Such a busy week!
Since getting married, Christmas has become the most stressful time of the year. Not the events leading up to it, but the 24th and 25th are super stressful because of how much family that we have. Coming from a family where we spent the whole day with one another, all of a sudden having four families to please was dropped on me. We've gotten into a pretty good system though that I have been pleased with, that doesn't completely overwhelm Liam. Christmas Eve Morning we have breakfast with Jon's mother, then that night we have the Christmas Eve party with the Mosher Family- usually at Grandma and Grandpa Mosher's house, but this year it was at Pam and Mike's house; then we go to Rod and Sheri's and open up our jammies. Jon, Liam and I went home after that and then put Liam to bed, then Christmas Morning, Liam slept in! It was a wonderful Christmas Present! We opened up our stockings and presents and then we went over to Rod and Sheri's house for Christmas Morning breakfast. Liam was showered with presents over there too, and he happily played and jumped around and ran as fast as he could. Then it was time to go over to my parents house, so we packed up the toys and presents and we went to my parents house. We opened up presents and then waited patiently for dinner to be prepared; Liam promptly went down for an almost 5 hour nap, the kid was really stimulated and finally crashed. We had our traditional roast beef with yorkshire pudding, and it was delicious! After dinner we talked and then Jon and I went to see Frozen while mum watched Liam. Jon and I really enjoyed the show and I am excited to see it again!
The new baby is doing really well! I had my appointment today with my new OB: Dr. Johnson. He is really nice, and I feel completely comfortable with him. I still miss Dr. Hall, but what can ya do? I am grateful that I was able to find someone that I feel will do as good of a job as Dr. Hall. He did an ultrasound today to check the baby's kidneys and thankfully, he said that they look really good! Also, my fluid is up! Prayers work wonders. Not a day goes by that I haven't prayed for the safety of this baby and for my fluid to be at a level that will help the baby grow healthily. I also had to do my gestational diabetes screening this morning. I dislike that glucose drink, that stuff is nasty! I chugged that sugary syrup down as fast as I could and promptly had to stop myself from vomiting it all up. Thank goodness this is my last baby, so that's the last time I'll have to drink that stuff. Then I drove to my appointment and got my blood drawn.
Liam had a bout of sickness over the weekend. The poor little kid was so sick! Saturday night his fever was so high that heat was just radiating off of his body. We decided to have him sleep in his diaper that night in hopes that he wouldn't overheat. Sunday Morning came and his head was still really hot, but his body had cooled off considerably. My poor baby, it's no fun having a sick child, but the only perk that we have was that he wanted to snuggle more. His teeth were hurting, because he has his bottom molars coming in, and his incisors. But later Sunday night, he was so much better and he was no longer running a fever at all. Liam has recently loved taking out his blocks and putting them back in to the box that they come in. He's become quite the happy helper! He also has learned how to use that smile of his to his advantage. Today, he came over and grabbed something that he wasn't supposed to and so Jon and I both said no at the same time- what does Liam do? Continue to do what he's doing, only smiling that cheesy smile of his. How can you get mad at that smile? You can't. And he knows that. And he loves the power.
intermission: Hey this is Jon, I just wanna say that my wife is an amazing women, and I love her very much. It brings me the utmost joy to be sitting here with here, binging on 24, that I ever thought was conceivable. Thanks sweety pie!! I love you, and back to Brittney....
Mosher Clan!

Monday, December 30, 2013
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Exhaustion at its Finest!
Well, I officially became the worst mother in the world on Tuesday! Liam had an older heater in his room, because his room is always cold. Usually, when he wakes up in the morning, I would turn off the heater and then we would go and eat breakfast. I shut the door so that he can't get in there while the heater cools off. After breakfast this day, I went into his room so that I could get his laundry basket so I could wash his clothes. He followed me in and everything happened so fast, but he managed to put his hand on the heater. I grabbed him as fast as I realized what just happened. I looked at his palm, where I thought the burn would be, and it was fine. I was so relieved! Until, I realized that it was not the palm of his hand that had been burnt, but his middle finger knuckle. I took him to the kitchen and ran his hand under water and prayed that it wouldn't be a horrible burn. Jon had gotten up by this point in time and I explained what had happened. Jon looked at his fingers and it didn't look too bad at first. So, I finished running his hand under the water and then patted his hand dry. Later, we were sitting in the living room as Liam was playing happily. He came over to us and I looked at his hand again, and to my horror, not only was his middle finger blistered, but part of his ring finger, the knuckle, and a tiny dot on his pointer finger. I just broke into tears. My baby had such a bad burn, and I felt like it was all my fault because I hadn't realized he'd come into the room with me. Jon went to the store and got an antiseptic/burn spray, and when he got home we sprayed that on Liam's burn. Then we wrapped his fingers in band-aids, and I cried some more. Miraculously, he's not been acting like he's in pain, or has been favouring his hand at all; it really is, as though it's not been affecting him. Small blessings, probably more for my sake than his. Wednesday he managed to break one of the blisters, and even then was still not crying from pain or anything from the burn. It's been almost a week and his burn looks much better, even though it still doesn't look great. Yeah... I've been beating myself up about this all week. We got rid of the heater that had been in his room and got a different heater that my mum had bought me, but was at her house, that is electric and doesn't have the ability to burn my baby.
Then, after Liam's nap on Wednesday, I walked in to quite the terrifying sight. Liam's leg was over his crib side and he was trying to push himself up so he could climb out. Jon and I decided that that was probably a sign that it was time to move him out of his crib into his bed. We took down his crib and moved it into the new baby's room, I vacuumed really quick before we moved his desk to where his crib was. And then, it was time for Liam's bedtime. That first night was rough... Liam was such a good sleeper in his crib, I guess I was hoping that it would be a breeze getting him to sleep in his bed. That first night, I put him in his bed and then left, and he followed me out into the living room. So, I put him back in his bed, and he again, followed me out into the living room. So then I finally stayed in his room with him and scratched his back, and tickled his arm, and caressed his face and played with his hair. It took three hours, but eventually he started dozing off enough that I could leave. But that was short lived, he woke up two and a half hours later, and I had to go back into his room so that I could calm him down again. Each night has gotten progressively easier, but it's still a difficult process. Tonight, I only had to stay with Liam for less than an hour before I left, he fussed for about twenty minutes and then he managed to fall asleep on his own. It amazes me how fast he's growing up! It was a year ago that he crawled for the first time, and now he is a busy 17 month old.
This month has been a bittersweet one, at the beginning of the month I had my doctors appointment with Dr. Hall, which then ended up with me going to the hospital to meet with the perinatal specialist. I was also told at that appointment that Dr. Hall was going to be retiring at the end of the month and that he wanted to see me one last time before he retired. So, I went to my last appointment with him on the 16th; I switched to a new doctor, was given my glucose drink for next time, and Dr. Hall gave me a hug before I left, and I made my next appointment. As soon as I got out into the parking lot, I started tearing up. Dr. Hall has set such a high standard of care and he was the reason why I didn't have to have a C-Section after such a long labor, he was so caring and he is the one I attribute credit to saving Liam's life when he was born, and keeping me calm during the whole process. I love that man and I am truly devastated that he is not going to be my delivery doctor. But, I am excited for him, for the new chapter of his life that he is entering now. Dr. Johnson, the new doctor, that I chose has equally good reviews and I've heard nothing but wonderful things about him; and upon my making my appointment with him with the receptionist told me that he was very good. So I am happy with my decision... even though it means not having Dr. Hall as my delivery doctor. That night, I did have a dream that I went into labor during a showing of Aladdin (remembering that Dr. Hall's granddaughter attends SJH and is in the drama department) and Dr. Hall got to deliver our new baby anyway. But, I highly doubt that'll happen because Aladdin opens weeks after my due date.
I feel like this month has whizzed on by. Christmas is in four days! How fun holidays are with our little one! I know that he is excited to open his presents! He's been eying the presents under the tree for quite some time now. Every day he'll bring me a present and every day we have to put it back under the tree. I am so excited for Christmas Morning and for him to open up his presents!
Then, after Liam's nap on Wednesday, I walked in to quite the terrifying sight. Liam's leg was over his crib side and he was trying to push himself up so he could climb out. Jon and I decided that that was probably a sign that it was time to move him out of his crib into his bed. We took down his crib and moved it into the new baby's room, I vacuumed really quick before we moved his desk to where his crib was. And then, it was time for Liam's bedtime. That first night was rough... Liam was such a good sleeper in his crib, I guess I was hoping that it would be a breeze getting him to sleep in his bed. That first night, I put him in his bed and then left, and he followed me out into the living room. So, I put him back in his bed, and he again, followed me out into the living room. So then I finally stayed in his room with him and scratched his back, and tickled his arm, and caressed his face and played with his hair. It took three hours, but eventually he started dozing off enough that I could leave. But that was short lived, he woke up two and a half hours later, and I had to go back into his room so that I could calm him down again. Each night has gotten progressively easier, but it's still a difficult process. Tonight, I only had to stay with Liam for less than an hour before I left, he fussed for about twenty minutes and then he managed to fall asleep on his own. It amazes me how fast he's growing up! It was a year ago that he crawled for the first time, and now he is a busy 17 month old.
This month has been a bittersweet one, at the beginning of the month I had my doctors appointment with Dr. Hall, which then ended up with me going to the hospital to meet with the perinatal specialist. I was also told at that appointment that Dr. Hall was going to be retiring at the end of the month and that he wanted to see me one last time before he retired. So, I went to my last appointment with him on the 16th; I switched to a new doctor, was given my glucose drink for next time, and Dr. Hall gave me a hug before I left, and I made my next appointment. As soon as I got out into the parking lot, I started tearing up. Dr. Hall has set such a high standard of care and he was the reason why I didn't have to have a C-Section after such a long labor, he was so caring and he is the one I attribute credit to saving Liam's life when he was born, and keeping me calm during the whole process. I love that man and I am truly devastated that he is not going to be my delivery doctor. But, I am excited for him, for the new chapter of his life that he is entering now. Dr. Johnson, the new doctor, that I chose has equally good reviews and I've heard nothing but wonderful things about him; and upon my making my appointment with him with the receptionist told me that he was very good. So I am happy with my decision... even though it means not having Dr. Hall as my delivery doctor. That night, I did have a dream that I went into labor during a showing of Aladdin (remembering that Dr. Hall's granddaughter attends SJH and is in the drama department) and Dr. Hall got to deliver our new baby anyway. But, I highly doubt that'll happen because Aladdin opens weeks after my due date.
I feel like this month has whizzed on by. Christmas is in four days! How fun holidays are with our little one! I know that he is excited to open his presents! He's been eying the presents under the tree for quite some time now. Every day he'll bring me a present and every day we have to put it back under the tree. I am so excited for Christmas Morning and for him to open up his presents!
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Well.... We did it, we sent our baby into Nursery! He loved every minute of it! He played with toys, colored a picture, and sat happily with one of his leaders during the lesson.
I cannot believe my baby is growing up as fast as he is. I was beaming and close to bawling all day today.
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
The Year Update on Postpartum Depression
As we are close to finishing out the year, I want to give an update on how life has been for me this year! It is with a smiling face and a happy heart that I can say that I have overcome the Postpartum Depression. I don't think I ever fully explained what had happened; I don't want to go too much into detail but basically, the birth control (an IUD) that I had chosen had caused my hormones to go completely out of whack. I dealt with the postpartum depression for about 8 months by the time that I had it taken out. The reason for me getting it taken out was not because of the emotional side-effects but because of the physical ones. I had developed extreme discomfort and would cramp so bad that I could barely function in daily activities, most days all I could handle was curling into the fetal position and crying.
Within the week of getting my IUD out, my cramping went away entirely, and within the month I felt so much lighter emotionally. Everything changed! My perspective on everything became better, especially on myself. For months, I had dealt with the thoughts and feelings that I was not worth much. I had dealt with the feelings that Liam and Jon's life would be better off without me; and that I was not important to my baby and husband. It was a really hard thing to go through life feeling like that for months on end. At the end of the month that I got my IUD taken out, I went to my doctor and he felt confident in taking me off of my anti-depressants.
The next couple months were still slightly hazy, because my body was recovering from having the anti-depressants in my system as well as phasing out the extra hormones that came from the IUD. But by May, I was feeling so much more like my old self! It was wonderful to not have to worry about whether or not I was going to wake up depressed, or if I was going to have those horrible feelings about myself. There were and are times where there are things that are said that push those horrible thoughts to the forefront of my mind, and I will have a down day. But those are few and far between, and I feel more confidant in talking to Jon about when these times happen and venting to him and allowing him to comfort and help me. This past year has been a crazy learning curve, and as much as I never want to go through postpartum depression again, I am glad that I had to endure the bad. It has made everything so much more sweet and made me realize that I really do have a divine destiny. My role as a mother and wife is of utmost importance and I would not give up this gift for anything.
Looking back on this year, I have learned so much, and I have grown spiritually and temporally.
Update on Liam:
Within the week of getting my IUD out, my cramping went away entirely, and within the month I felt so much lighter emotionally. Everything changed! My perspective on everything became better, especially on myself. For months, I had dealt with the thoughts and feelings that I was not worth much. I had dealt with the feelings that Liam and Jon's life would be better off without me; and that I was not important to my baby and husband. It was a really hard thing to go through life feeling like that for months on end. At the end of the month that I got my IUD taken out, I went to my doctor and he felt confident in taking me off of my anti-depressants.
The next couple months were still slightly hazy, because my body was recovering from having the anti-depressants in my system as well as phasing out the extra hormones that came from the IUD. But by May, I was feeling so much more like my old self! It was wonderful to not have to worry about whether or not I was going to wake up depressed, or if I was going to have those horrible feelings about myself. There were and are times where there are things that are said that push those horrible thoughts to the forefront of my mind, and I will have a down day. But those are few and far between, and I feel more confidant in talking to Jon about when these times happen and venting to him and allowing him to comfort and help me. This past year has been a crazy learning curve, and as much as I never want to go through postpartum depression again, I am glad that I had to endure the bad. It has made everything so much more sweet and made me realize that I really do have a divine destiny. My role as a mother and wife is of utmost importance and I would not give up this gift for anything.
Looking back on this year, I have learned so much, and I have grown spiritually and temporally.
Update on Liam:
- He has two speeds- asleep and running
- He is starting to make animal sounds- he does monkey, snake, owl and will click his tongue.
- He follows hand gestures pretty well. We do a routine where we will go "clap, clap, clap, UP!" and when we say up we make the touchdown sign. He also is getting good at blowing kisses, and he loves playing peek-a-boo.
- He loves to climb up and down stairs and open doors.
- He loves food. Any and all. Eating is one of his absolute favorite things to do. He loves PB&J sandwiches, tomato soup with toasted cheese sandwiches, ham, turkey, steak, eggs, sausage and basically any food that we are eating he will happily gobble down.
- He has several teeth now- after me fretting about him not having many teeth it was like we went from 0 to 10 almost 13 practically instantaneously.
- He knows how to use utensils- this came as a shock to us, we had gone to dinner to celebrate Jon getting a perfect score on his math test and we gave Liam a spoon and he started stabbing at the bread that we had given him, so we gave him a fork and he started using it! Shocking, but exciting at the same time.
- He knows what the potty is for- I am not pushing potty training, but the other day he was playing and he stopped and squatted and made that infamous face, and I told him that that was what his potty was for. So then the next thing I know he runs into the bathroom and sat on his toilet, diaper and pants still on and did his business. It's so funny to watch him figure things out. We'll see how things progress as far as toilet training. It's definitely a work in progress.
- He loves it when Jon chases him. He will squeal with delight and run down the hallway, then he will turn and chase us.
- He loves his movies, he is on a Mary Poppins and Ice Age kick right now. He has his own tv, and knows what buttons to push to turn on his movie.
- He is quite into dramatics. He is extremely good at being able to throw a tantrum when he doesn't get his way.
- He takes after his dad and is very good at pushing boundaries. Which is very frustrating at times, because even after I have told him no he will continue to do whatever it is that I have just denied until I punish him. Some things he will stop immediately because he knows it is not worth it, but other things... when I put him in time out, he laughs at me.
- He loves Peppa Pig! We watch it on Youtube all the time!
- He loves to play the piano, he will jump up onto the piano bench and pound on the keys. He'll also sing for me too!
- He also LOVES the Christmas tree and the lights and decorations!
- He gets to go into nursery NEXT WEEK!!!! I cannot express just how excited I am for him to go into Nursery and to get little friends and to play with other kids! I honestly cannot believe just how fast time has gone by! My little baby is no longer a baby and he's definitely becoming Jon's and my little man!
Friday, December 6, 2013
Low Fluid? What else is new?
I am feeling very blessed today.
On Wednesday, I had my anatomy scan to go through and check all of the baby's parts and make sure that it was developing the way it should be. We went through and saw that the baby had two kidneys, a four chamber heart, and two sides of the brain. As well as two arms and hands and two legs and feet. Everything was looking great for the growth of the baby... except one thing. My amniotic fluid was low. Now with Liam, I had this problem too; I guess my body just doesn't like to produce enough amniotic fluid. So, like with my pregnancy with Liam- I was sent up to McKay Dee Hospital to meet the perinatal specialist. I was diagnosed with oligohydramnios, or in common terms: low amniotic fluid. They didn't have an appointment open until yesterday morning at 10:30 am, and so they got me in as soon as they could. I was a little stressed out because my mother had jury duty and wouldn't be able to watch Liam, I thought Jon had work, and Sheri was busy til after 11 and I couldn't get a hold of anyone in my ward. I was telling Jon how stressed out I was becoming and he said that he didn't have work until much later in the day. I was so relieved! Now, all I had to worry about was bringing up my amniotic fluid. I read article after article online, which was probably both a bad and good thing because there were some people who had said that the mother needs to drink lots of water and stay hydrated- which I felt like I had been doing a pretty good job of, but I think I drank my whole body weight in water on Wednesday.
Thursday, I woke up and started to feel anxious all over again. I didn't want anything to be wrong with my baby. When I was pregnant with Liam, I had someone to go to the hospital with me so that I wouldn't be alone, this time I was all alone. Thankfully, I've done this before, so I knew more of what would happen. Knowledge is power. I made the drive up to McKay Dee and parked and then made my trek up to the fourth floor. So many memories flooded my mind as I walked to where the maternal fetal medicine section was. I passed where I was kept during recovery, and further down the hallway, I passed the window of the room that I labored in for 38 hours-part of me is wanting to request that same room when I give birth to this baby, and then I passed the doors of the NICU. I almost started crying as I thought of all the moments in there. I remembered making the trek to the NICU all by myself about a day after giving birth; I wanted to go see Liam, and Jon was asleep on the couch in our room, so I figured I could walk to the NICU by myself. What a stupid idea that was! I had lost so much blood during delivery and had been so weak from laboring and delivery that I really should have waited for Jon to wake up. I had to make several stops along the way, as the length to the NICU from my recovery room was a lot farther than I had originally assumed in my brain.
I got to maternal fetal medicine and checked in. I went back and they ran another ultrasound for me and checked the fluid levels. It was lower than normal and the baby's kidneys were holding on to extra fluid and so they were suspecting that there might be a blockage. I was scheduled for a follow up at 32 weeks to check levels again and the baby's kidneys to make sure that it has regulated itself. So, back to the hospital I go in February.... yay....
I am glad that everything, even though it isn't exactly what I would hope for, is ok. I'm glad that my baby is active and moving and that I can feel the movements! I am terrified and excited to be a mom of two. I am thankful that my life has gone in this direction, and I am so glad that I have my awesome husband by my side. He's pretty amazing!
On Wednesday, I had my anatomy scan to go through and check all of the baby's parts and make sure that it was developing the way it should be. We went through and saw that the baby had two kidneys, a four chamber heart, and two sides of the brain. As well as two arms and hands and two legs and feet. Everything was looking great for the growth of the baby... except one thing. My amniotic fluid was low. Now with Liam, I had this problem too; I guess my body just doesn't like to produce enough amniotic fluid. So, like with my pregnancy with Liam- I was sent up to McKay Dee Hospital to meet the perinatal specialist. I was diagnosed with oligohydramnios, or in common terms: low amniotic fluid. They didn't have an appointment open until yesterday morning at 10:30 am, and so they got me in as soon as they could. I was a little stressed out because my mother had jury duty and wouldn't be able to watch Liam, I thought Jon had work, and Sheri was busy til after 11 and I couldn't get a hold of anyone in my ward. I was telling Jon how stressed out I was becoming and he said that he didn't have work until much later in the day. I was so relieved! Now, all I had to worry about was bringing up my amniotic fluid. I read article after article online, which was probably both a bad and good thing because there were some people who had said that the mother needs to drink lots of water and stay hydrated- which I felt like I had been doing a pretty good job of, but I think I drank my whole body weight in water on Wednesday.
Thursday, I woke up and started to feel anxious all over again. I didn't want anything to be wrong with my baby. When I was pregnant with Liam, I had someone to go to the hospital with me so that I wouldn't be alone, this time I was all alone. Thankfully, I've done this before, so I knew more of what would happen. Knowledge is power. I made the drive up to McKay Dee and parked and then made my trek up to the fourth floor. So many memories flooded my mind as I walked to where the maternal fetal medicine section was. I passed where I was kept during recovery, and further down the hallway, I passed the window of the room that I labored in for 38 hours-part of me is wanting to request that same room when I give birth to this baby, and then I passed the doors of the NICU. I almost started crying as I thought of all the moments in there. I remembered making the trek to the NICU all by myself about a day after giving birth; I wanted to go see Liam, and Jon was asleep on the couch in our room, so I figured I could walk to the NICU by myself. What a stupid idea that was! I had lost so much blood during delivery and had been so weak from laboring and delivery that I really should have waited for Jon to wake up. I had to make several stops along the way, as the length to the NICU from my recovery room was a lot farther than I had originally assumed in my brain.
I got to maternal fetal medicine and checked in. I went back and they ran another ultrasound for me and checked the fluid levels. It was lower than normal and the baby's kidneys were holding on to extra fluid and so they were suspecting that there might be a blockage. I was scheduled for a follow up at 32 weeks to check levels again and the baby's kidneys to make sure that it has regulated itself. So, back to the hospital I go in February.... yay....
I am glad that everything, even though it isn't exactly what I would hope for, is ok. I'm glad that my baby is active and moving and that I can feel the movements! I am terrified and excited to be a mom of two. I am thankful that my life has gone in this direction, and I am so glad that I have my awesome husband by my side. He's pretty amazing!
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Post Thanksgiving Post!
Wow, what a busy and fun week!!
I wrote a post the night before Thanksgiving, and I am so glad I did because I feel like we haven't had time to take a break since then! All of my family-minus Paul and Andrea-were here for the holiday! It was a riot!
We had my oldest brother Carlos, his wife, Elise and four of their six children. Jacquie, Nate, Trevor and Christy. Liam had a blast with Christy, but I think Nate was his actual favorite of his cousins! When Nate was around, Liam followed him around like a little puppy dog- and Christy, who is 7, played so nicely with Liam and would talk to him like he actually understood what she was saying.
Then there was Stormy and Scot, and Richard and Janet. Then Timy and Meagan made it out with their four week old daughter, Nola. She was adorable! It was so good to finally meet her! I forgot how little new baby's are! When Jon and I were coming home one night, Jon mentioned how little Nola was and I reminded him that Liam was a pound smaller than she was, and he said, "how did I ever feel safe holding him?" I just laughed because when you have a toddler the size of Liam, seeing little baby's puts things in perspective! Although, looking at Nola, and looking at Meagan, you really wonder where the baby was hiding! Meagan looks fantastic for just giving birth a month ago!
Thanksgiving was a fun day! I was put in charge of cooking one of the turkeys for the family, and so I got up early on that morning so that I could dress the turkey and then put it in the oven. I was so afraid of not hearing my alarm, however, that I spent most of the night up and I wasn't really able to sleep. I got the turkey all ready and we headed over to my parents house. It was a fantastic meal, even though my mum was freaking out that we didn't have enough veggies for everyone, but there was plenty to go around and enough for leftovers! It was really fun to spend time with the family. Jon later had to go to work, and so Liam and I spent the rest of the day with my family. Liam had so much fun playing with Christy that I even let him stay up past his bedtime.
The next day was Friday, Jon had to work that day too, so he left for work in the morning and I was going to spend the day at home getting the house ready to put up Christmas. Liam and I moved the couches and cleaned up the random items that happen to find homes under couches. We vacuumed and then as I was moving my music, there was a spider that decided to make it's home among my sheets of music. When I saw the little devil, I did a basic jig and screamed getting away from it; Liam saw that as his opportunity to copy me and jumped up and down and screamed a couple times. After killing the spider, Liam and I danced some more to Christmas Music. After we had successfully moved the couches and adequately cleaned we went on a walk around the neighbourhood! We didn't do a very long walk because my belly was starting to get tired by this point in time. So we finished our walk and I had just put the stroller away when my dad called me and asked me to come over so that they could change the tires out in my van. So, that was perfect timing! I loaded Liam up into his carseat and we headed over to my parents house. Tim and Richard swapped out my tires while my dad was helping Carlos with stuff with the car that he and Elise had bought while out here. Tim and Richard came in and said that it was a good thing that they switched out tires because I had about a month or two left on them before I would have been in serious trouble! How grateful I am for family members who know how to perform car maintenance!!
Later that day we had our family Christmas Party! Something to know about my family: we throw awesome Christmas Parties! Timy is always the M.C. and we always do Let's Make A Deal themed parties. This year we had lots of bags that prizes were placed in, and the family was all seated while Timy was conducting, well, Liam, who had been watching 101 Dalmatians in the other room, strolled in and saw the bags. He grabbed one and started running off with it, so Tim had to stop him and offer him something else. Liam immediately dropped the bag and happily took what Tim offered him and ran back into his room to finish his movie. It was truly hilarious and I wish that I had been recording it!
Saturday was an extremely fun day! Jon didn't have work at all! So we got up and he brought up the Christmas Tree and we set that up, as well as our stockings that my mother made for us. We realized that our tree was a little bare last year and so we went to Big Lots and we got some lights and tinsel for the tree! We also bought Liam's presents and wrapped those upon arriving home and Liam taking a nap. We decorated our tree with lights (although they were deceptively too short to wrap around our whole tree...) and we put tinsel up and then I also put tinsel on the mantle where our stockings are. I vacuumed up the loose pines that had fallen off of our tree, and then we relaxed. Later that night we went to dinner with Jon's parents and little brothers. On our way there, I was a little concerned because every time I would brake there was a knocking noise that was coming from the passenger side tires. So after arriving to Rod and Sheri's I made a mental note of it, then we went to Costa Vida and it was still making that noise as I braked. I was starting to feel really uneasy about this knocking noise, and so after dinner whilst on our way back to Jon's parents the knocking was louder, so I had Jon call Sheri and tell them we were having issues as I called my parents to tell them about the problem. I got dad on the phone as I was heading down the road to their house and got to Syracuse Jr. High and dad told me to pull over and he'd be there in a minute. So we pulled into the parking lot, and soon enough my dad was there. He did a couple things first to the tires and then I asked if he would drive it back to their house so that he could hear the knocking. So I got in the car with my mom and dad got in my van and drove back to his house. We get there and I get out of my mom's car and Jon tells me that the noise didn't come when dad was driving. So I got in the car and dad and I went on a drive together. It only happened occasionally, but it wasn't consistent so dad told me to bring it on Monday and that he would look at it when it was light out.
We went back to the Mosher's house and had some ice cream while Liam played with Hayden and Connor. After finishing up our visit, we drove home and the knocking didn't happen again, but it's still a little unnerving to me. So I'm glad that dad will look at it tomorrow.
Overall, I feel as though it has been a very successful holiday/week! I am so thankful for all that Heavenly Father has blessed me with! I am so excited to start the Christmas Season! This will be Jon's and my fifth Christmas together. I was thinking about it today and realized that we've been together since 2009, right after Jon got home from his mission! It doesn't feel like it's been that long, but it has! This will be the fifth Christmas that we go on the hayride to see the Layton Lights, the second since having Liam! I am so glad that he and I have these traditions together. I wouldn't give them up for anything!
I wrote a post the night before Thanksgiving, and I am so glad I did because I feel like we haven't had time to take a break since then! All of my family-minus Paul and Andrea-were here for the holiday! It was a riot!
We had my oldest brother Carlos, his wife, Elise and four of their six children. Jacquie, Nate, Trevor and Christy. Liam had a blast with Christy, but I think Nate was his actual favorite of his cousins! When Nate was around, Liam followed him around like a little puppy dog- and Christy, who is 7, played so nicely with Liam and would talk to him like he actually understood what she was saying.
Then there was Stormy and Scot, and Richard and Janet. Then Timy and Meagan made it out with their four week old daughter, Nola. She was adorable! It was so good to finally meet her! I forgot how little new baby's are! When Jon and I were coming home one night, Jon mentioned how little Nola was and I reminded him that Liam was a pound smaller than she was, and he said, "how did I ever feel safe holding him?" I just laughed because when you have a toddler the size of Liam, seeing little baby's puts things in perspective! Although, looking at Nola, and looking at Meagan, you really wonder where the baby was hiding! Meagan looks fantastic for just giving birth a month ago!
Thanksgiving was a fun day! I was put in charge of cooking one of the turkeys for the family, and so I got up early on that morning so that I could dress the turkey and then put it in the oven. I was so afraid of not hearing my alarm, however, that I spent most of the night up and I wasn't really able to sleep. I got the turkey all ready and we headed over to my parents house. It was a fantastic meal, even though my mum was freaking out that we didn't have enough veggies for everyone, but there was plenty to go around and enough for leftovers! It was really fun to spend time with the family. Jon later had to go to work, and so Liam and I spent the rest of the day with my family. Liam had so much fun playing with Christy that I even let him stay up past his bedtime.
The next day was Friday, Jon had to work that day too, so he left for work in the morning and I was going to spend the day at home getting the house ready to put up Christmas. Liam and I moved the couches and cleaned up the random items that happen to find homes under couches. We vacuumed and then as I was moving my music, there was a spider that decided to make it's home among my sheets of music. When I saw the little devil, I did a basic jig and screamed getting away from it; Liam saw that as his opportunity to copy me and jumped up and down and screamed a couple times. After killing the spider, Liam and I danced some more to Christmas Music. After we had successfully moved the couches and adequately cleaned we went on a walk around the neighbourhood! We didn't do a very long walk because my belly was starting to get tired by this point in time. So we finished our walk and I had just put the stroller away when my dad called me and asked me to come over so that they could change the tires out in my van. So, that was perfect timing! I loaded Liam up into his carseat and we headed over to my parents house. Tim and Richard swapped out my tires while my dad was helping Carlos with stuff with the car that he and Elise had bought while out here. Tim and Richard came in and said that it was a good thing that they switched out tires because I had about a month or two left on them before I would have been in serious trouble! How grateful I am for family members who know how to perform car maintenance!!
Later that day we had our family Christmas Party! Something to know about my family: we throw awesome Christmas Parties! Timy is always the M.C. and we always do Let's Make A Deal themed parties. This year we had lots of bags that prizes were placed in, and the family was all seated while Timy was conducting, well, Liam, who had been watching 101 Dalmatians in the other room, strolled in and saw the bags. He grabbed one and started running off with it, so Tim had to stop him and offer him something else. Liam immediately dropped the bag and happily took what Tim offered him and ran back into his room to finish his movie. It was truly hilarious and I wish that I had been recording it!
Saturday was an extremely fun day! Jon didn't have work at all! So we got up and he brought up the Christmas Tree and we set that up, as well as our stockings that my mother made for us. We realized that our tree was a little bare last year and so we went to Big Lots and we got some lights and tinsel for the tree! We also bought Liam's presents and wrapped those upon arriving home and Liam taking a nap. We decorated our tree with lights (although they were deceptively too short to wrap around our whole tree...) and we put tinsel up and then I also put tinsel on the mantle where our stockings are. I vacuumed up the loose pines that had fallen off of our tree, and then we relaxed. Later that night we went to dinner with Jon's parents and little brothers. On our way there, I was a little concerned because every time I would brake there was a knocking noise that was coming from the passenger side tires. So after arriving to Rod and Sheri's I made a mental note of it, then we went to Costa Vida and it was still making that noise as I braked. I was starting to feel really uneasy about this knocking noise, and so after dinner whilst on our way back to Jon's parents the knocking was louder, so I had Jon call Sheri and tell them we were having issues as I called my parents to tell them about the problem. I got dad on the phone as I was heading down the road to their house and got to Syracuse Jr. High and dad told me to pull over and he'd be there in a minute. So we pulled into the parking lot, and soon enough my dad was there. He did a couple things first to the tires and then I asked if he would drive it back to their house so that he could hear the knocking. So I got in the car with my mom and dad got in my van and drove back to his house. We get there and I get out of my mom's car and Jon tells me that the noise didn't come when dad was driving. So I got in the car and dad and I went on a drive together. It only happened occasionally, but it wasn't consistent so dad told me to bring it on Monday and that he would look at it when it was light out.
We went back to the Mosher's house and had some ice cream while Liam played with Hayden and Connor. After finishing up our visit, we drove home and the knocking didn't happen again, but it's still a little unnerving to me. So I'm glad that dad will look at it tomorrow.
Overall, I feel as though it has been a very successful holiday/week! I am so thankful for all that Heavenly Father has blessed me with! I am so excited to start the Christmas Season! This will be Jon's and my fifth Christmas together. I was thinking about it today and realized that we've been together since 2009, right after Jon got home from his mission! It doesn't feel like it's been that long, but it has! This will be the fifth Christmas that we go on the hayride to see the Layton Lights, the second since having Liam! I am so glad that he and I have these traditions together. I wouldn't give them up for anything!
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