Well, we got our pictures back from our Wedding!! And so I worked super hard on a scrapbook, and I probably annoyed Jon like no other, I feel kinda bad because every time he wanted to watch a movie or do anything I had to tell him no because I wanted to finish my scrapbook. It took about two weeks but I finally was able to finish it at one in the morning on June 9th! Jon and I wrote down our "final thoughts" for the scrapbook and I put those on pages and then scrapbooked those. So I decided for our first post on a blog would be those "final thoughts" that we had written. Mine is a bit more sentimental and his is more funny, but that's kinda our personality coming through. :)
Brittney Ann's Final Thoughts
"Wow, I really don't even know what to say. As I have been working on this scrapbook I am just overwhelmed at how blessed I have been in my life. I was sent to such an amazing family who loves and supports me in all of my aspirations in life. I really don't know where I would be without the love of my parents and family. Jon and I met in September of 2009 about a week after he came home from his mission, and I had gone over to his house for the first time, and the moment he opened the door, I knew that he was going to be someone very important in my life. I just didn't realize how important he was going to be. We became such good friends, and had such an amazing connection and were always on the same page about everything! And we started dating, and we hit a couple of rough spots and it was both of our first really serious relationships, and so we didn't know how to deal with our disagreements. We ended up breaking it off and calling it quits several times. But we really never could actually quit. We would always come back after a week or two. The last time we broke up was the longest time that we were apart, we broke up in February of 2010 and didn't talk to each other for about three and a half months. And then he texted me on my birthday in June, I was ecstatic, because I had missed him so much. And then on June 12, 2010 we got back together. Everyone was against me dating him again, but I knew that I was in love with him and that he was my best friend. We had to work through a bunch of trust issues, but I will never forget the night when I realized that I really did, 100%, trust him. It was a very emotional night for both of us, but that was when I knew that we would never be apart again.
Then, November 13, 2010 Jon was in charge of the special evening for that month; he took me to a musical and then we went to Temple Square and walked around. We went to our little bench where we went to on our very first date and Jon made a little speech about all the stuff we've been through and then he knelt down on one knee and pulled out a gorgeous three stone diamond ring from his pocket, and he asked me if I would marry him. I, of course, said yes. Afterwhich, we set our wedding date for March 18, 2011. And even though it was only four months away, it seemed like that was an eternity!!
We did so much planning in so little time, there was no way that I would have been able to do all of that by myself. Rachel McAllister was an incredible Mad of Honor! She did so much planning, organizing and work; and she was amazing at calling and reminding us of things that we needed to do. With her help, we got the reception centre, wedding dress, flowers, cake, piper and every other minute detail in order.
Then at the beginnin

The day of our wedding made me realize just how blessed I am. I woke up that morning and was able to receive a Fathers Blessing, in which he blessed me with insight and comfort, and reminded me just how much he and my Heavenly Father both loved me. Being in the temple later that day I was overcome with the immense happiness that this Gospel brings; and kneeling at that alter across from Jon being sealed together for time and all eternity, was one of the happiest moments of my life. After the ceremony, I was whisked back to the Brides Room where I changed into my wedding gown, and one of the temple workers took me to see Jon as my husband for the first time. I turned the corner and he was standing there with some temple workers and he was just grinning from ear to ear. I, of course, was in tears as I had been almost the entire day. We were then taken out of the Temple to all of our friends and family who were there waiting for us.
I love Jon with all my heart, and I know that Heavenly Father sent him to me when He knew I needed him the most. And I am so grateful that I have a Heavenly Father who knows me so well and knows exactly what I need. Jon is the perfect man for me, he is so kind and caring and supportive of all that I want to do in life, I am so happy that Jon and I were able to go to the Temple together and be married. He truly is my best friend and I honestly don't know what I would do without him. I still have moments where all I have to do is look at him and I am just overcome with emotion and with the knowledge that we are going to be together forever! And I know that we will have our rough patches like every relationship and every marriage, but I know that Jon and I know how to communicate with each other where we can work it out. I am so grateful to have him in my life and I am so excited that, when the time comes, Heavenly Father will bless us with His children to be in our lives, for us to raise and love. ANd I am so excited to live my life with him and to go to school, and church and do everyday things together. And most importantly, I love being Mrs. Jonathan Paul Mosher"
Cheesy I know but it really was what was on my mind and in my heart! And I want my future kids to read it and know that their mum and daddy love each other very much. Jon's wasn't as cheesy, but it pretty much sums up his personality!
Jon's Final Thoughts
I met Brittney a week after I got home from my mission when she came over to show me the best and newest of the movies I had I had missed (Eagle Eye [it wasn't that good]) We ended up talking the whole time about this, that and the other thing, and I remember thinking "hey, this girl is pretty chill, I should hang out with her more!" and we ended up hanging out every night for the next 3 weeks, we were inseparable! Then one day, as we were returning from her call-back, we got to talking about relationships and the potential of us starting one, and it was mutually agreed that we were awesome and that, yes, from that moment on we would be boyfriend and girlfriend and hold hands and stuff!
We had lots of fun together, we ran into some rough patches of idiocy where we broke up, but we always came back to each other, Opposites attract, and so do awesome good looking people like ourselves! So after many moons of adventures and good times, to name a few: adopting a black cat named Pantomime, being in shows together (I helped with Noises Off while she was Vickie and she helped with Seven Brides for Dracula while I was the Wolfman!) getting pwned by Brittney in Donkey Kong, and taking random road trips to Disneyland, I eventually started to think that hey, more crazy adventures are sure to come if I bond myself to this woman in some fashion!
So on a chilly afternoon in November, we went to Hale Center Theatre to watch the Drowsy Chaperone and bask in the company of each other. As we were driving home we took a detour to the Salt Lake Temple, where, we sat on our bench and talked of the many random things that we've done. I got down on one knee and professed my unyielding and complete love for Brittney Ann Salazar, which she agreed with, and also professed a mutual love for me! I pulled out the ring and proposed to her, which she said yes! It was awesome!
After that we went about planning the soon to be wedding, with some crazy adventures along the way, friends were gained and lost, battles were fought, and tears were shed. One of such was two weeks before the wedding, he father had a massive heart attack and was laid up in the hopital! He made a full recovery, but our love only deepened from this experience!
Finally the day arrived, the wedding! WE had a pretty alright family breakfast at Jeremiahs, where we gathered and socialized with family and friends, and we truly started to feel the pre wedding jitters! Then, finally came the time for us to drive to the temple and get married! It was an amazing ceremony and so many thoughts and feelings were flying around in my head as I stared at the love of my life from across the alter! But the underlying feeling was love! I was totally and utterly in love with this woman! Then I changed into my tux and waited for my sweet new wife to appear, and when I saw her my jaw dropped! She was stunning in her wedding dress! We took each others hand and went to greet our family and friends who had gathered for the occasion!
The reception

His is a lot funnier than mine was. But that's just Jon for ya.
I was really happy to finish my scrapbook and I really enjoyed working on it. I really do love scrapbooking! And I love working on things. Right now, I'm in a down spot because I haven't printed off enough pictures to do more pages. Actually, Jon and I haven't taken enough pictures to even make another scrapbook...Here are just a couple of pages!
Awwww...Britt! This was SO sweet! I am a sucker for love stories - I loved reading all this mushy, yucky love stuff!! Keep it up, beautiful cousin of mine! :)