So, because I am pregnant I am supposed to get a dental checkup and cleaning otherwise there are problems that could occur with the baby, namely: low birthweight (although with it coming out of a tiny space anyway, I don't see how that's THAT big of a problem. I kid! I kid!!), preterm labor, heart problems... and the list goes on. Just if I don't have my teeth checked! Teeth hold quite the importance in our lives. So after putting it off for about three months, Jon finally made me set up an appointment. I knew that I was going to have at least one cavity because I could feel it, but I hadn't been to the dentist for YEARS! I think the last time was right before my senior year, and I've been graduated for 4 years now. I can't even remember when it was because it was so long ago! Anyway, so I finally set up this appointment with Dr. Jeremy Godderidge, and this would be my very first appointment with him as my childhood dentist doesn't practice anymore. So my mum came and picked me up because Jon was at school, and we go to his office. I was having slight panic attacks on our way in, but we went in and I sat down and filled out the paperwork and then waited. Well, I was called back and they had me sit down and we did the x-rays so they could see my teeth. The dental assistant cleaned my teeth and then Dr. Godderidge came in, immediately I liked him! He was so nice, and personable and he joked around me, not in an annoying way, but in a good way. And I really felt comfortable with him, sometimes there are those dentists/doctors that you just don't want to touch you, but he was really awesome. So he looked at my teeth and then he tells me that he's gonna tell the assistant some numbers, and I know what that means! So he starts naming off numbers and I know that those are teeth that I have cavities in. After every number I would whimper a little bit and he would laugh and tell me to stop cause I was making him feel bad, and I told him that maybe if he felt bad he would stop telling her numbers. But he continued. And I had a total of 6 cavities. Not exactly what I was wanting to hear.... most of them were little, except one where my old filling had cracked and let in the cavity. He went through all of it with me and explained what needed to be done and then he said that I could come back three times and have them done one at a time and I just gave him "the look" of derision, and he laughed and said, "I know, why come back several times when you just have to come once." and I smiled and told him that that was more like it; because, let's face it, I was not going to go three different times when I didn't even want to be there in the first place. So we planned for me to have one visit and he would fill all of them.
So today.... was the day..... I went to the dentist to get my teeth filled, and he was really nice, he gave me lots of topical numbingness stuff so I didn't even feel the Novocaine shots, well except one that kind of hurt but it wasn't his fault. And so, then I was there for the next hour and half, he worked fast, and got everything done really quickly, but efficiently. I really liked him as my dentist. I never want to go to the dentist again, just cause I hate it, but if I have to I am definitely going back to him. So if you are in need of a dentist go to Dr. Jeremy Godderidge in Syracuse Utah, he's totally awesome, nice, and a really good dentist! He makes the most unpleasant experience bearable. After the dentist, I looked and felt like a chipmunk, and when I smiled I looked like I was having a stroke because only one side of my face would move... I got home and Jon laughed at me when I tried to pucker to kiss him cause only one half of my upper lip reacted.
Anyway, that was my experience at the dentist... one I hope to never have again, because I hate the dentist (occupation-not person).
Mosher Clan!

Thursday, March 29, 2012
Monday, March 26, 2012
The Newest Swear Word...
So all throughout my life there have been different instances where certain words have become swear words or insults.
Possibly one of the worst words imaginable in the English language and whatever other language it translates to. Here is why:
1. January 11, 2012: we had our appointment with our OB/GYN and we were supposed to find out the sex of our child, I ended up being a week too early at 15 weeks. So the sex could not be determined at that time.
2. February 10, 2012: Another doctor visit- another ultrasound. Sex is still not able to be determined due to my child being in a breech position. Therefore, the legs were very tightly shut and there was no way around them.
3. February 22, 2012: I was scheduled for the "big ultrasound" with the ultrasound technician. I show up with a full bladder like I am supposed to, and she goes through the anatomy of the child and shows us everything. My baby decided to be modest and keep its legs up for the whole first session. She tried everything she could to make it move, but to no avail.
4. February 22, 2012: The Ultrasound Tech makes me go give my urine sample, hoping that by me emptying my bladder we will be able to get a closer look at the baby, or that it will move for us. My sweet, stubborn, unborn child decided to keep its legs up for the second half of the ultrasound and the tech said that she couldn't determine what the sex was. We ended the session.
5. February 22, 2012: I met with my OB/GYN a half hour later for my check up and told him that the Ultrasound Tech still couldn't determine the sex, so we go and he checks the baby again. In the half hour between appointments, my baby turned breech and so its legs were again: tightly shut.
6. March 23, 2012: I am now 26 weeks pregnant, and we go in for our latest appointment. Dr. Hall, once again, takes us to get an ultrasound to determine sex. And what would you know, it decides to keep its legs up again. I finally asked Dr. Hall if there could be something wrong with our baby's legs, because it seems to keep them up a lot. And he told me that as long as I feel the kicks, then there is nothing wrong with them. So our child is just extremely stubborn.
Jon and I went to Target to register for baby items, but it's extremely difficult when half the aisle is blue and half the aisle is pink and there is a little, itty bitty, tiny, minute section that may be green or yellow. I am so tired of looking at Gender Neutral. It's become almost comical now, it's like our child is mocking us now. My mum makes gorgeous sweaters, but she's been doing one of each colour now, because we don't know what it is. And the ones we don't use will most likely be donated to charity, but still. My poor mother is having to make two of every sweater she does. It's becoming rather annoying. At this point, I am six months pregnant and only have three months left of this pregnancy. And our next appointment is in April, actually on Rachel's birthday, so I invited her to the ultrasound for part of her birthday, and hopefully she will be good luck and the baby will reveal itself for Auntie Rachel. We'll see... fingers crossed. If we don't find out, I am just going to resign myself to the fact that we won't know til the baby is born.
To my days in Slovitzia with Austin, Dallin, Travis and Mitch with "Diphthongs" and "Uncultured Swine"; and my good friend Emilie with, "Cheese and Crackers" and "Pineapple"; also, we mustn't forget this one "What the Holy Chalupa" and "Chalupa Sagrada". And then ultimately, "What the Dallin?" which is still used and loved to this day. My new swear word is now:
Gender Neutral
Possibly one of the worst words imaginable in the English language and whatever other language it translates to. Here is why:
1. January 11, 2012: we had our appointment with our OB/GYN and we were supposed to find out the sex of our child, I ended up being a week too early at 15 weeks. So the sex could not be determined at that time.
2. February 10, 2012: Another doctor visit- another ultrasound. Sex is still not able to be determined due to my child being in a breech position. Therefore, the legs were very tightly shut and there was no way around them.
3. February 22, 2012: I was scheduled for the "big ultrasound" with the ultrasound technician. I show up with a full bladder like I am supposed to, and she goes through the anatomy of the child and shows us everything. My baby decided to be modest and keep its legs up for the whole first session. She tried everything she could to make it move, but to no avail.
4. February 22, 2012: The Ultrasound Tech makes me go give my urine sample, hoping that by me emptying my bladder we will be able to get a closer look at the baby, or that it will move for us. My sweet, stubborn, unborn child decided to keep its legs up for the second half of the ultrasound and the tech said that she couldn't determine what the sex was. We ended the session.
5. February 22, 2012: I met with my OB/GYN a half hour later for my check up and told him that the Ultrasound Tech still couldn't determine the sex, so we go and he checks the baby again. In the half hour between appointments, my baby turned breech and so its legs were again: tightly shut.
6. March 23, 2012: I am now 26 weeks pregnant, and we go in for our latest appointment. Dr. Hall, once again, takes us to get an ultrasound to determine sex. And what would you know, it decides to keep its legs up again. I finally asked Dr. Hall if there could be something wrong with our baby's legs, because it seems to keep them up a lot. And he told me that as long as I feel the kicks, then there is nothing wrong with them. So our child is just extremely stubborn.
Jon and I went to Target to register for baby items, but it's extremely difficult when half the aisle is blue and half the aisle is pink and there is a little, itty bitty, tiny, minute section that may be green or yellow. I am so tired of looking at Gender Neutral. It's become almost comical now, it's like our child is mocking us now. My mum makes gorgeous sweaters, but she's been doing one of each colour now, because we don't know what it is. And the ones we don't use will most likely be donated to charity, but still. My poor mother is having to make two of every sweater she does. It's becoming rather annoying. At this point, I am six months pregnant and only have three months left of this pregnancy. And our next appointment is in April, actually on Rachel's birthday, so I invited her to the ultrasound for part of her birthday, and hopefully she will be good luck and the baby will reveal itself for Auntie Rachel. We'll see... fingers crossed. If we don't find out, I am just going to resign myself to the fact that we won't know til the baby is born.
Gender Neutral.... you suck.... and I hate you. Sincerely, me!
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
One Year!!
So as of March 18, 2012 Jon and I have been married for a year!! I look back on this past year and the math adds up but the memories don't. It just doesn't feel like it has been a year! I remember so much from that day, and even looking back on it, I just can't believe that it has been a whole year!!
We decided that since we really didn't have much of a honeymoon and because we are expecting our baby in July that we would plan a little getaway as a anniversary trip/babymoon. We booked a trip to Las Vegas for this past weekend. And on Friday Jon left early in the morning and I had to stay til later because I had a group project to present. So I dropped Jon off at the airport at 5:30 in the morning and then drove home and took a nap til school. Then after school, I drove home and my mum picked me up and she took me to the airport. My poor sweetheart had to wait in the Vegas airport while I finished up everything I had to in Utah.
So I get to the airport and I finally get on my flight and was on my way to Vegas. I got there after an hour and met up with Jon, we went to the shuttle and was met with this rude shuttle driver who was a jerk. Then we got to our hotel and got our room number and found out that among the four or five elevators (oh wait, they were called "inclinators" because we stayed at the Luxor and it was in the shape of a pyramid, and so the "inclinators" went at a 45 degree angle rather than just going up) the only one that went up to our floor was one of them. So we got on this inclinator and we went to floor 17, and then we had to go all the way around the building to finally find our room. We then went into our room and got all of our luggage sorted, and then we went down into the hotel but we also were tired because even though I had had a slight nap, Jon hadn't slept since 5:00 that morning when we had woken up for him to get to the airport. So we ended up deciding not to do anything that night and instead we just went upstairs and relaxed. We ended up falling asleep and then woke up the next morning. That's how tired we were!
Saturday we went down and purchased tickets for 'Tournament of Kings' and 'Menopause: The Musical', and we also got tickets to the Titanic Exhibit and the Bodies Exhibit. So we went to Titanic and walked through that, it was really interesting to see all of the different aspects of that ship! We were each given a person to go through with and then at the end we would be able to see if our person lived or not. I was given a woman named Madeleine Astor who was the wife of one of the wealthiest men in the US at the time. She was only 18 when she married her husband and they had gone on an extended honeymoon to Europe. But they got on the Titanic to go back to New York when they found out that she was 5 months pregnant. She ended up living after the ship went down but her husband was killed. Jon's person was someone who was named Dahl, he was in the third class on the ship and was coming to the US to be with his family, and he also lived. Jon and I were pretty excited that we had lived and that both of us hadn't died.
Later that day we went to the Tournament of Kings which was so much fun! We had the best tomato soup/bisque, and then they brought out our yummy food. We had to eat with our fingers though, that wasn't so much fun for me, but it was extremely fun to be there! We sat by another couple whose wedding anniversary was the same day as ours only theirs was 15 years ago. It was really fun to talk to them.
After Tournament of Kings, Jon and I had to rush to the other hotel so that we could go to Menopause: The Musical, and holy chalupa, it was so funny! There were some jokes that kind of went over my head but it was really funny. One of the performers was Paige O'Hara who was the Original Belle in Beauty and the Beast (the cartoon, not musical). It wasn't the most brilliant musical, but there were definitely some funny moments! We were laughing pretty hard at some songs.
We then went upstairs and went to bed, and then the next day was our Anniversary!! A whole year! (smiles!) So we got up and got ready and then we went and bought an all day pass to the buffet and ate our hearts out! I think I gained the weight my doctor wants now, tee hee! And then we went to the Bodies Exhibit! It was sooooo cool! I was loving it, to see how incredible our bodies are makes me definitely have a stronger testimony of my Heavenly Father. There is no way that there isn't intelligent design after seeing how intricate and perfect our bodies are put together! Then later that night we went on a ghost tour, we had to go to a different hotel to meet for the tour; and so after we found out that the hotel was three miles away and decided that there was no way I was going to walk that far in Vegas at night being pregnant, we tried our luck with a cab. So we told our cab driver where we wanted to go, and he ended up taking us to the wrong place after telling us he knew where we were going. So then finally he takes us to the right place after we told him he had taken us to the wrong place. He then took us to the right place but didn't take any of the money that was accumulated off of the tab. I was so annoyed. So we paid and then got out of the cab. We were able to split the cab ride back to our hotel with some friends who were staying at the same hotel that we met at the ghost tour. We had a really fun night for our anniversary.
The next day, was the day that we were finally going to leave! Jon and I were so excited to leave Sin City. We didn't realize how stupid it was for us to go during a time when it was going over two different Spring Breaks and St. Patricks Day. There were so many drunk people, some people were getting drunk at 10 in the morning! I was just in shock! But we finally came home and were able to sleep in our own bed. Pantomime seemed very happy that we were home. And it was wonderful to sleep in our own home and have our own kitty with us.
It was fun to go on a little holiday with each other, and just spend some time together. But I highly doubt that we will ever go to Las Vegas again. In fact, the only reason we would go to Vegas is if we absolutely had to stop there for gas on our way to California. We learned our lesson, and next time we will just stay at Anniversary Inn for the weekend. But next year we will have a baby, so we will probably just go to dinner next year. Either way, we are good. Jon and I realized that we are homebodies and that going to places doesn't really appeal to us as much as being home. Unless it's Disneyland, I could LIVE in Disneyland. Welp... that's about all for now.
We decided that since we really didn't have much of a honeymoon and because we are expecting our baby in July that we would plan a little getaway as a anniversary trip/babymoon. We booked a trip to Las Vegas for this past weekend. And on Friday Jon left early in the morning and I had to stay til later because I had a group project to present. So I dropped Jon off at the airport at 5:30 in the morning and then drove home and took a nap til school. Then after school, I drove home and my mum picked me up and she took me to the airport. My poor sweetheart had to wait in the Vegas airport while I finished up everything I had to in Utah.
So I get to the airport and I finally get on my flight and was on my way to Vegas. I got there after an hour and met up with Jon, we went to the shuttle and was met with this rude shuttle driver who was a jerk. Then we got to our hotel and got our room number and found out that among the four or five elevators (oh wait, they were called "inclinators" because we stayed at the Luxor and it was in the shape of a pyramid, and so the "inclinators" went at a 45 degree angle rather than just going up) the only one that went up to our floor was one of them. So we got on this inclinator and we went to floor 17, and then we had to go all the way around the building to finally find our room. We then went into our room and got all of our luggage sorted, and then we went down into the hotel but we also were tired because even though I had had a slight nap, Jon hadn't slept since 5:00 that morning when we had woken up for him to get to the airport. So we ended up deciding not to do anything that night and instead we just went upstairs and relaxed. We ended up falling asleep and then woke up the next morning. That's how tired we were!
Saturday we went down and purchased tickets for 'Tournament of Kings' and 'Menopause: The Musical', and we also got tickets to the Titanic Exhibit and the Bodies Exhibit. So we went to Titanic and walked through that, it was really interesting to see all of the different aspects of that ship! We were each given a person to go through with and then at the end we would be able to see if our person lived or not. I was given a woman named Madeleine Astor who was the wife of one of the wealthiest men in the US at the time. She was only 18 when she married her husband and they had gone on an extended honeymoon to Europe. But they got on the Titanic to go back to New York when they found out that she was 5 months pregnant. She ended up living after the ship went down but her husband was killed. Jon's person was someone who was named Dahl, he was in the third class on the ship and was coming to the US to be with his family, and he also lived. Jon and I were pretty excited that we had lived and that both of us hadn't died.
Later that day we went to the Tournament of Kings which was so much fun! We had the best tomato soup/bisque, and then they brought out our yummy food. We had to eat with our fingers though, that wasn't so much fun for me, but it was extremely fun to be there! We sat by another couple whose wedding anniversary was the same day as ours only theirs was 15 years ago. It was really fun to talk to them.
After Tournament of Kings, Jon and I had to rush to the other hotel so that we could go to Menopause: The Musical, and holy chalupa, it was so funny! There were some jokes that kind of went over my head but it was really funny. One of the performers was Paige O'Hara who was the Original Belle in Beauty and the Beast (the cartoon, not musical). It wasn't the most brilliant musical, but there were definitely some funny moments! We were laughing pretty hard at some songs.
We then went upstairs and went to bed, and then the next day was our Anniversary!! A whole year! (smiles!) So we got up and got ready and then we went and bought an all day pass to the buffet and ate our hearts out! I think I gained the weight my doctor wants now, tee hee! And then we went to the Bodies Exhibit! It was sooooo cool! I was loving it, to see how incredible our bodies are makes me definitely have a stronger testimony of my Heavenly Father. There is no way that there isn't intelligent design after seeing how intricate and perfect our bodies are put together! Then later that night we went on a ghost tour, we had to go to a different hotel to meet for the tour; and so after we found out that the hotel was three miles away and decided that there was no way I was going to walk that far in Vegas at night being pregnant, we tried our luck with a cab. So we told our cab driver where we wanted to go, and he ended up taking us to the wrong place after telling us he knew where we were going. So then finally he takes us to the right place after we told him he had taken us to the wrong place. He then took us to the right place but didn't take any of the money that was accumulated off of the tab. I was so annoyed. So we paid and then got out of the cab. We were able to split the cab ride back to our hotel with some friends who were staying at the same hotel that we met at the ghost tour. We had a really fun night for our anniversary.
The next day, was the day that we were finally going to leave! Jon and I were so excited to leave Sin City. We didn't realize how stupid it was for us to go during a time when it was going over two different Spring Breaks and St. Patricks Day. There were so many drunk people, some people were getting drunk at 10 in the morning! I was just in shock! But we finally came home and were able to sleep in our own bed. Pantomime seemed very happy that we were home. And it was wonderful to sleep in our own home and have our own kitty with us.
It was fun to go on a little holiday with each other, and just spend some time together. But I highly doubt that we will ever go to Las Vegas again. In fact, the only reason we would go to Vegas is if we absolutely had to stop there for gas on our way to California. We learned our lesson, and next time we will just stay at Anniversary Inn for the weekend. But next year we will have a baby, so we will probably just go to dinner next year. Either way, we are good. Jon and I realized that we are homebodies and that going to places doesn't really appeal to us as much as being home. Unless it's Disneyland, I could LIVE in Disneyland. Welp... that's about all for now.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Silly Kitty!
Ok, so I haven't blogged for... a really long time! I don't like to blog unless I have either something important or something funny to write about.
Well... the other day, something funny happened.
Our good friend Dallin came over to our house and we hung out and then we went to a movie that night, well when we got home it was really late and so Dallin left and then Jon and I got ready for bed. Well, while brushing my teeth, Pantomime was right next to me the entire time in the hallway bathroom. Jon and I were laying in bed relaxing before going to sleep, and I could hear scratching in our bathroom, so I told Pantomime that she needed to stop. And the scratching stopped for a minute. And then, it started up again. So, again, I told her to cut it out, or I would come in there. Usually that's when she would stop and come out of the bathroom and lay down by me. But she still didn't do anything except still scratching at whatever she was scratching at.
So I finally get up and go into the bathroom to get her out. Well, in our bathroom, this is the only place in our house where our vent is uncovered, because it was just so broken when we moved in and so we just took it out and were going to buy another one when we got all moved in. Well... I go into the bathroom, and Pantomime is not in there... at least that I could see. But I could still hear the scratching. And I looked down at the uncovered heating vent and realized that that was where the scratching was coming from. So I called out her name and she meowed for me... from the heating vent. I called for Jon and I was hyperventilating, not knowing how we were going to get her out. She obviously couldn't go any further and she couldn't back up, and she was just stuck. I didn't know how we were going to get her out! And so Jon came into the bathroom and asked what was wrong and I couldn't even tell him! I just pointed to the vent and he asked if Pantomime was down there and I just nodded my head. And he reached in and grabbed her tail, and started pulling her out; finally he could grab her legs and he was able to pull her out of the heating vent hole.
We know it had to have hurt though because it was such an awkward angle. But there wasn't much choice, Jon pulled her all the way out and she was gray, that's how dirty she was. And so we took her straight to the hallway bathroom and ran the bath, until the water was up enough she just clung to me and she was shaking. So I finally was able to put her in the tub, and started washing her off, and she just sat there and let the water run over her. She's never been so complacent for a bath. But after shampooing her I looked at the water before rinsing her off, and because of how dirty the vent was, the water was this nasty brownish-black colour. So we drained the tub and filled it up again, and then she was starting to get a little annoyed, but she still stayed pretty calm while I finished shampooing her and then conditioning her. Then we put her in a towel and got her somewhat dried off; we also clipped her nails, cause we figured she was annoyed with us enough already.
After that Jon and I went to bed, and Pantomime came up and laid down next to us. And she smelled SOO awesome!! It was just a bummer that we had to go through the traumatizing event to get her to smell that good.
Well... the other day, something funny happened.
Our good friend Dallin came over to our house and we hung out and then we went to a movie that night, well when we got home it was really late and so Dallin left and then Jon and I got ready for bed. Well, while brushing my teeth, Pantomime was right next to me the entire time in the hallway bathroom. Jon and I were laying in bed relaxing before going to sleep, and I could hear scratching in our bathroom, so I told Pantomime that she needed to stop. And the scratching stopped for a minute. And then, it started up again. So, again, I told her to cut it out, or I would come in there. Usually that's when she would stop and come out of the bathroom and lay down by me. But she still didn't do anything except still scratching at whatever she was scratching at.
So I finally get up and go into the bathroom to get her out. Well, in our bathroom, this is the only place in our house where our vent is uncovered, because it was just so broken when we moved in and so we just took it out and were going to buy another one when we got all moved in. Well... I go into the bathroom, and Pantomime is not in there... at least that I could see. But I could still hear the scratching. And I looked down at the uncovered heating vent and realized that that was where the scratching was coming from. So I called out her name and she meowed for me... from the heating vent. I called for Jon and I was hyperventilating, not knowing how we were going to get her out. She obviously couldn't go any further and she couldn't back up, and she was just stuck. I didn't know how we were going to get her out! And so Jon came into the bathroom and asked what was wrong and I couldn't even tell him! I just pointed to the vent and he asked if Pantomime was down there and I just nodded my head. And he reached in and grabbed her tail, and started pulling her out; finally he could grab her legs and he was able to pull her out of the heating vent hole.
We know it had to have hurt though because it was such an awkward angle. But there wasn't much choice, Jon pulled her all the way out and she was gray, that's how dirty she was. And so we took her straight to the hallway bathroom and ran the bath, until the water was up enough she just clung to me and she was shaking. So I finally was able to put her in the tub, and started washing her off, and she just sat there and let the water run over her. She's never been so complacent for a bath. But after shampooing her I looked at the water before rinsing her off, and because of how dirty the vent was, the water was this nasty brownish-black colour. So we drained the tub and filled it up again, and then she was starting to get a little annoyed, but she still stayed pretty calm while I finished shampooing her and then conditioning her. Then we put her in a towel and got her somewhat dried off; we also clipped her nails, cause we figured she was annoyed with us enough already.
After that Jon and I went to bed, and Pantomime came up and laid down next to us. And she smelled SOO awesome!! It was just a bummer that we had to go through the traumatizing event to get her to smell that good.
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