Jon's car was making some pretty bad sounds, like... worse than normal. The belt on his engine has always made a loud whirring sound but this was really bad, and we went to Smiths and his car was idling really hard, it was shaking really bad it could have given us whiplash if we'd let it be like that for long enough. Well, we told my dad and he decided that he didn't want to fix it and so he called his friend Cosy, who fixes the stuff my dad doesn't want to, and agreed to take Jon's car in the next day. Jon and I got into the car and started it to follow my father and it was shaking really hard; we managed to get all the way to Gordon and when we turned onto Gordon it didn't want to turn and then it wouldn't accelerate and then it gave a sputter and died with a puff of white smoke out of the exhaust pipe. Jon then turned on his hazard lights and coasted to the side of the road. Dad saw that we had stopped and started turning around. Jon and I got out of the car in the very hot day and looked around... there was fluid leaking from the car and a nasty smoke smell... did I mention that it was hot? Dad made his way over and we assessed the damage. And Jon's car was dead... that was the diagnosis... So we all went to Transwest to find a suitable solution to fix Jon's car. We then had two options: 1) replace the engine completely in Jon's car or 2) get a new Taurus Body and put all the parts into it that we needed. We opted for the first and so Jon's car is getting fixed on Monday and should hopefully be done sometime next week.
Today I had rehearsal, and it was the very first time we ran thru the whole show. Now this show is not very long but it was really fun to go through everything!! I still feel a little shaky on a couple of songs. But overall, it's getting better and better. I'm super excited for this show to open. I have this part where I'm talking to the audience giving them a quiz, and I can tell you that giving a quiz that requires audience participation is really hard when you don't have an audience... which we won't for two weeks!
That's about it right now, but more adventures are sure to come! Unfortunately, we didn't manage to get to the temple this week, so I don't get to take one off my list. But next week we'll go to two different temples so I can knock two off my list in one week! I'm so excited!