So, not that I already don't know this but it kinda just hit me again today at church. I am one of the luckiest girls who has the most supportive husband ANYONE could ever ask for!! I honestly don't know how I got to be so blessed. I have an amazing husband who is so supportive and helpful and so willing to do anything to make me happy!
Our Primary Chorister was out of town today and so was our Primary Pianist. And so I told them that Jon and I would take care of it and even though Jon doesn't really even know a whole lot about music he did awesome today! I played the piano and Jon led the music today in Primary. And we had a lot of fun doing it!! We played Angry Birds with the kids today and they just loved it! We put up eggs around the room and behind each of them was a program song for the kids to work on. And they loved being able to hit a pig and pick an egg.
Also, today I had to play for Choir and Sacrament and we performed today for the Pioneer Day and Jon came and turned my pages.
That's also not all!! I'm in a show right now, but for the past week I've had a really bad headcold. I have not been feeling well at all! But I couldn't miss rehearsal cause we are getting super close to the opening of the show and had memorization passoff this week. And Jon came and made sure that I had water and made sure that I was doing ok. He may have started out as a gamer but he's turning into a pretty good theatre guy now. We are having so much fun together, and I seriously feel so blessed to have someone love me so much that he's willing to do anything and everything for me. I was really blessed by my Heavenly Father for such an awesome guy. Jon has taught me more about love and patience than anyone in my entire life. He is a constant exemplar for me and I love him so much!
By the way! Everyone should come and see Nunsense! We will be performing August 11, 12, 13 and 15 at the Clearfield Amphitheatre at 7:30! It is such a funny show and it has been so much fun working on it!! Especially with the cast of women that we have!! Alyn Bone, Andra Thorne, Kathy Lewis and Heather Lewis!! It's gonna be a blast!!
So why wasn't I told that you have a blog? I love to be a "blogstalker" and it's even funner when it's someone you know! Someday I might even get around to updating my blog so I can keep up with you!