About a month ago, I decided that I was going to try and plan something exciting for Jon's birthday. Last year, I planned a zombie themed surprise party for his birthday and it turned out awesome!! And I knew that I wouldn't be able to top that and so I just tried to do something sweet this year. For our honeymoon we went to the Anniversary Inn in Logan and stayed at Rich's Drive-In and the Lake Powell rooms. Well, Jon and I have our little nicknames for each other and mine for his is Penguin. As in, he's my Penguin. Well, at the Anniversary Inn they have a room called the Arctic Journey...

We drove the thirty seconds to the Logan Temple only for it to look strangely not busy, we were kinda getting excited hoping that it wouldn't be a huge session. Jon and I don't do well in crowds, and then when we parked, we saw another couple and they told us that the temple was closed! CLOSED!! How ridiculous is that!! And so with Logan closed and Ogden, the next closest one is Bountiful, but they are closed for the next two weeks for cleaning and then the next is Salt Lake, which also is closed for cleaning. You would think that people would get together and think that people in Northern Utah would like to go to the Temple and that they would organize that accordingly. But we knew that Jordan River, Oquirrh Mountain and Draper were all open, but from where we were it was about 3 hours away. And so we decided to look the other way... and we decided that we would drive to the Idaho Falls LDS Temple.
We started on our journey and had a fun almost three

Jon and I finally got to the Temple and were greeted with them renovating their grounds. So we walked through a construction zone to get up to the door. And then we went in, everyone was really nice and were really helpful! We had a wonderful time and enjoyed ourselves thoroughly! Afterwhich, we stopped at a little place called "Steak and Pancakes" before starting back on our journey home.
I know it probably wasn't the best birthday and that it was a lot of driving, but I really do hope that Jon had a good time for his birthday. It's funny, back before I got married, I enjoyed doing things for my friends' birthday's but all of a sudden when it's the man that I love so much and so dearly and would do anything for, it feels like anything I do just isn't enough. Even though I may try so hard. I'll never stop trying but I don't think I will ever do him justice. I just feel really lucky that he chose me and that I was blessed enough to have him come into my life. I am so glad that he was born 23 years ago and that the things we did in our lives brought us to this point!
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