weird married couple in the class like last semester... which was awkward...
One last thing that I got to do about a week ago, was sing for Video Games Live! It was such a fun, fun opportunity to sing for that!! I got to sing with my old Cadence group and so I was able to see so many old friends of mine from that choir!! We had so much fun together again! And I got to see my old choir director Dr. Steve Meredith, who I believe is probably one of the most AMAZING directors I've ever had the chance to work with! He really is amazing! We sang so many songs from lots of different video games. Such as Tetris, God of War, World of Warcraft, Advent Rising, Sonic, and lots of others but there really were just so many! The crowd was WILD!!! I don't think I've ever performed for a group quite like that one! It was seriously one of the funnest performances I've ever done! Jon and I made a night out of it too! We went to Tucano's (our favourite restaurant) and then we checked into a hotel for the night and then we went to the show, and afterward ordered pizza from The Pie which while eating I could feel my arteries clogging but I didn't care, after the show I was famished!! We also ended up spending $15 on a jug that had their fresh brewed root beer. And after Jon told me how much it was I told him it better be good for that price! And it actually really was, and we got to drink it well into the next day! We really did have a very fun time. But when we are together we always manage to do so anyway.
And one last thing I should mention is the fact that even though I am SO NOT a gamer, I do enjoy vintage video games on my super nintendo, and I can, in fact, whoop anybody in Donkey Kong Country for the SNES. And Jon convinced me to play Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars and so I did and we beat it in three days. It would have only been two but we were working on one of those days so I only played for about an hour... yeah... I'm a closet nerd, but that's why we love each other!
This Christmas Break has been one heck of a break! We have been working hard for most of it, was sick for a part of it, and didn't even relax on Christmas because of all the family stuff we had to do! Starting next year Jon and I have decided that we are not going to go to everyone on Christmas Day, since this next year we will have our little one with us. I don't think it would be very fair for him/her to open a present, get excited about it and then have to put it away for us to trek him/her off to the next family. So starting this next year we will do one family Christmas Eve, one family Christmas Day and one family on Boxing Day and then alternate. Christmas day this year was so stressful for me I got physically sick and I was annoyed all day, which isn't fun for a day that is supposed to be happy. Jon was fine because he's done this his whole life, but for me: having had a military family where it was just us for most of the holidays we just have each other. And even though we were in Utah for all of my life and we do have family so close we always just spent it with each other. There was no way for us to see my mom's side as they were half way around the world. I don't like this whole having to spend time with three different families in one day. It's stressful and I feel like we were offending someone the whole day, so this next Christmas we won't do that.
The next thing is the house! Jon and I are going to be moving into my parents other house that my brother just moved out of. We went in and we ripped up carpet and padding, patched walls, repainted, took nasty crayon marks off the wall, bought new doors, painted the doors and new carpet is coming in tomorrow! We also cleaned out vents and just overall cleaned everything. Jon and I made our first big purchase as man and wife! We bought new couches! And we got them for a brilliant deal. We were very excited with the purchase as they had everything that Jon and I were looking for. He wanted a couch that had pillow backing so you can move them to be comfortable on and the ones I had seen I didn't like very much, but this couch it worked so nicely and it didn't look stupid. It's a very classy couch that both of us agreed on and we are very glad it worked out! After the carpet is in tomorrow, we will start moving what possessions we do have and start moving into our new home. For the past couple of weeks we have been going to church in the Snow Creek Ward, and we sure do love it! This was my very first ward when I moved back to the states and there are many wonderful people in this ward of whom I used to be very good friends. I feel like I'm coming home to this ward, and Jon felt so welcome by the wonderful members of the ward. There are definitely not a lot of wards that are quite that welcoming but this is most certainly one of them! Jon and I are very excited to start moving into our new little home! One thing that I must say is how incredibly grateful I am to my fabulous father, there really are not many men like him and I truly feel sorry for the people who have not had a dad as truly awe inspiring as him. He is honestly one of the best men that I can even think of, and as much as I love Jon already he has very huge shoes to fill, but that's why I chose him! Cause I know he can! But my daddy really is the best man that I know! He is always so supportive of anything that I have ever done, he has never told me that I am stupid for deciding to do something and he has never shown any judgement for a mistake that I've made. He has always wanted to help me and he has always been there for me, no matter what! And he is like this with all of my siblings and with our spouses. My dad just wants us to be happy and he wants us to succeed and he is willing to do ANYTHING to make that happen! He is so proud of Jon especially for going to school and even when Jon changes his mind because we've decided a different course, my father always shows excitement for whatever Jon chooses to do and he is always willing to help Jon achieve success. My dad has been a huge leader in this project, he has been a wonderful boss in the renovating of this house and he has never been brooding over anything, he tells us or shows us how to do it, and then he trusts us to do it on our own. It's been wonderful working with my daddy. The other people that I need to mention are my wonderful brother Timy and his fantastic fiancee Meagan! The amount of abounding love I have felt from them has been overwhelming in this renovation project. Meagan is here for her break and she has been such a hard worker for all of this! And Tim... wow... that really is all I can say. Tim has such initiative to know what needs to get done, come up with a plan and follow thru. Even though he's several years older than me, Timy is closest in age to me and I have just looked up to him my entire life. A lot of plans I made when I was younger was because of Timy. And I am so happy that he has found happiness in Meagan, she truly is his other half! And we all LOVE her to death! I am so excited for their upcoming wedding, even though it's still a little ways off, they just complement each other so well and it's really fun to see them together. I love them so much!
Jon and I were wanting to do institute for school but with us being at different campuses we would have to be in separate classes and I was so sad! Because I wanted to take institute with him. And then there was this wonderful alternative! A young married adults class every other Friday at the WSU-Davis campus! And what's better? Nothing, most would say, but for us, yes... it does indeed get better! It is taught by my cousin Scott Read and Jon's old seminary teacher who I wanted to take a class from all through high school but never got to Bro. Derek Crimin! To say I am excited would be an understatement! We had a wonderful lesson from Alma on Friday by Bro. Read and it was definitely a VERY fun date night! I am so excited to take this class with my husband! And it's for married peeps! So we aren't the weird married couple in the class like last semester... which was awkward...
One last thing that I got to do about a week ago, was sing for Video Games Live! It was such a fun, fun opportunity to sing for that!! I got to sing with my old Cadence group and so I was able to see so many old friends of mine from that choir!! We had so much fun together again! And I got to see my old choir director Dr. Steve Meredith, who I believe is probably one of the most AMAZING directors I've ever had the chance to work with! He really is amazing! We sang so many songs from lots of different video games. Such as Tetris, God of War, World of Warcraft, Advent Rising, Sonic, and lots of others but there really were just so many! The crowd was WILD!!! I don't think I've ever performed for a group quite like that one! It was seriously one of the funnest performances I've ever done! Jon and I made a night out of it too! We went to Tucano's (our favourite restaurant) and then we checked into a hotel for the night and then we went to the show, and afterward ordered pizza from The Pie which while eating I could feel my arteries clogging but I didn't care, after the show I was famished!! We also ended up spending $15 on a jug that had their fresh brewed root beer. And after Jon told me how much it was I told him it better be good for that price! And it actually really was, and we got to drink it well into the next day! We really did have a very fun time. But when we are together we always manage to do so anyway.
The sign showing us the way in Abravanel Hall (which was extremely confusing!!)
Video Games Live Choir (There are girls kneeling on the front row, then a blonde in the second row in their window and then I am right above her)
On stage with the full orchestra for our rehearsal. If you could see I am on the front row four people in from the right of the picture. During the performance the camera panned over me and 2600 people saw me singing! Jon told me that he couldn't find me and then when that happened he knew where I was!

And one last thing I should mention is the fact that even though I am SO NOT a gamer, I do enjoy vintage video games on my super nintendo, and I can, in fact, whoop anybody in Donkey Kong Country for the SNES. And Jon convinced me to play Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars and so I did and we beat it in three days. It would have only been two but we were working on one of those days so I only played for about an hour... yeah... I'm a closet nerd, but that's why we love each other!
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