This too shall pass right?
Please tell me that this phase will pass....
Liam is turning two on Thursday, and it is very apparent that yes... he is in fact going to be two. Complete with the terrible two tantrums pretty much every day, over everything.
"Liam, please use your fork to eat your food not scrape the table."
"Liam, it's time to pick up your books"
"Liam, please don't sit on Duncan"
"Liam, it's time for bed"
Everything that this kid is asked to do, or told to do, or told to stop turns into an all out war. Holy Chalupa! Between him and Duncan being colic, there really isn't a time of day that is silent. I hear screaming constantly, whether it be from Liam throwing a fit or Duncan throwing a fit. I love my boys to death, I really do, but sometimes I want to just want to lock them in their rooms and take a breather. Today, I didn't even get a break with Liam, I put him down for his nap and instead of him taking a nap, he fussed and cried and screamed at me until I finally relented. I feel like my patience has grown exponentially with Liam, and then having Duncan be the colic child he is, makes me so grateful that I didn't have Duncan first. I know I've said it before, but God blessed me so much with Liam being our first. I could not have handled having a colicky baby while going through Postpartum Depression. I most definitely would have gone insane. Even now, hearing that constant screaming leaves ringing in my ears when they miraculously stop. I feel like a walking zombie most days trying to muddle through and get things done. I have so many people ask if I'm feeling ok and if I'm having the same "problem" as I did before, as if saying Postpartum Depression is a naughty word. Truth is, nope. I'm much better this time through. Exhausted, but that's to be expected, you know what Liam is like. I am able to get work done, even though it feels like it's NEVER done! I swear I cleaned my kitchen last week, and this week it looks like a hurricane blew through again. How does that even happen? Today, I cleaned my room and cleaned out a closet. Growing up, it never bothered me when my room wasn't clean, I'm becoming much more anal about my room and the constant flurry of clothes and Jon's endless number of socks was getting to me. It is most definitely not perfect, but I threw out two giant black garbage bags of crap and some boxes, and I have four or five bags to go to the DI now. It feels wonderful to dejunk your space and I honestly don't know how we've accumulated this much crap in our marriage. People! We've only been married three and a half years, and yet, we have so much stuff! I don't even know where half of it popped up!
I'm praying that Duncan will be my sweet toddler who will listen and follow directions and just be at my beck and call. Liam was such a sweet infant and then turned into a whirlwind of a toddler. Keeping this child contained is like an all out war, and I feel like I'm not even equipped to handle battle with him most days. I pick and choose what I will fight though, because honestly some things just aren't worth it. I've learned a lot in just two years of being a mom. This is seriously the hardest job I've ever done.
Mosher Clan!

Monday, June 30, 2014
Thursday, June 26, 2014
New Computer!
Well, I know that I will get in huge trouble if I don't let the whole
world know that I now have my own computer. Cool huh? Complete with a
27" monitor. I'm almost as cool as Jon now! Basically, there was some
super cool sale on some egg website (don't worry, I don't know what eggs
have to do with computers either!) but this computer was on sale for a
pretty good price. Jon told me about it and then asked if he could get
it for me. I said sure, not really thinking that he would really go
through with it. But he did. Apparently all the guys at work were
jealous, but in the end I am now typing on my brand new keyboard that
goes along with my very own computer. Who would have thought that I
would be the one to have my own desktop.
Lots of other things to report! My kids are cute and I love them! In fact, if Duncan wasn't cute I don't know what I would do. You see, Duncan is quite the demanding child. Much more so than my dear Mr. Liam. Duncan loves to be held and snuggled, which I love-don't get me wrong- but it's hard to do things when he constantly wants to be held. Jon got me a MOBY wrap for my birthday a couple weeks ago, and it has been a sanity saver! When Duncan gets fussy, I just wrap him up to me and he immediately falls asleep for quite awhile. I can do dishes, and I can vaccuum, and I can do all sorts of things that I couldn't do without it. It's amazing! The other day, Duncan was very colicky and I was holding him and nothing I was doing was working. I had to go to the bathroom, so I decided that if he was going to cry whilst I held him and cry when he was put down, I would go to the bathroom and pee in peace! Then, I went into the room that had been designated as his, and I was fueled with energy to get the room finished. Up until then it had two coats of blue on three of the walls and I had painted the top six inches grey. I knew I still wanted to do a strip on the bottom, but there was so much to do! So I got my handy dandy vacuum and I vacuumed up the dust and then I taped up the bottom and painted that and the door. Then I moved furniture around that had all been put in the middle while we had taken off wallpaper and that nasty wallpaper glue, and then I washed the sheets for the crib and I moved the changing table into the room from my room and then we switched out the dressers from Duncan's room and Liam's room and then we moved the glider into Duncan's room. Then I vacuumed and got it all nice and now Duncan has his very own room! It's wonderful! And I have my room all to myself now!
Updates on the Mosher's and the Mosherlings!
DUNCAN- two days shy of 3 months old:
LIAM- a week shy of 2 years old:
Lots of other things to report! My kids are cute and I love them! In fact, if Duncan wasn't cute I don't know what I would do. You see, Duncan is quite the demanding child. Much more so than my dear Mr. Liam. Duncan loves to be held and snuggled, which I love-don't get me wrong- but it's hard to do things when he constantly wants to be held. Jon got me a MOBY wrap for my birthday a couple weeks ago, and it has been a sanity saver! When Duncan gets fussy, I just wrap him up to me and he immediately falls asleep for quite awhile. I can do dishes, and I can vaccuum, and I can do all sorts of things that I couldn't do without it. It's amazing! The other day, Duncan was very colicky and I was holding him and nothing I was doing was working. I had to go to the bathroom, so I decided that if he was going to cry whilst I held him and cry when he was put down, I would go to the bathroom and pee in peace! Then, I went into the room that had been designated as his, and I was fueled with energy to get the room finished. Up until then it had two coats of blue on three of the walls and I had painted the top six inches grey. I knew I still wanted to do a strip on the bottom, but there was so much to do! So I got my handy dandy vacuum and I vacuumed up the dust and then I taped up the bottom and painted that and the door. Then I moved furniture around that had all been put in the middle while we had taken off wallpaper and that nasty wallpaper glue, and then I washed the sheets for the crib and I moved the changing table into the room from my room and then we switched out the dressers from Duncan's room and Liam's room and then we moved the glider into Duncan's room. Then I vacuumed and got it all nice and now Duncan has his very own room! It's wonderful! And I have my room all to myself now!
Updates on the Mosher's and the Mosherlings!
DUNCAN- two days shy of 3 months old:
- holds his head up really well and can push himself up on his arms while on tummy time
- Loves. His. Thumb! Seriously, this kid is hilarious. He rolled over a couple weeks ago for the first time and it wasn't because he wanted to... oh no... it was because he was trying to find his thumb and kept pushing his body over and then he just kind of flipped. The look on his face was priceless. I have tried to push the binky over the thumb, but it doesn't work out. He will spit out the binky and immediately go for his thumb
- We've gotten into a good routine with him, I feed him at about 9 or 9:30 pm and then he will sleep til 8 or 8:30 depending on how loud Liam is when he wakes up, then he stays up and will coo and giggle until around 1 when he gets a little cranky and he'll go down for a nap from 1-5pm. I'd forgotten how wonderful schedules are!
- He smiles and giggles so cutely! Oh my goodness, my heart just tingles when I hear his sweet little giggle
- He still has his blue eyes! So happy about that!
- His spitting up has gotten much better since I started eliminating things from my diet. I no longer drink milk or eat much cheese, nor do I drink caffeine, and I'm starting to eliminate bread out of my diet as well.
LIAM- a week shy of 2 years old:
- Liam turns two next week! We've kept him alive for two years! It makes me cry thinking about it
- His vocabulary is just blossoming. I was really nervous about it for a little bit, but he is just like a sponge and is just soaking up everything that we say and do!
- He has his very own chore chart, which I need to get better at enforcing every night.He is supposed to pick up his books, blocks and laundry. Most of the time he does a pretty good job when I ask him to
- He's getting much better at listening and following directions. He will stay closer to me and not run off all the time now. Today, I had to clean out my van so we could get it inspected and registered and he stayed by me almost the whole time. He only ran off once!
- He loves to go outside, and every time that my dad comes home he will run to him and make him pick him up and then point to outside. We got him a trampoline, and we are going to get him a swingset and I want to get one of those water tables for him to play with too.
- He is the sweetest little boy, who loves everyone! It's amazing to see him everywhere we go, he doesn't discriminate and he just loves everyone he sees. He's always willing to wave and say hello to anyone within earshot.
- He is always wanting to help mommy! It is so sweet, even when he's a little more of a hinder than a help, I am grateful for his willingness
- He is able to take care of himself... the other day at the park, this little girl who was about a head taller than him took the toy he was playing with- and without hesitation he full on ran after her and tackled her to the ground. This same day he randomly sat down in some guys lap and was getting comfortable until his child became quite distraught that he'd taken over her daddy. So... if any of my single friends want to borrow him to meet people, go for it!
- I know I'm missing more of his hilariousness but I'll write another post some time for him
- I'm getting better at this whole being a mom of two kids thing and being an awesome wife! I pack lunches for Jon. I'm so awesome!
- This month was kind of crazy: at my 6 week postpartum checkup I had to have a pap-smear done, what I wasn't anticipating was that it would come back abnormal. So my doctor wanted me to go in and have a colposcopy done. I researched it and discovered that it could be either nothing or it could be pre-cancerous cells that caused the abnormality. After officially freaking myself out, lots of prayers, fasting and a Priesthood Blessing I went in to have a colposcopy done. There was some inflammation and so my doctor did two biopsies to send to the lab to have more testing done on. Thankfully, a week later, I got a call back saying that it wasn't pre-cancerous and that it was just an infection that could easily be cleared up. So yay for not having cancer!
- Last week I cleaned my kitchen, living room, dining room, got a bag ready to go to the DI, Duncan's room, Liam's room and the basement! Unfortunately life was lived and my kitchen, dining room and living room are now a mess again. I feel like I'm always cleaning something
- I am getting ready to do some small renovations in the house. Basically making it more aesthetically appealing! I am going to be painting my bathroom a light blue and sanding down the cabinets from the brown that they are and painting them a lighter colour, and I'll be doing the same to the cabinets in the kitchen and doing some work in there. I also am going to be doing some more work in my bedroom, I've found a nice bedroom bed set that I am going to get to update my bedroom a little more
- Like I said earlier I've had to give up several foods because I'm nursing. Through trial and error I've discovered that some things cause Duncan to have tummy issues- such as dairy and caffeine... so many things have milk and life is hardly bearable on tough days without my diet coke with lime. But nursing is so important to me and I would cut out anything to make sure that I could still do it
- Jon and I had a date night without our children! Holy cow, it was so weird but I was so grateful for it! We just went to dinner but it was wonderful to be able to just eat without having distractions of children
- still going strong in school, which I am SO proud of him
- he gave a beautiful blessing to Duncan
- we decided that because he will study until the wee hours of the morning that on those nights he will just stay downstairs and sleep in our guest room, because he doesn't want to wake me up and it's not good for him to be awakened by our children early in the morning when he went to bed sometimes only four hours before they wake up. Anyway, on those days he will always leave a note on the bed for me in the morning. Most mornings it makes me cry to think about how sweet he is
- he also got a "date box" subscription for us! It's this cool box that comes to us and it has a planned date for us all planned. Jon and I used to do special evenings but with hectic schedules and then children, it just hasn't happened. So it was really fun to get a cool date box... even though we haven't done it yet. Soon!
Our June in Pictures!
These are skull socks that my brother sent me when Liam was born. He is finally old enough to wear them, and of course they match perfectly with his new Cookie Monster shoes right?
This is my daddy and Liam. Liam moved his chair over to where my father was and made sure that he had a drink just like papa!
Jon and our cute little Duncan taking a nap! Jon is so stinking adorable with both of our children, and I could not have asked for a better husband!
My little stud! We were trying on Sunglasses at the store and he tried on a pair of aviators! Just like Daddy!
Liam and Uncle Scotty! Scot will come over and help me out sometimes in the morning now that it's summer break and he's such a huge help, because he will play with Liam all day long and I'm able to get some work done!
Jon and Duncan! Such a cute pair!
Liam and I on my birthday! We went to Target and he found a hat that he loves and refused to take off! It was a battle to let the checkout lady scan it!
My MOBY wrap that Jon got me for my birthday! I was so happy to finally
have a way to hold Duncan without having to hold Duncan. He loves it
and I love it!
Jon, Duncan and I! How I love this man!
This is Dr. Johnson! He's the man that delivered Duncan. I was so grateful that I was able to find another Doctor that I loved as much as Dr. Hall! As sad as I am that Dr. Hall retired, I am so grateful that I was able to get in as Dr. Johnson's patient!
Look how strong my little man is getting!!
Before the opening prayer had even been said, Duncan spit up on me THREE times! Three!! I was completely saturated in baby goo... Gross!
We took Liam and Duncan to This is the Place park. And he loved it! This shot was too cute not to get! I love how Liam will hold our hand everywhere we go!
Liam loved riding the pony! He went twice!
One thing that Liam loves to do is play in water! So I fill up the sink with warm water and bubbles and give him measuring cups and spoons and let him have at it! He gets the area VERY wet, hence why he is in just a diaper. I actually hate it when kids run around in just diapers.
Downward Dog Position!
Liam's little hand in mine. It's so sweet when we sit and watch Bubble Guppies or Little Einsteins or Peppa Pig and he will just hold my hand. These moments I will cherish forever!
Duncan's smile! Oh my goodness. I love when he gives me smiles and coos! His giggles are pretty cute too!
Me and my two little boys! I love them so much and I am so lucky to be their mommy!
This look was so funny! Duncan was nursing and he was staring at me the whole time! He is starting to become very aware of his surroundings!
Liam and I the other day lounging around downstairs doing some laundry!
Duncan and that thumb! He loves it!
I love when Jon will nap with the baby! They look so adorable and Duncan is definitely comfortable. He loves his daddy!
My niece Jacquie and nephews Nate and Trevor with Duncan. Liam absolutely loves Nate! And my other niece Christy. Liam and Christy are inseparable, only because Liam won't let her out of his sight!
Liam laying in Duncan's bouncer. He is so funny!
Monday, June 23, 2014
Blessing Day!
Yesterday was a wonderful day! Our second child was blessed! We were originally going to do it the 1st of June but my brother was coming into town this weekend and so we decided to do the blessing yesterday. There weren't as many people who were able to attend this blessing as there were for Liam's blessing, but it was so wonderful regardless, and we chose not to do a luncheon afterward so there really wasn't that much stress in providing food for a bunch of people. A couple years ago when Liam was getting blessed I went to Jimmy's to order a baby boutonniere, they apparently had never done that before and so they didn't know how much to charge me. It came out to be about two dollars. When I ordered them this year, I had made a trend and it was a lot more than two dollars AND the boutonniere's had magnets on them now! With Liam I had to find a giant safety pin so that we would poke him and the flower was huge! The flowers were the absolute perfect size now and it was very safe! I got Liam, Jon and Duncan boutonnieres and they looked wonderful! Of course, me being the scatterbrain that I am, I forgot to get a picture of Duncan and Jon and Liam all together, but I did get some pictures of Duncan!
The men that participated in the circle were: Rod Mosher, Jeff Thompson, Cameron Johnson, Nate Barton, Carlos Salazar (brother), Carlos Salazar (my father) with Jonathan Mosher giving the blessing. It was beautiful, and I cried. Our little family is so complete!!
The men that participated in the circle were: Rod Mosher, Jeff Thompson, Cameron Johnson, Nate Barton, Carlos Salazar (brother), Carlos Salazar (my father) with Jonathan Mosher giving the blessing. It was beautiful, and I cried. Our little family is so complete!!
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Our little Duckling before the meeting started. I was so nervous that he would cry for the blessing, but he was quiet! |
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Eek! so cute! |
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Postpartum Depression Thoughts
Those two letters put together are said more often than not. After dealing with Postpartum Depression after Liam's birth two years ago I hear this word all the time. At first it was me saying it after someone would ask how I was, "Oh, I'm doing ok". Then it was Jon telling me that I wasn't ok. Then it was me telling my doctor that I wasn't ok. Then it was everyone around me asking if I was doing ok and I was telling them that I was ok. When I got pregnant with Duncan the question of choice was, "do you think you'll be ok this time around", and now that he's been around for a couple months the question pops up occasionally now: "are you doing ok?"
I cannot tell you how many prayers I said to Heavenly Father that I would be ok after Duncan's birth. How many journal entries were basically just my fears of having to deal with Postpartum Depression again. When Liam was born, he was a very easy going baby; he didn't care if he was being held or put down, he loved to just be. He's been a go-getting from the time that he was little. There was one night I remember when he just would not stop crying. I remember rocking him, and patting his bum, and singing lullabies- I remember trying to feed him, and change him and just everything I could think of to soothe his cries, but nothing worked. He just cried. Then I cried because I couldn't figure out what was wrong with him. My best friend Rachel came over, unannounced as we hadn't made plans to get together and found me in tears rocking my baby in his room. She took him from my arms and told me to go take a shower. So I did. She is my best friend. Apart from my mother and husband, she is the one that I trust the most with my children. I remember with Liam, I felt completely overwhelmed, even though he was only one child- I felt completely burdened down. I remember that getting up to make him a bottle was pretty much the only thing that I could handle some days, and we would just lay in my bed because I couldn't bring myself to get up and all I wanted to do was sleep. I remember the days starting to get darker, not literally but it seemed as though everything around me was in a fog and I couldn't really see past my own hopelessness. I remember feeling ashamed, guilty, mad at the fact that I was completely surrounded by people who loved me and I still felt overwhelmed. I would think about my mother and how my father was in the Air Force for 32 years, and so for 32 years and five children she was basically a single mother, I thought about real single mothers, and those who didn't have a support system at all, and I felt ashamed and guilty that I felt like I was barely holding on even though I had a wonderful husband and family and friends who were willing to help me in any way possible. Jon and I getting into that argument was the best thing possible, even though when he told me that he thought I was depressed it was like a cold slap in the face. It was just the push I needed to finally get help. Postpartum Depression didn't rear its ugly head until Liam was about five weeks old and at that point, I probably could have gotten past it, but with the birth control that I chose it emphasized my baby blues to full blown depression.
So, here are the things that I learned from having Postpartum Depression:
- It will get better- I cannot emphasize this one enough! If you are willing to accept the fact that you have a problem, it'll get better each time you own up to it. When Jon said that he thought I was depressed and I finally said it out loud, I felt a huge weight lift off of me.
- It won't go away immediately- That first month of being on anti-depressants was rough. There were many ups and downs and there were still days where I would just lay in bed.
- It's ok to need help- I remember being a new mom and needing to take care of my baby, but also take care of my dishes, laundry, kitchen, bedroom.... and the list goes on and on. I wish so badly that I had put away my pride and called my mom to ask for her help in cleaning.
- It's ok to ask for and accept help- There were many times that my mother would text me and ask if I needed her to come help me clean the kitchen. So many times I turned her down because I didn't want her to see how bad I had let it get. Again with that pride thing!
- Talking about it is good- I remember when I first had been diagnosed I tried to hide it from everyone because I didn't want people to think that something was wrong with me. Most of the time when people hear about postpartum depression it's when horrible things have happened due to postpartum psychosis, rarely do people speak up about a problem that is at your very core. Sometimes I feel weird talking about it still, as I don't want people to think that I made it up, or am trying to get attention. I honestly don't want anyone to go through what I did so I talk about it, and I let people ask me questions.
- Having Postpartum Depression does not mean you are a bad mom- This was my biggest fear when I was in the deep of my depression. I remember having thoughts that I was a horrible mother, and that Liam didn't need me as his mom because there were other women in his life who could assimilate that role and that he would be better off without me. The only reason I never hurt myself was because every time I thought about it, I would think about the consequences and the one that stood out the most was that I would get my baby taken away and that I wouldn't be able to ever see him again. Extreme, but that was what my conscience would tell me when I was battling my own mind.
- There will be flashbacks- I cannot even count how many times someone would say something and it would take me back to my dark days. I would just sit and cry.
- It's therapeutic to cry- There are times even now when I think back on those times and it really does make me sad that I allowed myself to feel so hopeless. What people don't understand unless they've been through it is you can't just turn it off and on. It's something that affects your whole persona and nothing you do can "fix" it. Many a cry session has been made in the comfort of my bedroom alone.
Duncan has been a much more difficult baby than Liam so far. He's very cuddly and he hates to be put down, he has a fussy time of day in the evening and will literally scream the whole car ride home from my mothers house (15-20 minutes). Today, I had to stop by Wal-Mart to get Liam new diapers. Duncan cried to Wal-Mart, he cried in Walmart, I had forgotten stuff at my mums so I had to go back and he cried all the way back there and then cried all the way home. It was a good 45 minutes of him just screaming. By the time we got home, I had a huge headache from listening to him scream and I told Jon that I didn't want any more babies! But even in all of that, I didn't feel like I had with Liam two years ago. I was frustrated, I had a headache, it was more than enough birth control for me, but I didn't feel overwhelmed or hopeless because I couldn't make him stop screaming. I was glad that Jon was home so he could hold him and I could pop a Motrin, but the feelings of no self worth were not there. I hated going through PPD at the time, and at the time I would have given anything to have never felt like that ever. But now that I'm on the end side of it, I am grateful that I had to endure that trial. I feel as though it gave me a better appreciation for my children, and for my own mother who chose to have 6 children and WANTED more! I tell everyone who asks about my pregnancies and children: if I had had Duncan first, there would not have been a second! Liam spoiled me, and even now when he makes me want to pull my hair out from frustration, he is the sweetest, most loving, hilarious little boy. And I wouldn't give him up for anything! Duncan is turning out to be a hard infant but I love him so much and I can't help but smile when he gives his gummy baby smile and lets out his little coos and baby giggles for me. He's going to be my snuggler, and as outgoing and charismatic as Liam is, Duncan is going to be the sweet, soft-spoken one who is just content to be in Liam's big shadow. It's amazing how two little boys who were created by the same two people turned out to be so different. I'm also hoping that since Liam was a freakishly easy infant who turned into kind of a terror of a toddler that Duncan will be my difficult infant who will actually listen and follow directions as a toddler. Who knows?
Everyone I talk to, who knows my story always asks the same question, "how are you?"
and I can honestly say now,
"I'm ok!"
Thursday, June 5, 2014
June update!
um... wow. So much to write about!
Duncan is two months old now! We went to his two month check up and he weighed in at 12 pounds 9 ounces! That is exactly four pounds gained from birth, in two months! Time goes by so fast, especially with a busy toddler and a newborn!
About a month ago, the latch on pain while breastfeeding had gone away for about a week, and then all of a sudden nursing hurt again. I didn't know why, and I just assumed that it was because Duncan was getting lazy with latching, so we worked on the latch pretty much nonstop during nursing sessions, but the pain wasn't getting any better. I finally called the lactation consultant and she didn't answer so I left a message. Then that night, Duncan woke up at four to nurse and after he had finished on one side, I burped him. And it was not normal spit up colour, I made Jon turn on the lamp as I was just using the light on my cell phone and when he turned on the lamp we saw that Duncan had spit up blood. Nothing I write could adequately describe the fear in my heart as I patted his back again and watched as more blood came out of his mouth. I immediately called my mother to come and sit at the house for Liam as Jon hurried and put clothes on for us to take him to urgent care. Jon put him in his carseat and got in the van and left, while I waited at the house for my mother to come. She got there pretty fast, and I got into the Taurus and pretty much sped the whole way to urgent care. He had already been taken back by the time that I got there and so I went back into the room and he was laying on the table, just as content as could be. The nurse was taking his temperature and doing the nursly duties. Then the doctor came in and examined him. Upon looking in his mouth he said that Duncan had thrush, and that it most likely had caused little tears in my breast that his sucking would open up. He prescribed nystatin to both Duncan and I and then told me to keep breastfeeding him. We took our baby home relieved that nothing seemed too horrible wrong. Breastfeeding hurt like none other for the next couple of weeks, it was toe curling, make me scream and cry pain. I pumped one bottle and that made it worse and watching Jon feed that one bottle to Duncan was really hard for me because I didn't want to start giving him bottles this early. It was consoling to me that Duncan absolutely hated the bottle and didn't want to drink from it. That definitely made me feel a ton better!! At his two month appointment, the thrust hadn't completely gone away and so the doctor prescribed diflucan to kick it to the curb. And now I can't see white patches in Duncans mouth at all!
Liam is like an explosion from the time he gets up to the time he goes to bed. Nap time and Bed time are my favorite times of the day! He can say all sorts of words now and getting him to say them are pretty cute!
Words Liam can Say!
1. Uh-oh: this is one of his favourites! He says it almost every opportunity he can. And it's so stinkin cute!
2. Oh-no!: this is one of my favourites! He just sounds so defeated when he says this! The other day I heard that he was playing in his room and so I went and looked in on him, and he had dumped all of the dirty clothes out of the basket and was sitting in his basket. Upon seeing me, he looked around and said, 'Oh no...." it was the most adorable thing ever!
3. Choo-Choo: Jon first heard this one while at the Treehouse!
4. Two: Liam loves to count, but only count two. We'll watch him set things aside saying, "two... two... two..." it's adorable! He also knows that he's turning two next month!
5. Ah-choo: He loves to pretend to sneeze!
6. GO!: This usually goes along with two- "two, two, two.... GO!"
7. What are you doing?: It's more slurred together but it's pretty cute!
8. Where are you going?: Same as above
9. Hewwo: His version of Hello. He sounds like Scooby-Doo.
10. Bye: Complete with waving
There are more such as animal sounds and whatnot, but I can't remember all of them as I am typing this up.
I love my two boys so much! They are such a blessing to me every day! And I am so grateful that I get to be their mother. I learn so much from the way that they act. Liam is a very loving older brother and will come and give Duncan kisses, and he'll want to hold him and have him sit next to him. And when Duncan is crying Liam tries so hard to give him his binky, or he'll come grab my hand and point at Duncan to tell me to take care of it. As curious and mischievious as Liam is he is equally loving and sweet. He's like my sour patch kid- first he's sour, then he's sweet. I have come to find the differences in Liam and Duncan's personalities the more Duncan grows. Liam has always wanted more freedom to do what he wanted. When I would put him down for tummy time he would immediately wiggle and move until he rolled over at four weeks. When Duncan goes down for tummy time, he immediately finds his thumb and just falls asleep. Duncan is more chill about everything whereas Liam is very excited. Liam hated to be held and Duncan hates it when he's not being held. It's amazing to me how children who are created by the same two people can have such different personalities.
Jon and I are doing awesome! I spend all my time talking about our kids that I rarely mention us anymore! Jon is doing really well in school, I couldn't be more proud of him. He's getting to where the light is visible at the end of the tunnel and he only has about a year left before he has his bachelors! What an amazing accomplishment for my dear husband.
And me? I'm doing really well! I am tired most of the time and there was about a week of pure physical and emotional exhaustion that had hit, but I'm pretty much over it and we are persevering! I was really afraid that I was going to have to deal with PPD again this time around, but this experience has been much different. I've been able to exclusively breastfeed Duncan and I am loving it! It's hard and frustrating at times, because there have been so many times where I want to do something but I have to put it on hold so that I can feed Duncan for forty minutes, but it's so completely worth it! Duncan is doing really good at eating for twenty minutes on one side, relaxing for about a half hour and then eating for another twenty minutes on the other side and then he will sleep for anywhere between 5-6 hours. I'm getting anywhere between 6-7 hours at night and I can usually get a nap in during the day when Liam takes his nap.
Now that summer is here, I have been having my nephew Scot come over and just play with Liam and keep him entertained, and I've been able to get some major cleaning done! I spent two days on my kitchen this week (and I'm not even finished!) and I spent a good hour and a half on the guest bathroom. It's so nice to be able to get things done without having to really worry about Liam, I love him but he gets in the way! So it's really nice to have Scot come and help me out!
I also have started working on my scrapbooks again! I had 455 pictures printed off (for$50 I might add!) and I've been going through them. I haven't scrapbooked since Liam's first birthday, and his birthday is next month! That's a whole year of pictures to document! I have worked pretty hard and have gotten all the way up to Duncan's birth done. It was a little hard because Duncan always wants to be held and I can't scrapbook and hold Duncan at the same time- so for my birthday today, Jon and I went and got a MOBY wrap and now I can hold Duncan while still being able to use my hands! I love it- and am actually utilizing it right now! Duncan is fast asleep, it's genius!
Rachel and I also started doing Insanity, and we did it every day for about a week and a half, and then it fizzled. I do it every couple days now, but I know I need to get back into it. I am wanting to lose all of the awful pounds that I gained through Liam's pregnancy, Postpartum Depression and Duncan's pregnancy. Two years worth of weight. I've been better at drinking mainly water and have been really good at walking. It'll take time, I know it. But I'm excited.
Ok, that's enough rambling! Here's some pictures!
Duncan is two months old now! We went to his two month check up and he weighed in at 12 pounds 9 ounces! That is exactly four pounds gained from birth, in two months! Time goes by so fast, especially with a busy toddler and a newborn!
About a month ago, the latch on pain while breastfeeding had gone away for about a week, and then all of a sudden nursing hurt again. I didn't know why, and I just assumed that it was because Duncan was getting lazy with latching, so we worked on the latch pretty much nonstop during nursing sessions, but the pain wasn't getting any better. I finally called the lactation consultant and she didn't answer so I left a message. Then that night, Duncan woke up at four to nurse and after he had finished on one side, I burped him. And it was not normal spit up colour, I made Jon turn on the lamp as I was just using the light on my cell phone and when he turned on the lamp we saw that Duncan had spit up blood. Nothing I write could adequately describe the fear in my heart as I patted his back again and watched as more blood came out of his mouth. I immediately called my mother to come and sit at the house for Liam as Jon hurried and put clothes on for us to take him to urgent care. Jon put him in his carseat and got in the van and left, while I waited at the house for my mother to come. She got there pretty fast, and I got into the Taurus and pretty much sped the whole way to urgent care. He had already been taken back by the time that I got there and so I went back into the room and he was laying on the table, just as content as could be. The nurse was taking his temperature and doing the nursly duties. Then the doctor came in and examined him. Upon looking in his mouth he said that Duncan had thrush, and that it most likely had caused little tears in my breast that his sucking would open up. He prescribed nystatin to both Duncan and I and then told me to keep breastfeeding him. We took our baby home relieved that nothing seemed too horrible wrong. Breastfeeding hurt like none other for the next couple of weeks, it was toe curling, make me scream and cry pain. I pumped one bottle and that made it worse and watching Jon feed that one bottle to Duncan was really hard for me because I didn't want to start giving him bottles this early. It was consoling to me that Duncan absolutely hated the bottle and didn't want to drink from it. That definitely made me feel a ton better!! At his two month appointment, the thrust hadn't completely gone away and so the doctor prescribed diflucan to kick it to the curb. And now I can't see white patches in Duncans mouth at all!
Liam is like an explosion from the time he gets up to the time he goes to bed. Nap time and Bed time are my favorite times of the day! He can say all sorts of words now and getting him to say them are pretty cute!
Words Liam can Say!
1. Uh-oh: this is one of his favourites! He says it almost every opportunity he can. And it's so stinkin cute!
2. Oh-no!: this is one of my favourites! He just sounds so defeated when he says this! The other day I heard that he was playing in his room and so I went and looked in on him, and he had dumped all of the dirty clothes out of the basket and was sitting in his basket. Upon seeing me, he looked around and said, 'Oh no...." it was the most adorable thing ever!
3. Choo-Choo: Jon first heard this one while at the Treehouse!
4. Two: Liam loves to count, but only count two. We'll watch him set things aside saying, "two... two... two..." it's adorable! He also knows that he's turning two next month!
5. Ah-choo: He loves to pretend to sneeze!
6. GO!: This usually goes along with two- "two, two, two.... GO!"
7. What are you doing?: It's more slurred together but it's pretty cute!
8. Where are you going?: Same as above
9. Hewwo: His version of Hello. He sounds like Scooby-Doo.
10. Bye: Complete with waving
There are more such as animal sounds and whatnot, but I can't remember all of them as I am typing this up.
I love my two boys so much! They are such a blessing to me every day! And I am so grateful that I get to be their mother. I learn so much from the way that they act. Liam is a very loving older brother and will come and give Duncan kisses, and he'll want to hold him and have him sit next to him. And when Duncan is crying Liam tries so hard to give him his binky, or he'll come grab my hand and point at Duncan to tell me to take care of it. As curious and mischievious as Liam is he is equally loving and sweet. He's like my sour patch kid- first he's sour, then he's sweet. I have come to find the differences in Liam and Duncan's personalities the more Duncan grows. Liam has always wanted more freedom to do what he wanted. When I would put him down for tummy time he would immediately wiggle and move until he rolled over at four weeks. When Duncan goes down for tummy time, he immediately finds his thumb and just falls asleep. Duncan is more chill about everything whereas Liam is very excited. Liam hated to be held and Duncan hates it when he's not being held. It's amazing to me how children who are created by the same two people can have such different personalities.
Jon and I are doing awesome! I spend all my time talking about our kids that I rarely mention us anymore! Jon is doing really well in school, I couldn't be more proud of him. He's getting to where the light is visible at the end of the tunnel and he only has about a year left before he has his bachelors! What an amazing accomplishment for my dear husband.
And me? I'm doing really well! I am tired most of the time and there was about a week of pure physical and emotional exhaustion that had hit, but I'm pretty much over it and we are persevering! I was really afraid that I was going to have to deal with PPD again this time around, but this experience has been much different. I've been able to exclusively breastfeed Duncan and I am loving it! It's hard and frustrating at times, because there have been so many times where I want to do something but I have to put it on hold so that I can feed Duncan for forty minutes, but it's so completely worth it! Duncan is doing really good at eating for twenty minutes on one side, relaxing for about a half hour and then eating for another twenty minutes on the other side and then he will sleep for anywhere between 5-6 hours. I'm getting anywhere between 6-7 hours at night and I can usually get a nap in during the day when Liam takes his nap.
Now that summer is here, I have been having my nephew Scot come over and just play with Liam and keep him entertained, and I've been able to get some major cleaning done! I spent two days on my kitchen this week (and I'm not even finished!) and I spent a good hour and a half on the guest bathroom. It's so nice to be able to get things done without having to really worry about Liam, I love him but he gets in the way! So it's really nice to have Scot come and help me out!
I also have started working on my scrapbooks again! I had 455 pictures printed off (for$50 I might add!) and I've been going through them. I haven't scrapbooked since Liam's first birthday, and his birthday is next month! That's a whole year of pictures to document! I have worked pretty hard and have gotten all the way up to Duncan's birth done. It was a little hard because Duncan always wants to be held and I can't scrapbook and hold Duncan at the same time- so for my birthday today, Jon and I went and got a MOBY wrap and now I can hold Duncan while still being able to use my hands! I love it- and am actually utilizing it right now! Duncan is fast asleep, it's genius!
Rachel and I also started doing Insanity, and we did it every day for about a week and a half, and then it fizzled. I do it every couple days now, but I know I need to get back into it. I am wanting to lose all of the awful pounds that I gained through Liam's pregnancy, Postpartum Depression and Duncan's pregnancy. Two years worth of weight. I've been better at drinking mainly water and have been really good at walking. It'll take time, I know it. But I'm excited.
Ok, that's enough rambling! Here's some pictures!
Father and son. Simply adorable! |
This was a particularly rough day. Liam didn't want to take a nap, but I desperately needed on. So we all piled into mommy's bed! |
Playing in Papa's black mustang |
Duncan starting to smile |
Duncan's smiling!! |
Bathtime! Look at that belly! |
Duncan is quite the spit up machine. We have a rag everywhere we go! |
For Family Home Evening we went to the park and then went and got milkshakes! |
My parents got Liam a motorized batman four wheeler. Totally adorable. He can't steer very well but he caught on to how to make it go pretty fast! |
Our Mosher clan! |
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