Mosher Clan!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Food Poisoning: ugh...
We've had a pretty crazy couple of weeks. First off, my brother moved out of my parents house and into his own home. So because he'd been in there for 13 years my parents decided to do some renovations. Last week before Christmas, Jon and I were over at his house for three days straight helping him move all of his stuff into his new house. And it was more difficult than it really should have been, mainly because he didn't rent a U-Haul that had one of those convenient ramps that heavy stuff could be rolled onto, oh no... he and my sweet husband had to lift all of the heavy things, including a heavy couch and very large TV. Finally, Richard was moved out, and my daddy finally went in and we made a plan to remodel the house. And so the remodeling began! We got rid of garbage, cleaned crayon from the wall, removed carpet and padding, got rid of dust and dirt and after that Dad, Jon and I went to Subway to get food, afterward Dad stayed at the house to fill in holes in the wall and Jon and I came home. Later that night we went to RC Willey to look at carpet to put into the house and then all of us came home and ate dinner and then went to bed. At about four in the morning, I woke up with the worst feeling in my belly ever. I rushed to the bathroom where I proceeded to be sick both ways for the next five hours, I tried drinking some coke to settle my tummy where it came up immediately, and then I tried drinking some water and I couldn't even keep that down! I was so sick and so achy, I just figured I had the flu. Jon gave me a blessing, and I was finally able to get some sleep, the next morning mum texted Jon telling him that my daddy had also been up all night and that renovating that day was probably going to be a no-go. Jon said that he also had been feeling some indigestion but nothing anywhere near how horrible Dad and I felt. We attributed the sudden illness to food poisoning from Subway as that was the only place that Jon, Dad and I had all eaten together. Boy, oh boy, was it the worst feeling in the world! My body just hurt and ached and it was the worst thing in the world. I was so dehydrated and everything I drank made me feel worse. Jon tried to keep my hydrated though and so he would have me drink water and ginger-ale. I was so dizzy that even sitting up in bed was difficult, Jon was the most amazing nurse ever, he was so attentive and made sure that I was as comfortable as possible. Then last night we were laying in bed and I was in just so much pain that Jon gave me another blessing and blessed me with comfort and that I would be able to rest, and before he had even finished the blessing my pain was slowly going away. I have never been more grateful to have married a Priesthood Holder than I was last night! This morning I woke up and I felt so much better, I was still tired beyond belief and I was still feeling the aftereffects of the food poisoning. But holy chalupa, worst couple days ever!! One thing we did do last night was use our fetal heart moniter just to check up on the baby since I'd been throwing up so much and hadn't really kept fed or hydrated and it was really funny because we would find the heartbeat and then it would move away, and then we'd find it again and then it would move away, and Jon finally said, "Britt, it's probably getting annoyed that you keep pushing your belly to hear it! It's probably saying, 'Mum, stop pushing on me!'" So that was really funny, but Baby seemed fine. He/She is probably really hungry because I am really hungry but Baby is fine, and I'm started to feel much better. Now it's just back to renovating and tomorrow I have a rehearsal for Video Games Live and then a performance on the 30th, so Jon and I are very excited about that. I get to sing and Jon gets to watch.
Friday, December 16, 2011
Life and Death

1953 ~ 2011
LAYTON, UTAH-Gail age 58 passed peacefully with her family at her side in the early morning December 12th after a 10 month courageous battle with gastric cancer. Gail was born March 21, 1953 in Dallas, TX. to Frieda Holst Wells.
She married her sweetheart, love of her life, and eternal companion Glen on April 2, 1971 in Fresno, CA. and had their marriage solemnized in the Salt Lake Temple April 11, 1975.
Gail worked as the head Coordinator for Nacel-Foreign Exchange Student Program of Utah, which she worked up to her final days placing and caring for the exchange students. A substitute teacher for special needs children and a Watkins Distributer with her husband. Her hobbies are her family, camping, traveling around the world, participating in her numerous LDS church callings, crafting, reading and coaching softball.
She is survived by her husband Glen LeLaCheur and four daughters Emilie (Paris) LeLaCheur-UT; Jolene (Oscar) Avalos-WA; Andrea (Kendrick) Som-VA.; Denice (Justin) Crossley-UT; Four grandchildren which she enjoyed every moment with them, family dog Buster and all extended family and family-friends.
She is preceded in death by her Father-Doyle Tipton; Brother-Doyle (Buster) Tipton and Daughter-Deanna LeLaCheur
Special thanks to Huntsman Cancer Institute and Advocate Hospice caring for Gail during her fight and final stay at home.
Viewing will be on Thursday December 15th at 6-8 p.m.; Funeral Service will be held Friday December 16th 2011 at 11 a.m.; both services will be at the Snowcreek Chapel-845 North 1150 East, Layton, UT.
Interment will follow after the funeral service.
Gail was a very special person in my life. When my family lived in our house in Layton, Gail lived right next door along with her husband and her four daughters. I was really little when I first started going over there, but I would go over all the time. I am pretty sure that I ate more dinners at her house than I did at mine. She was kind of like a second mother to me. Gail was diagnosed with Gastric Cancer about 10 months ago and she fought a hard battle going through chemo and radiation, and through it all she was so positive about everything; unfortunately the cancer eventually took her life early Monday morning. She passed away peacefully with her family all around her. I had the opportunity to sing for her funeral today, which was more difficult than I originally thought it would be. I've sung for more funerals than a person my age should probably sing at, but none of those were for someone that I was this close to. There came a point in time where I looked up and saw Glen and the family and I just had to look down and make sure to look at my words. I chose to sing a song from the musical Little Women, and the song I sang was Days of Plenty and in the musical it's where Marmee sings to Jo, after Beth has died, that things will be better and that she must go on with her life and make sure that no matter what she does, to always remember that Beth will be with her. I thought that that would be especially appropriate for my beloved LeLaCheur family.
Today was a very helpful day, the funeral was beautiful and words were spoken that truly embodied who Gail was. She was always a happy person and she always made sure that no matter what, you knew that you had a friend in her. She was always uplifting and she was always willing to share her talents. The funeral was obviously sad, because losing someone that dear to us is always hard, but other than the sadness there was hope and love and peace. The talks given were lovely about how wonderful Gail was in this life and also about the Plan of Salvation. I am so grateful that I have this Gospel and I know that this is not the end. Gail's body may have passed on but her spirit is still very much alive, especially with all of her family. And they will see each other again.
Another thing that has been going on and it has been so hard to not talk about, especially on my blog is that I'm Pregnant! Jon and I were planning on waiting til after we were done with school, but God apparently had other plans for us. We had our first appointment last month and on the ultrasound it was just a little dot! And then at our appointment two days ago we got another ultrasound and saw our little baby! It was so precious and it was definitely something that I needed after Gail's passing on Monday. It is so incredible to see the amount of growth that can happen in just one month. And I find it incredible that my body is creating another human being. We are going to find out the gender in January and the suspense is killing me! I want a girl so bad and Jon wants a boy so we are a house divided. Haha, but secretly, deep down I'm pretty sure he wants a girl. It was really funny on Wednesday, because I'd actually lost weight since my last appointment and the very last thing that my doctor told me was that I needed to gain weight, not lose it. And I was like, "OK!" Best doc advice ever! And one I'll definitely take to heart.
The top picture is from Last month and it was just a little dot and a heartbeat and the bottom one is the two inch little fetus in my belly! It's facing downward and you can see it's head and it's body and it's cute little arms! Next month I will be able to tell you if Baby is a boy or a girl!
Life is one of those crazy things that you always take for granted until something extreme happens to make you think otherwise. And this past little bit has been an eye opener, from Monday finding out about Gail's passing and then Wednesday to see my little baby and then to today at Gail's funeral. Life is a precious gift and we need to treasure it every day that we have it. Life is a miracle and we really need to treat it as such. I am so grateful for my life and for the opportunity that I had to come to this Earth to such an amazing family and in the Gospel. It really has made all the difference in my life and I am so grateful for the chance that I have to be married to my eternal companion and make our own family.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
What I've Learned!
Jon's and my first semester together is over. And what a whirlwind that has been! Between illnesses and finals and all the other things going on in life right now it's been a stressful time. Here are some things I've learned:
1. If you have an inclination that a class is going to be crappy, get out!
We have had such a horrible time in our Psychology Class; even the first day of class, our teacher stalled getting into the actual subject. Whenever she would "teach" she would make all of us get into groups and do "group-work", and even that she sucked at! She would give us a topic and guidelines to follow and then halfway through our work she would change everything. She ended up showing up to class and claiming that she had gotten West Nile Virus a month previously and told us that if she went missing that would be the reason, so lo and behold the VERY next class time she was nowhere to be found. She ended up calling a sub in and we had a sub for the next month. Even trying to contact her through email didn't work, she wouldn't respond and wouldn't keep us updated. The sub was almost worse than she was, she obviously hadn't told him what to do either and he deviated from the syllabus and gave us random assignments and then told us that none of them would go on our grade. Then after a month she showed back up again and emailed us the Friday before she got back on Monday and told us that we had to have a research topic ready and that we were going to be having a test. We had no idea how to do any of this because she had never told us how to do anything. So we show up on Monday and have our "topics" ready and then she would ask us how we were going to find research on them and how we were going to do everything and she wanted to know every minute detail when we didn't even know how to pose the research question in the first place. Then she wouldn't give us a study guide, she only told us it would be on certain chapters when she had no idea what we had been taught or what we had not been taught but we were allowed to have one 3x5 card that we could write notes on. And then she said that she was going to base our grade for the past month on the assignments that the sub gave, which half of us threw away because he told us they wouldn't count. Then she changed the syllabus and continued to be a crappy teacher. I think she eventually gave up because she started bringing in guest speakers, and ya know what? That's the only time I've learned anything! Then whenever we would ask a question she would say, "Oh I don't know that, you should google it." I'm sorry, why don't you know, these are questions about what you do for your job and you don't know? If I could get a degree from looking up things on google, I would have it by now and I wouldn't have to pay you to say, "look it up". I'll be done on her, main point: I should have dropped her class when I had the chance. She should never be allowed to teach another class ever again!
2. Class time is so much more fun with your best friend!
Having class with Jon has been the best part of this semester, he has been such an awesome support when I don't want to go to class and he's been a really awesome pusher (in a good way). I have LOVED having him next to me everyday in class. He is a smart, talented guy who has taught me lots of stuff just by sitting next to him. Next semester is going to be sad because of the fact that we won't have the same classes again... :( I have loved going to school with him.
3. Thank the teachers that have been awesome!
I have one teacher in particular who has been amazing!! Her name is Katie and she is my Sociology teacher. She is awe inspiring, she has been the best teacher ever! I have loved every minute of her class and I am so sad to be done with it. I had such a fun, fun time in Sociology figuring out how to save the world and make it better! She really has been a wonderful teacher and I am so grateful that I have been able to learn from her!
4. School just sucks all together!
It's true, I don't think there are many people who say that school is the best time of their life. Well, with the exception of my brother, Timy who would probably be a professional student if he could. I just hate school, it really isn't my strongsuit, but because of my dad I have to keep going at it and get that little bit of paper that says I finished. As stupid as I think that is, I know I have to do it, but it still sucks. And so I take solace in the fact that what I want to get my degree in doesn't take forever like some other people with lots of goals. Because honestly, my goal in life is to be a stay at home mom. I really want to do that, and I know that most feminists would freak out and tell me that I suck at being a woman, but it's true. That's what I want to do with my life, but until then, I have to get that stupid degree.
I think that's about all I have for today there will be more to come because there's lots going on in life...
1. If you have an inclination that a class is going to be crappy, get out!
We have had such a horrible time in our Psychology Class; even the first day of class, our teacher stalled getting into the actual subject. Whenever she would "teach" she would make all of us get into groups and do "group-work", and even that she sucked at! She would give us a topic and guidelines to follow and then halfway through our work she would change everything. She ended up showing up to class and claiming that she had gotten West Nile Virus a month previously and told us that if she went missing that would be the reason, so lo and behold the VERY next class time she was nowhere to be found. She ended up calling a sub in and we had a sub for the next month. Even trying to contact her through email didn't work, she wouldn't respond and wouldn't keep us updated. The sub was almost worse than she was, she obviously hadn't told him what to do either and he deviated from the syllabus and gave us random assignments and then told us that none of them would go on our grade. Then after a month she showed back up again and emailed us the Friday before she got back on Monday and told us that we had to have a research topic ready and that we were going to be having a test. We had no idea how to do any of this because she had never told us how to do anything. So we show up on Monday and have our "topics" ready and then she would ask us how we were going to find research on them and how we were going to do everything and she wanted to know every minute detail when we didn't even know how to pose the research question in the first place. Then she wouldn't give us a study guide, she only told us it would be on certain chapters when she had no idea what we had been taught or what we had not been taught but we were allowed to have one 3x5 card that we could write notes on. And then she said that she was going to base our grade for the past month on the assignments that the sub gave, which half of us threw away because he told us they wouldn't count. Then she changed the syllabus and continued to be a crappy teacher. I think she eventually gave up because she started bringing in guest speakers, and ya know what? That's the only time I've learned anything! Then whenever we would ask a question she would say, "Oh I don't know that, you should google it." I'm sorry, why don't you know, these are questions about what you do for your job and you don't know? If I could get a degree from looking up things on google, I would have it by now and I wouldn't have to pay you to say, "look it up". I'll be done on her, main point: I should have dropped her class when I had the chance. She should never be allowed to teach another class ever again!
2. Class time is so much more fun with your best friend!
Having class with Jon has been the best part of this semester, he has been such an awesome support when I don't want to go to class and he's been a really awesome pusher (in a good way). I have LOVED having him next to me everyday in class. He is a smart, talented guy who has taught me lots of stuff just by sitting next to him. Next semester is going to be sad because of the fact that we won't have the same classes again... :( I have loved going to school with him.
3. Thank the teachers that have been awesome!
I have one teacher in particular who has been amazing!! Her name is Katie and she is my Sociology teacher. She is awe inspiring, she has been the best teacher ever! I have loved every minute of her class and I am so sad to be done with it. I had such a fun, fun time in Sociology figuring out how to save the world and make it better! She really has been a wonderful teacher and I am so grateful that I have been able to learn from her!
4. School just sucks all together!
It's true, I don't think there are many people who say that school is the best time of their life. Well, with the exception of my brother, Timy who would probably be a professional student if he could. I just hate school, it really isn't my strongsuit, but because of my dad I have to keep going at it and get that little bit of paper that says I finished. As stupid as I think that is, I know I have to do it, but it still sucks. And so I take solace in the fact that what I want to get my degree in doesn't take forever like some other people with lots of goals. Because honestly, my goal in life is to be a stay at home mom. I really want to do that, and I know that most feminists would freak out and tell me that I suck at being a woman, but it's true. That's what I want to do with my life, but until then, I have to get that stupid degree.
I think that's about all I have for today there will be more to come because there's lots going on in life...
Monday, December 5, 2011
New Hair!
Today, was a pretty awesome day, it started off pretty boring with the annoying sound of the alarm going off and me turning it off many, many times until Jon's alarm went off. You know what I hate about boys? The fact that they can get up ten minutes before they have to leave for somewhere and they can pee, shower, brush their teeth, and be ready to go... I'm lucky if I can pee and brush my teeth before having to leave! For me, getting ready used to be a really important thing! I would shower and shave my legs (that was always important!), brush my teeth, do my makeup, blow dry my hair and style it. I used to look awesome! But what with school being at such an ungodly hour, I have to take extra showers in the middle of the day to actually shave my legs! Today, was the breaking point for me... Jon and I came home from school and I looked at myself in the mirror and was actually pretty upset with myself that I had let myself go so far downhill! The last time I got my hair cut was July before Nunsense, and so it's been ya know... forever... and this morning was my last straw, I had actually not even blowdried my hair this morning! I just put my bangs (because they had grown obnoxiously long) and just pulled my wet hair into a ponytail. GROSS!!! I finally just got the keys and I drove to the closest hair place and I got my hair cut and coloured. I was so excited to come home and see my sweet husband! I walked in, and I was just beaming because I was really excited to have my husband see my new hair. And so I walked in and I was just beaming and I saw my sweetheart and he really liked it. It looks a lot better than it did and I was super stoked.
Yeah.. today was good. We also had our second to last day of classes, which after the horrible semester we've had with Psychology I am more than grateful to be done with that class, and that horrible teacher... seriously, the teacher sucks and I really hope that she never gets to teach another class ever again, for the sake of other people. I wouldn't wish her on any of my enemies, that's how awful she is!
ok. rant over. Psychology sucks, school is almost over, gorgeous hair and a fun night with the parentals!
Oh yeah...
Christmas is in 20 days... BE EXCITED!!!!!
Yeah.. today was good. We also had our second to last day of classes, which after the horrible semester we've had with Psychology I am more than grateful to be done with that class, and that horrible teacher... seriously, the teacher sucks and I really hope that she never gets to teach another class ever again, for the sake of other people. I wouldn't wish her on any of my enemies, that's how awful she is!
ok. rant over. Psychology sucks, school is almost over, gorgeous hair and a fun night with the parentals!
Oh yeah...
Christmas is in 20 days... BE EXCITED!!!!!
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Today, as the day is approaching an end and Thanksgiving is right around the corner, I just wanted to write down what I am especially thankful for many things today.
Last night my grandmother had a mild heart attack, and so she had my Aunt Gail call 911 and when the Paramedics got there they noticed that her heart was irregular and so they put her on the stretcher and took her to the hospital, but for those of you who know my grandma, you know that she doesn't like to do what others tell her to do, and she kept telling the Paramedics that she didn't give them permission to take her away from her home. She was admitted to the ICU and they were there til she was moved today. Mother called us this morning and asked if Jon would go with dad to the hospital to give her a blessing. And so we hurried and got ready and we went to the hospital to visit grandma.
We got to the hospital and Jon and my dad gave my grandma a blessing. Grandma was hilarious as usual! She said that if she had her shoes and coat she would have snuck out of there. And then she asked for my shoes.
I am so grateful for the fact that my husband and father have the Priesthood. I am so thankful that my sweet husband has the Priesthood and is willing to help out in any way he can. I love having him in my life and I am so thankful that we have each other for the rest of our lives.
Last night my grandmother had a mild heart attack, and so she had my Aunt Gail call 911 and when the Paramedics got there they noticed that her heart was irregular and so they put her on the stretcher and took her to the hospital, but for those of you who know my grandma, you know that she doesn't like to do what others tell her to do, and she kept telling the Paramedics that she didn't give them permission to take her away from her home. She was admitted to the ICU and they were there til she was moved today. Mother called us this morning and asked if Jon would go with dad to the hospital to give her a blessing. And so we hurried and got ready and we went to the hospital to visit grandma.
We got to the hospital and Jon and my dad gave my grandma a blessing. Grandma was hilarious as usual! She said that if she had her shoes and coat she would have snuck out of there. And then she asked for my shoes.
I am so grateful for the fact that my husband and father have the Priesthood. I am so thankful that my sweet husband has the Priesthood and is willing to help out in any way he can. I love having him in my life and I am so thankful that we have each other for the rest of our lives.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Auditions Suck... That is all...
So today was auditions for Clearfield High's Beauty and the Beast, and it totally took me back to my Junior Year when we did that show. The nervous, anxious feeling as I walked into the Little Theatre to Alyn and Mr. Aird and I sang my song the best I could. And then dance auditions and then call backs. I remember how terrified I was to be at those and how nervous I was, because I wanted to be Belle so bad! And I remember how excited I was when Alyn handed me Belle's music to sing at call backs. And then I remember how nervous I was as I went to look at the cast list after it had been posted and I saw my name and it wasn't for Belle, and I was so sad. I had wanted that role so badly and like most girls who had auditioned I had prepared my hardest for it. I will admit, I cried. Yup... not embarrassed about it, I went home and went downstairs into my basement and I cried. I learned a lot from the show and from my experience in it; but I didn't learn the most important lesson about casting until this past year when I had my own directing experience. It doesn't matter how talented a person is, or even how perfect a person would be for a part, if that one person doesn't fit with everyone else who would be perfect for the other parts, a decision has to be made for the show. And as much as it may hurt, and as much as you think that you should have had that part, the most important thing is the show. It always will be. That is part of being in Theatre.
One thing to remember for people who are auditioning, is to BE PREPARED! Ya know that song from Lion King that Scar sings? Yeah... works in real life too. I got a call yesterday to play for an audition THAT DAY! There is no way that I am about to drop everything I am doing to come and play for someone who I know does not prepare because this is not the first time that it has happened from this person. That really bothered me yesterday and even today I'm still kind of annoyed.
Anyway, things are going great for Jon and I. We got so much done! We did laundry, got Jon a haircut, got flowers for Sheri, got paperwork filled out and we went to Ligori's. When I was little and my mother and I would go up on Base we used to pass Ligori's every time and every time I've passed that place I've always wanted to try it! And talk about awesome! I loved it, it was super good. I can't wait to go back again, because I LOVE pizza!! We also went over to Nate's house before he got set apart as a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints! I cried as I hugged him for the last time. He is going to be such an awesome missionary, and I am so proud of him and his choice to do this. Well, that is all I should write as Jon and I have to write a bunch of papers for school so I will write later!
One thing to remember for people who are auditioning, is to BE PREPARED! Ya know that song from Lion King that Scar sings? Yeah... works in real life too. I got a call yesterday to play for an audition THAT DAY! There is no way that I am about to drop everything I am doing to come and play for someone who I know does not prepare because this is not the first time that it has happened from this person. That really bothered me yesterday and even today I'm still kind of annoyed.
Anyway, things are going great for Jon and I. We got so much done! We did laundry, got Jon a haircut, got flowers for Sheri, got paperwork filled out and we went to Ligori's. When I was little and my mother and I would go up on Base we used to pass Ligori's every time and every time I've passed that place I've always wanted to try it! And talk about awesome! I loved it, it was super good. I can't wait to go back again, because I LOVE pizza!! We also went over to Nate's house before he got set apart as a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints! I cried as I hugged him for the last time. He is going to be such an awesome missionary, and I am so proud of him and his choice to do this. Well, that is all I should write as Jon and I have to write a bunch of papers for school so I will write later!
Saturday, November 12, 2011
A little Diddy!
I hate to take away from Brittneys last post, but I would to add a little something here if I could. My sweetheart, Britnney Ann Marie Salazar Mosher, is the most wonderfully addicting individual I have ever had the opportunity of knowing/marrying/working alongside/ being around/ having adventures with ever! I love her so much and I am so blessed to be with such a kind, caring, understanding individual! She loves me even though I am so flawed, she tolerates my occasional potty mouth, my need for technology, and even the occasional boys night or video game playing session! Thats what I wanted to say! oh and we have a pretty chill cat named pantomime that likes to be a creeper!
The Best Veteran
Yesterday was Veteran's Day, and so I would just like to give a shout out to my daddy who served faithfully and willingly in the US Air Force as a Chief Master Sergeant for 32 years.
My daddy is the most amazing person to me. I love him with all my heart and I love the example of hope, strength, courage and love he is to me. When I was two years old, my daddy retired and we moved back to the states from our home in England. My daddy was able to attend every soccer game, piano recital, vocal recital, dance recital, musical, play and anything else that I did in my scholastic career. These were things that he missed out on for my brothers and sisters because of his selfless service in the Air Force. I was truly blessed and my daddy always says that God gave him another chance to be a good daddy with me. But little does he realize that he is the best daddy God could have given me and my siblings to. I have such a great appreciation for my siblings for going through their lives whilst my dad was at war, or was away on assignments. I grew up with my daddy always there, being able to fix my boo-boo's, being able to go to Eagles (which is Lowes now... see how old I am?) and get a polish sausage, daddy used to drink Fresca and so I always wanted to drink Fresca, he was able to always fix my toys when they broke and I think most importantly to me, he was always there to give me a Daddy's blessing.
Two weeks before I got married to my best friend, who I chose because I knew that he would make a good daddy, my father had a heart attack and had to have an emergency quadruple by-pass. When my mother texted me telling me that he was in the ER, I broke down. Not my dad. My dad was always strong, and now all of a sudden, he was so close to being gone. It was so hard to be in the ICU and watch him be in so much pain; because all my life he'd been the one to tell me that everything would be ok, and that I would be fine when I got hurt. I tried to be strong like my mother in front of everyone, but at night I would cry. And then after all was done, and he was home the day of my wedding came. And I went upstairs and I got a Father's Blessing from my wonderful Daddy. As amazing as everything was that day, the two highlights of the day were 1) getting married to my sweetheart and being sealed together for time and all eternity, and 2) getting a Father's blessing and having him be a witness at my marriage.
My dad has been all over the world, and he's brought me presents from wherever he's been, and he tells me stories about his adventures in far off lands. But the best part about his stories is that he survived his stories and he survived his adventures and he is right there with me to tell me about them later. He is the best Veteran to me mainly because he's my daddy... and he's awesome.
My daddy is the most amazing person to me. I love him with all my heart and I love the example of hope, strength, courage and love he is to me. When I was two years old, my daddy retired and we moved back to the states from our home in England. My daddy was able to attend every soccer game, piano recital, vocal recital, dance recital, musical, play and anything else that I did in my scholastic career. These were things that he missed out on for my brothers and sisters because of his selfless service in the Air Force. I was truly blessed and my daddy always says that God gave him another chance to be a good daddy with me. But little does he realize that he is the best daddy God could have given me and my siblings to. I have such a great appreciation for my siblings for going through their lives whilst my dad was at war, or was away on assignments. I grew up with my daddy always there, being able to fix my boo-boo's, being able to go to Eagles (which is Lowes now... see how old I am?) and get a polish sausage, daddy used to drink Fresca and so I always wanted to drink Fresca, he was able to always fix my toys when they broke and I think most importantly to me, he was always there to give me a Daddy's blessing.
Two weeks before I got married to my best friend, who I chose because I knew that he would make a good daddy, my father had a heart attack and had to have an emergency quadruple by-pass. When my mother texted me telling me that he was in the ER, I broke down. Not my dad. My dad was always strong, and now all of a sudden, he was so close to being gone. It was so hard to be in the ICU and watch him be in so much pain; because all my life he'd been the one to tell me that everything would be ok, and that I would be fine when I got hurt. I tried to be strong like my mother in front of everyone, but at night I would cry. And then after all was done, and he was home the day of my wedding came. And I went upstairs and I got a Father's Blessing from my wonderful Daddy. As amazing as everything was that day, the two highlights of the day were 1) getting married to my sweetheart and being sealed together for time and all eternity, and 2) getting a Father's blessing and having him be a witness at my marriage.
My dad has been all over the world, and he's brought me presents from wherever he's been, and he tells me stories about his adventures in far off lands. But the best part about his stories is that he survived his stories and he survived his adventures and he is right there with me to tell me about them later. He is the best Veteran to me mainly because he's my daddy... and he's awesome.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
I suck at Blogging... Just saying
So I am sorry that I haven't updated our blog. Jon and I have just been so busy and we have had some crazy times! I don't even remember the last thing I had talked about! That's how horrible I am at this. All I know is that we've had some pretty good times.
Thursday, Mum took Timy to the airport so that he could go be with Meagan in Texas, and so I told mum that I would take Scot to school and so we went to school and he asked if Jon and I would go to his school to have lunch with him for Red Ribbon Week. So we went with him and then we went to Jon's grandparents house and spent the rest of the day with Grandma and Grandpa Mosher.
Friday night Jon was bored and so he decided that we were going to go to Salt Lake, but not only were we going to go to Salt Lake, we were going to go on Frontrunner! This being my first time I was a little nervous, for I'd never been on frontrunner before. But we drove to the Layton station and waited in the cold for the train to come, then all of a sudden there was a phone call on the pay phone! Only in horror movies does that happen where the protagonists are sitting alone on the train platform and the pay phone starts ringing. I was terrified, not gonna lie. But the train came and it was really nice, a lot nicer than I thought it would be. So Jon and I went to Salt Lake and then we went to the California Pizza Kitchen and then to the arcade. It was a fun little random adventure date.
Saturday was a funny day! I had woken up and then gone back to sleep and I had this dream where I had Spinach and Artichoke Dip but I didn't have any bread or anything to go with it, so then all of a sudden I had these little baguettes and so I cut them to the perfect size and I toasted them and it was perfect, so then I gave the plate to Jon to take over to the couch while I cleaned up and then I went over and he'd eaten ALL of them, save three. I was so mad!! So then I woke up and I had to stop myself from getting mad at him because I knew it wasn't his fault. And then we went to Olive Garden for Scot's birthday celebration and I got Spinach and Artichoke Dip! And it was lovely! Jon and I went on a double date with Rachel and Matt later that night! It was so much fun! I was really excited, we went to Noodles and Company and then we went to Black Island Farms and went through the haunted maze. It was so much fun! We had an awesome time!
Anyway, that's about all we have today. I'll post pictures later... maybe... if I remember. Like I said, I suck at this. So... we'll see!
Thursday, Mum took Timy to the airport so that he could go be with Meagan in Texas, and so I told mum that I would take Scot to school and so we went to school and he asked if Jon and I would go to his school to have lunch with him for Red Ribbon Week. So we went with him and then we went to Jon's grandparents house and spent the rest of the day with Grandma and Grandpa Mosher.
Friday night Jon was bored and so he decided that we were going to go to Salt Lake, but not only were we going to go to Salt Lake, we were going to go on Frontrunner! This being my first time I was a little nervous, for I'd never been on frontrunner before. But we drove to the Layton station and waited in the cold for the train to come, then all of a sudden there was a phone call on the pay phone! Only in horror movies does that happen where the protagonists are sitting alone on the train platform and the pay phone starts ringing. I was terrified, not gonna lie. But the train came and it was really nice, a lot nicer than I thought it would be. So Jon and I went to Salt Lake and then we went to the California Pizza Kitchen and then to the arcade. It was a fun little random adventure date.
Saturday was a funny day! I had woken up and then gone back to sleep and I had this dream where I had Spinach and Artichoke Dip but I didn't have any bread or anything to go with it, so then all of a sudden I had these little baguettes and so I cut them to the perfect size and I toasted them and it was perfect, so then I gave the plate to Jon to take over to the couch while I cleaned up and then I went over and he'd eaten ALL of them, save three. I was so mad!! So then I woke up and I had to stop myself from getting mad at him because I knew it wasn't his fault. And then we went to Olive Garden for Scot's birthday celebration and I got Spinach and Artichoke Dip! And it was lovely! Jon and I went on a double date with Rachel and Matt later that night! It was so much fun! I was really excited, we went to Noodles and Company and then we went to Black Island Farms and went through the haunted maze. It was so much fun! We had an awesome time!
Anyway, that's about all we have today. I'll post pictures later... maybe... if I remember. Like I said, I suck at this. So... we'll see!
Friday, October 21, 2011
How we do Midterms!
Well, opening night was really awesome!! My cast and crew did an amazing job, and I am so proud of them! This really has been an interesting opportunity, one that I didn't think that I would have so soon in my life. But I have had such a fun time! And I'm so glad that it isn't over quite yet. Today, Jon and I had midterms... yay... not! We had our history midterm this morning which was essay based and then we had our psychology midterm which was 50 multiple choice questions. I felt pretty confidant on both, a little less in psychology just because of all the frustration that class has been for the past month and a half. But yesterday, I was playing with Pantomime like I always do, and she started biting at my arm, and she was starting to get a little aggressive. So it ended up that in my trying to stop her my right hand middle finger managed to get in her mouth and she bit down HARD! Now usually when she bites it's just with her front teeth and they are so itty bitty that it hurts but not bad, and it looks like a scratch and it barely bleeds, well my finger managed to get to her back teeth and so it hurt really bad, I pushed her off of me and just held onto my finger, and then a couple seconds later I opened the fist and it was just filling up with blood, so I held onto my finger tighter and ran to the laundry room where all of our bandaids are and I ran downstairs to the sink, meanwhile throwing the bandaid to Jon and telling him to open one for me, I then put my finger underneath running cold water and washed it really quick and then I dried it off and Jon put on a bandaid, and frankly, I need to teach my dear, sweet husband how to put on a bandaid, because I don't like how he did it. Needless to say, my finger throbbed and was in pain for the rest of the day, and Pantomime was put in her kennel. But my cat is so smart that she knows where the latch is that opens the kennel... but fortunately for me she doesn't have opposable thumbs and so she can't undo it by herself.
This morning I knew that I was going to have trouble writing for my History Midterm and so I went upstairs before school and I redressed my finger to make it more comfortable for me, because at the time even applying the tiniest bit of pressure would cause dyer pain in my one little digit. And part of the bite is right where I lay my pencil or pen to write, and so I took off the bandaid for the first time since putting it on, and looked at it, and the way it looked was not nearly as bad as if felt. And I started to feel like a baby... she bit through my nail, which is what caused all the blood and the other fleshy part of my finger has a puncture wound in it, but it looked though it was already healing up. Still hurt like no other though... and so I put gauze on it and then surgical tape and even though it is completely unnecessary, it really did help to alleviate pressure whilst I was writing. And right now I'm thinking that I should have brought a bandaid so that I could change it before finishing up classes because it really does look ridiculous.
Also something that happened yesterday that I thought was super cute, was Jon had been studying for our History test this morning and he was so tired and he fell asleep. I thought it was pretty sweet. So like a good wife, I took pictures. :)
This morning I knew that I was going to have trouble writing for my History Midterm and so I went upstairs before school and I redressed my finger to make it more comfortable for me, because at the time even applying the tiniest bit of pressure would cause dyer pain in my one little digit. And part of the bite is right where I lay my pencil or pen to write, and so I took off the bandaid for the first time since putting it on, and looked at it, and the way it looked was not nearly as bad as if felt. And I started to feel like a baby... she bit through my nail, which is what caused all the blood and the other fleshy part of my finger has a puncture wound in it, but it looked though it was already healing up. Still hurt like no other though... and so I put gauze on it and then surgical tape and even though it is completely unnecessary, it really did help to alleviate pressure whilst I was writing. And right now I'm thinking that I should have brought a bandaid so that I could change it before finishing up classes because it really does look ridiculous.
Also something that happened yesterday that I thought was super cute, was Jon had been studying for our History test this morning and he was so tired and he fell asleep. I thought it was pretty sweet. So like a good wife, I took pictures. :)
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
So this week, Jon and I have midterms, have I ever mentioned how much I LOVE midterms? I haven't? Wow... well it's cause I don't. And they couldn't have happened at a more annoying time in our lives. We are in the midst of The Complete Works of William Shakespeare [abridged] so having to study for three classes of midterms for me, and two for Jon and then having to do our group project and being ready to present on Monday is a little bit stressful, so I decided that I would take a break and blog a bit. We open tonight for Complete Works and I'm really excited, we had two nights of preview showings so that the cast could get used to working with an audience and how to react to them, I know during Nunsense I couldn't even do my quiz part another time without an audience. It's so hard to do a show that is audience based and then not have one! But they did great! I didn't realize just how nervous I would be, I'm so used to being onstage and just letting my nervousness and adrenaline take over to help me perform, but I didn't realize just how frightening it would be being in the back, and with being the director I have no way to escape my nervousness because I'm not on stage performing! But my cast really is awesome and I'm so grateful to have worked with them. Last night was only a preview show and yet, when they all came out to do their curtain call I almost cried! I felt so silly, but I really was getting emotional when I saw them take their bows. I know that I have had an awesome time doing this and I really hope that they all have too. I know I wasn't the best but I tried to have fun with it! And I really did have a wonderful time! I'm so excited for tonight!! Yay!!
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
My Baby!
I'm not having a baby... you silly people
I'm not having a baby... you silly people
If anyone knows me they know that I have two creatures in my life that I love: My dear dear husband who is the love of my life!! And.... my cat. It's true. My cat is the cutest, most adorable creature in my life. She is my baby and I love her. In fact, when Jon dies when we are in our nineties I'm totally taking his life insurance money and I am adopting a bunch of cats! No joke. I will be the crazy cat lady when I am old! I am going to sit on my porch and drink lemonade with all my cats around me and when kids throw their balls (if kids even play outside then...) they won't be able to come get them and I want my house to be the "scariest" house on the block and yet, when Halloween comes around I am going to give out the best candy (if kids even go trick or treating then...) and then I am really going to be the nicest little old lady ever but only the bravest kids will know that. :)
Anyway I digress... this post is about my cat! Pantomime is my baby, and we have had her for a whole year now!! She was four months old when we adopted her from the shelter. We were originally just going to foster her as she is a pure black cat, like imagine a witch's cat on all the commercialized Halloween cards and such and that is Pantomime, anyway, Halloween was approaching and so we didn't want her to get adopted just for Satanic rituals to be done on her for Halloween, but by the time we were done with our foster period, we just couldn't let her go. She managed to wriggle her way into my heart and I knew that she was supposed to be mine forever. She was four months old when we got her but I've decided that we are going to celebrate her coming into our home. She was so little, she looked like a little black puffball with a super long tail. Her tail was probably two times the size of her little body. When we first got her she would hide in the very back corner of a box under my bed. She was so nervous when we first brought her home, but in time she got more used to being with us. At night she would sleep with me and she would sleep in the crook of my arm or she would sleep on my neck, and when she got a little bit bigger we had to stop that tradition because she was too heavy and it would pretty much suffocate me. She was a very animated cat, right from the beginning, and she would play fetch with me, and she would bring me her string so that I would play with her and that is still something that she will do. Another thing that she enjoys doing is tormenting the cat upstairs; when I was about three I brought home this white kitten with one green eye and one brown eye and we named her Daisey, well here we are 18 years later and Daisey is still alive and still a somewhat active cat. Before Pantomime she ruled the roost, and then Pantomime came along. Image Garfield and Nermal... yeah, that is Daisey and Pantomime to a T. Daisey is old and doesn't want anything to do with Pantomime but she just wants to play. Pantomime does this really cute thing where right before they fight she'll extend her paw out and not touch Daisey but get really close and you can totally almost hear, "I'm not touching you..." yeah... super cute! But one of the first times Daisey and Pantomime interacted was when Pantomime was still a little fluff ball and she was puffing herself up trying to make herself look bigger than Daisey and Daisey finally just got annoyed enough and just whapped her and Pantomime flew across the room. I was so shocked at how easily Daisey managed to toss her. Pantomime is also not the most graceful cat, she falls off of every ledge she sits on, she falls backward and a lot of the time she doesn't land on her feet. There was one time she was on the window ledge and fell backward, hit her head on the side table (hard enough for it to physically move) and landed on the ground. I hurried and picked her up and held her for a minute but after that she was moving funny and walking really lopsided like... and I'm pretty sure that she had a concussion. Anyway, my cat really is a cutie and I love her so much! And I am so grateful that we decided to take her home a year ago, she is such a cherished member of our family and I wouldn't have it any other way and I really can't imagine life without her. She brings so much happiness to us and she brings us a ton of laughs! She has such a huge personality that really shines through, and she is the smartest, most intelligent cat out there. LOVE HER!
The top two are Pantomime in our laundry basket and then her asleep on my legs in the morning. This is an everyday occurrence and if I attempt to move she has no problem clawing my legs to tell me to stay put!

These two pictures are one of Pantomime trying to get my attention whilst I was in the computer room. When I first got her I was writing a paper and every time I hit the space bar she did too, and I didn't realize til after my paper was finished that I had all these extra spaces everywhere! The second picture is of her in "her bed" mind you everywhere that she decides to sleep is her bed so whatevs. This is her in the LoveSac that she has claimed and if other people sit in it she wants them to promptly get out.
This video is right after Jon and I had watched Cats on the Ovation Channel and couldn't get one of the songs out of our heads! And I'm pretty sure that the entire time we were doing this, Pantomime was not too thrilled. She's a smart cat and whenever she would hear us humming that song she would run and hide!
Friday, October 7, 2011
Time Flies for Two Reasons: Fun and Busy-ness!
Wow... time goes by so fast when you are having fun! Or are incredibly busy as Jon and I have been! With everything that Jon and I are up to there has been no time for me to blog about our busy life! Complete Works of Shakespeare is almost upon us, we open two weeks from yesterday (by the way, if you want to come to it, you should probably be getting your tickets like.... a week ago, because tickets go really really fast!). Anyway, yesterday Jon and I went and got a lot of the props and such for the show and we also went and got paint so that we can start making our set look just right! Jon and I were at the Theatre all day, but it didn't even feel like it. We had music going, we were talking and working hard and at the end of the work time and right before rehearsal, we had transformed our bare, little stage into the first makings of a real set! Jon built walls that were really sturdy, and will not move! And I painted on books, and wrote some of Shakespeare's Title of Work on the books. And they turned out pretty amazing, if I do say so myself! All that time I spent with Alyn has really paid off, and the entire time I just kept thinking, "how would Alyn do this?" and I was able to recall all the things that we had done in her class and also with her shows. Then we had rehearsal, and all I can say is that my cast is amazing!! Richie wasn't able to be there because he was in Cedar City for Shakespeare Comp with the CHS kids, but it was Act 1 Memorization Pass off and Emilie and Anthony did a fantastic job! It was a little rough but I don't blame them at all for it, it really is hard to do a part when the other member of your little group isn't there. But we are hoping the best for Richie and for the Advanced Theatre class at Shakespeare Comp! Another thing that is coming up is Connor's baptism tomorrow! Connor's birthday was a day after the baptism day in September and so he had to wait a whole month to get baptized and even then he had to wait an extra week because of General Conference! But we are excited for him to be baptized tomorrow, and Jon and I are even taking Frog Eye Salad as per request from the little guy. After the baptism and everything, Jon and I are heading back to the City Theatre to paint the rest of the set. It really isn't a whole lot but I'm excited to do it! Next post I'll put pictures up for sure! I promise!! there hasn't been pictures for a long time and I am apologizing for that! So next time there will be pictures.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
So I totally stole this from my very good friend Nashelle! I read it on her blog and I totally loved it! So here are ours:

Age: 21
Bedsize: King
Chores that you hate: um... all of them?
Dogs: I'm allergic, but I love some. Others are way too annoying!
Essential Start to your Day: Complaining about how it's too early some days.
Favourite Colour: Yellow/ but it changes every year on my birthday!
Gold or Silver: Silver
Height: 5'5"
Instruments you play: Piano, Flute, Oboe, Piccolo, Organ, Violin (some) Voice
Job Title: Director with Clearfield City, Wife, Full-time Student
Kids: none
Live: In Syracuse
Mothers Name: Irene
Nicknames: B, Britt, George, Sweetie
Overnight Hospital Stay: With my daddy when he had his Heart Attack
Pet Peeves: People saying "Bless you" after every sneeze (one is efficient), Stupid Drivers, Parents who don't watch their children in public places.
Quote from a Movie or TV show: "My coconut is empty..." (Father Goose)
Right or Lefty: Ambidextrous?
Siblings: 4 brothers and 1 sister and sister in law (with a future one in the Spring)-Salazars; 4 brothers- Moshers
Time you wake up: Way too early on school days.
Underwear: I used to have lots of colours but now they are just white.
Vegetable you hate: I really like all vegetables.
What makes you run late: Death... really, that's it, I hate being late and I will always be early
X-Rays you've Had: Neck, Spine, Teeth, Hand, Chest/Lungs, Hip
Yummy food you Make: Pasta is really the only thing I know how to make... and stir fry... and frozen pizza! :)
Zoo Animal: Snakes and Penguins. I also LOVE the baby Elephant at Hogle Zoo!
Age: 23
Bedsize: King
Chores that you hate: I'm the man and don't do chores
Dogs: Huskies, the Most Majestic dog ever
Essential start to your day: Waking up I suppose
Favorite Color: Green
Gold or Silver: Silver
Height: 5'10"
Instruments you play: The Awesome Box
Job title: Soon to be unemployed, Assistant Stage Manager
Kids: none
Live: In Syracuse
Mother's Name: Barbara/Sheri
Nicknames: Jon, "hey you, behind the bushes"
Overnight hospital stays: With Brit's dad at the Hospital
Pet peeves: People in General
Quote from a movie or tv show: "Go, I can swim!" (Little Boy in Captain America)
Right or Lefty: Right
Siblings: 4 brothers, 4 brothers in law and 1 sister in law (1 future sister in law)
Time you wake up: 3:30 am sometimes
Underwear: White...
Vegetable you hate: I really enjoy most vegetables
What makes you run late: Nothing
X-Rays You've Had: on my ankle when I broke it
yummy food you Make: My pasta is pretty awesome
Zoo Animal: Wolves, um... animals? BOBCATS!
Yeah! So I totally loved this!! And so I had Jon and I fill them out. And now here's a picture of us just for fun!! And I totally love this man!! More than words can describe!!

Age: 21
Bedsize: King
Chores that you hate: um... all of them?
Dogs: I'm allergic, but I love some. Others are way too annoying!
Essential Start to your Day: Complaining about how it's too early some days.
Favourite Colour: Yellow/ but it changes every year on my birthday!
Gold or Silver: Silver
Height: 5'5"
Instruments you play: Piano, Flute, Oboe, Piccolo, Organ, Violin (some) Voice
Job Title: Director with Clearfield City, Wife, Full-time Student
Kids: none
Live: In Syracuse
Mothers Name: Irene
Nicknames: B, Britt, George, Sweetie
Overnight Hospital Stay: With my daddy when he had his Heart Attack
Pet Peeves: People saying "Bless you" after every sneeze (one is efficient), Stupid Drivers, Parents who don't watch their children in public places.
Quote from a Movie or TV show: "My coconut is empty..." (Father Goose)
Right or Lefty: Ambidextrous?
Siblings: 4 brothers and 1 sister and sister in law (with a future one in the Spring)-Salazars; 4 brothers- Moshers
Time you wake up: Way too early on school days.
Underwear: I used to have lots of colours but now they are just white.
Vegetable you hate: I really like all vegetables.
What makes you run late: Death... really, that's it, I hate being late and I will always be early
X-Rays you've Had: Neck, Spine, Teeth, Hand, Chest/Lungs, Hip
Yummy food you Make: Pasta is really the only thing I know how to make... and stir fry... and frozen pizza! :)
Zoo Animal: Snakes and Penguins. I also LOVE the baby Elephant at Hogle Zoo!

Age: 23
Bedsize: King
Chores that you hate: I'm the man and don't do chores
Dogs: Huskies, the Most Majestic dog ever
Essential start to your day: Waking up I suppose
Favorite Color: Green
Gold or Silver: Silver
Height: 5'10"
Instruments you play: The Awesome Box
Job title: Soon to be unemployed, Assistant Stage Manager
Kids: none
Live: In Syracuse
Mother's Name: Barbara/Sheri
Nicknames: Jon, "hey you, behind the bushes"
Overnight hospital stays: With Brit's dad at the Hospital
Pet peeves: People in General
Quote from a movie or tv show: "Go, I can swim!" (Little Boy in Captain America)
Right or Lefty: Right
Siblings: 4 brothers, 4 brothers in law and 1 sister in law (1 future sister in law)
Time you wake up: 3:30 am sometimes
Underwear: White...
Vegetable you hate: I really enjoy most vegetables
What makes you run late: Nothing
X-Rays You've Had: on my ankle when I broke it
yummy food you Make: My pasta is pretty awesome
Zoo Animal: Wolves, um... animals? BOBCATS!
Yeah! So I totally loved this!! And so I had Jon and I fill them out. And now here's a picture of us just for fun!! And I totally love this man!! More than words can describe!!

Sunday, September 25, 2011
Wednesday Sept 21, 2011
Jon and I went to our first class that morning and then we left for the long drive to Lake Powell. I drove for the first half and then Jon took over in Beaver. We drove in my little red mustang and had a ton of fun talking and discussing everything that was going on in our life. It's a good thing I'm totally and completely in love with this man otherwise this would have been really boring!
We got to Lake Powell at around 5 due to some annoying construction that was going on, and the first thing that we had to do was set up a tent... talk about weird! I've never had to set up a tent before as the only camping I've done has been girls camp for maybe three years and all of those years I didn't sleep at camp. I hate the outdoors and it was awful with the Young Women most of whom really didn't like me. It was awkward for me to even go to YW because the only friend I had didn't even go most of the time and all the other girls didn't like me. Anyway, so we set up our tent by the 5th wheel and then we got changed into our swimsuits and took a drive out in the boat. Jon's parents had camped right on the beach of Lone Rock Beach and so we had a gorgeous view of Lone Rock and the water and everything! It was gorgeous! So we got out on the water and Rod took us to the dam where all the water of Lake Powell is being held back, it was a pretty awesome sight! We then drove back and had our dinner! My very first Dutch Oven Dinner! Chicken Cordon Bleu! YUMMY! It was really really good, and I enjoyed it thoroughly! After eating, we sat around and talked and then when it had gotten dark we decided to go to bed. I was really tired after driving all day that I was so ready for bed... and yet when we got in the tent we had neighbours that had decided to bring out the tequila way early and then they didn't go to bed for hours! They were up shouting and yelling like drunken idiots and I had to shout quiet a couple of times! But to no avail, it was awful! And then when the morons finally did fall into a drunken stupor at around 2 in the morning there was a snore so loud and obnoxious that it made me think that that would be how a rhinocerous would snore. No joke! Jon and I totally thought that they were kidding but no... they were too drunk to even notice how annoying their snoring was! Jon finally attempted to get out of the tent to the chance of us not being able to for the rest of the trip, the zipper wouldn't unzip and he had to pretty much squeeze himself out of this little pocket right next to the door. It was somewhat like a birthing process. The next thing I know I hear things being thrown and Jon is running around to the other side of the tent and then more things are thrown, it was quite humourous. Jon finally birthed himself inside and told me that he had proceeded to throw large rocks at their tent. We finally were able to block out the rhino snoring and go to sleep, but it took a long time. Then when the sun had come up and it was shining in our tent we figured it was time to get up.
Thursday Sept. 22, 2011
We got up and had French Toast and Sausages! Talk about Yummy! Rod is an awesome cook and I really enjoyed all of his cooking for this trip! We ate it all up heartily and then it was time to go out on the Lake again! So we all got in our swimming suits and packed up cause this was the day we were going to spend ALL day on the Lake! I made Jon and I sandwiches for the day trip and then we all got in the boat! I was really tired still from staying up all night listening to our village idiots next door, and so I slept for a lot of the way of where we were going. But we were out on the water for a really long time, and we went through little canyons that while we were driving in them I didn't know if we were going to make it through them! They were so small, but Rod is also an amazing boat driver, and so I stopped worrying after awhile. We found this little alcove and we all jumped into the water and swam for a while. That's where I found my first lizard!! Talk about cute!! It was adorable and then looking closer I came to realize that there were tons of little lizards! Jon told me that if you caught one and rubbed its belly it would go to sleep, but we were never able to catch one and so I couldn't find out if that was true! Still they were really cute! After we were done swimming, we got back into the boat and had lunch. And then after that we drove back to our camp site. It was really fun to be out in the water, usually I'm terrified of big bodies of water, but this was really fun! I was amazed how out in the water, I had absolutely no idea where we were but Rod did! And he was able to navigate us back home! That night when we got back to the camp, Sheri made us lasagna... well sort of, she took it out of the box to thaw and then cooked it, but still she was awesome at it! Sheri is amazing at organizing things! She knew exactly what we were going to do when and what to do to prepare for it, and I was really amazed to see her in action. She's such a good lady and such a good mom to Hayden and Connor! I had to go take a rest because I had gotten no sleep the night before and then being out in the water all day really took it out of me and so I went and laid down before dinner. And as soon as I closed my eyes, it felt as though I were back on the water rocking and swaying with the waves. It was an odd sensation, one I haven't had since I used to go to Surf~N~Swim and they have those waves that come on, and then just when it felt like I had just laid down Jon came into the tent and informed me that it was time for dinner. So I went back out and we ate our food and then I was ready to go to sleep again, this time though our neighbours were not even there and so we didn't have to deal with drunks! YAY!
Friday Sept 23, 2011
Friday we woke up and had breakfast, waffles (on Brigham Youngs waffle iron... according to Rod) and they were wonderful! It was really yummy to have waffles. They were really good. And then we decided to go and play out on the water. We went out to the boat and got the raft and were thrown around, we also got out the water ski's and I made a sorry sorry attempt at water skiing. I did awful... haha, Connor then got out and he tried, and he did pretty good, he couldn't get up as well but he did a good job trying. Hayden though! Holy Chalupa! Hayden got up for a bit and even went for a tiny while and then fell back into the water. Hayden is totally going to be the sports superstar of the family. He is totally built to be an athlete, and whatever he chooses to do I know he'll do awesome at it. Jon and Sheri also got up and were able to ski for a while. They did an awesome job. I'll have to try again next year, haha! But then we got the raft back out and Jon and I went on it together and Rod was ruthless, I had to hold on so tight to make sure that I didn't get thrown off. Then we got back to the boat and Connor wanted to go with me, and I knew that Rod wouldn't be too harsh on us, and then we got back and then Hayden wanted to go with me, and at this point in time my arms were killing me, but I agreed to go with Hayden as well and I just had to focus on holding on, it was really the hardest thing for me. And then when we got back to the boat the last time my arms were shaking, and I could barely stay standing. And then we went back out and swam in the water, which helped my body a little bit. After we got back to camp, we put the boat back on the trailer so that we wouldn't have to the next morning, and I was able to wash my hair! It was probably one of the best feelings that I had all the trip!! And when Sheri and I were talking about it, she said something that is so so true! "Clean hair and clean underwear is all you need" and I totally and completely agree with that statement! That night we had sweet and sour chicken and we also had cobbler, and it was really good. I enjoyed it alot. And then finally it was time to get back into our tent and go to sleep. Jon and I laid in our tent and talked about how fun it had been, and how after the next day we were going to have to leave and resume real life again.
Saturday Sept 24, 2011
Jon and I awoke and put down the tent and cleaned up our stuff and then packed it into the car. And then after eating breakfast and helping clean up the camp we proceeded to drive home. And let me tell you, I could totally feel the abuse in my body that I had put it through. It was so hard to drive the several hour drive home. I was in lots of pain. But we got home and I was able to see my kitty, and take a hot, LONG shower, and lay in my own bed! It was wonderful!
After being on my first Lake Powell trip it really amazes me just to see how gorgeous this state is! It's amazing to see how in Northern Utah it is all forests and mountains with snow and all sorts of forestry, and then to see how the red rock comes up and how Southern Utah really is just a desert, with red rock and sand and brush everywhere. It's amazing to see the vast difference in the state. But I had such a fun time with my new family! It is amazing to see how different families bring different experiences. My family holidays always included going to Disneyland or Sea World and in fun cases England and Scotland; Jon's family holidays always included going camping, to Lake Powell, road trips and all the sort. And so Jon and I are going to be able to do many diverse things for our kids. I really am grateful that I had this chance to go and have fun with my new family! It was a wonderful experience full of fun, love and challenges (water skiing...), and I really enjoyed myself and my first time camping. I may even allow myself to be subjected to it again! We'll have to see... (tee hee, Jon will make sure I go again. haha)
Jon and I went to our first class that morning and then we left for the long drive to Lake Powell. I drove for the first half and then Jon took over in Beaver. We drove in my little red mustang and had a ton of fun talking and discussing everything that was going on in our life. It's a good thing I'm totally and completely in love with this man otherwise this would have been really boring!
We got to Lake Powell at around 5 due to some annoying construction that was going on, and the first thing that we had to do was set up a tent... talk about weird! I've never had to set up a tent before as the only camping I've done has been girls camp for maybe three years and all of those years I didn't sleep at camp. I hate the outdoors and it was awful with the Young Women most of whom really didn't like me. It was awkward for me to even go to YW because the only friend I had didn't even go most of the time and all the other girls didn't like me. Anyway, so we set up our tent by the 5th wheel and then we got changed into our swimsuits and took a drive out in the boat. Jon's parents had camped right on the beach of Lone Rock Beach and so we had a gorgeous view of Lone Rock and the water and everything! It was gorgeous! So we got out on the water and Rod took us to the dam where all the water of Lake Powell is being held back, it was a pretty awesome sight! We then drove back and had our dinner! My very first Dutch Oven Dinner! Chicken Cordon Bleu! YUMMY! It was really really good, and I enjoyed it thoroughly! After eating, we sat around and talked and then when it had gotten dark we decided to go to bed. I was really tired after driving all day that I was so ready for bed... and yet when we got in the tent we had neighbours that had decided to bring out the tequila way early and then they didn't go to bed for hours! They were up shouting and yelling like drunken idiots and I had to shout quiet a couple of times! But to no avail, it was awful! And then when the morons finally did fall into a drunken stupor at around 2 in the morning there was a snore so loud and obnoxious that it made me think that that would be how a rhinocerous would snore. No joke! Jon and I totally thought that they were kidding but no... they were too drunk to even notice how annoying their snoring was! Jon finally attempted to get out of the tent to the chance of us not being able to for the rest of the trip, the zipper wouldn't unzip and he had to pretty much squeeze himself out of this little pocket right next to the door. It was somewhat like a birthing process. The next thing I know I hear things being thrown and Jon is running around to the other side of the tent and then more things are thrown, it was quite humourous. Jon finally birthed himself inside and told me that he had proceeded to throw large rocks at their tent. We finally were able to block out the rhino snoring and go to sleep, but it took a long time. Then when the sun had come up and it was shining in our tent we figured it was time to get up.
Thursday Sept. 22, 2011
We got up and had French Toast and Sausages! Talk about Yummy! Rod is an awesome cook and I really enjoyed all of his cooking for this trip! We ate it all up heartily and then it was time to go out on the Lake again! So we all got in our swimming suits and packed up cause this was the day we were going to spend ALL day on the Lake! I made Jon and I sandwiches for the day trip and then we all got in the boat! I was really tired still from staying up all night listening to our village idiots next door, and so I slept for a lot of the way of where we were going. But we were out on the water for a really long time, and we went through little canyons that while we were driving in them I didn't know if we were going to make it through them! They were so small, but Rod is also an amazing boat driver, and so I stopped worrying after awhile. We found this little alcove and we all jumped into the water and swam for a while. That's where I found my first lizard!! Talk about cute!! It was adorable and then looking closer I came to realize that there were tons of little lizards! Jon told me that if you caught one and rubbed its belly it would go to sleep, but we were never able to catch one and so I couldn't find out if that was true! Still they were really cute! After we were done swimming, we got back into the boat and had lunch. And then after that we drove back to our camp site. It was really fun to be out in the water, usually I'm terrified of big bodies of water, but this was really fun! I was amazed how out in the water, I had absolutely no idea where we were but Rod did! And he was able to navigate us back home! That night when we got back to the camp, Sheri made us lasagna... well sort of, she took it out of the box to thaw and then cooked it, but still she was awesome at it! Sheri is amazing at organizing things! She knew exactly what we were going to do when and what to do to prepare for it, and I was really amazed to see her in action. She's such a good lady and such a good mom to Hayden and Connor! I had to go take a rest because I had gotten no sleep the night before and then being out in the water all day really took it out of me and so I went and laid down before dinner. And as soon as I closed my eyes, it felt as though I were back on the water rocking and swaying with the waves. It was an odd sensation, one I haven't had since I used to go to Surf~N~Swim and they have those waves that come on, and then just when it felt like I had just laid down Jon came into the tent and informed me that it was time for dinner. So I went back out and we ate our food and then I was ready to go to sleep again, this time though our neighbours were not even there and so we didn't have to deal with drunks! YAY!
Friday Sept 23, 2011
Friday we woke up and had breakfast, waffles (on Brigham Youngs waffle iron... according to Rod) and they were wonderful! It was really yummy to have waffles. They were really good. And then we decided to go and play out on the water. We went out to the boat and got the raft and were thrown around, we also got out the water ski's and I made a sorry sorry attempt at water skiing. I did awful... haha, Connor then got out and he tried, and he did pretty good, he couldn't get up as well but he did a good job trying. Hayden though! Holy Chalupa! Hayden got up for a bit and even went for a tiny while and then fell back into the water. Hayden is totally going to be the sports superstar of the family. He is totally built to be an athlete, and whatever he chooses to do I know he'll do awesome at it. Jon and Sheri also got up and were able to ski for a while. They did an awesome job. I'll have to try again next year, haha! But then we got the raft back out and Jon and I went on it together and Rod was ruthless, I had to hold on so tight to make sure that I didn't get thrown off. Then we got back to the boat and Connor wanted to go with me, and I knew that Rod wouldn't be too harsh on us, and then we got back and then Hayden wanted to go with me, and at this point in time my arms were killing me, but I agreed to go with Hayden as well and I just had to focus on holding on, it was really the hardest thing for me. And then when we got back to the boat the last time my arms were shaking, and I could barely stay standing. And then we went back out and swam in the water, which helped my body a little bit. After we got back to camp, we put the boat back on the trailer so that we wouldn't have to the next morning, and I was able to wash my hair! It was probably one of the best feelings that I had all the trip!! And when Sheri and I were talking about it, she said something that is so so true! "Clean hair and clean underwear is all you need" and I totally and completely agree with that statement! That night we had sweet and sour chicken and we also had cobbler, and it was really good. I enjoyed it alot. And then finally it was time to get back into our tent and go to sleep. Jon and I laid in our tent and talked about how fun it had been, and how after the next day we were going to have to leave and resume real life again.
Saturday Sept 24, 2011
Jon and I awoke and put down the tent and cleaned up our stuff and then packed it into the car. And then after eating breakfast and helping clean up the camp we proceeded to drive home. And let me tell you, I could totally feel the abuse in my body that I had put it through. It was so hard to drive the several hour drive home. I was in lots of pain. But we got home and I was able to see my kitty, and take a hot, LONG shower, and lay in my own bed! It was wonderful!
After being on my first Lake Powell trip it really amazes me just to see how gorgeous this state is! It's amazing to see how in Northern Utah it is all forests and mountains with snow and all sorts of forestry, and then to see how the red rock comes up and how Southern Utah really is just a desert, with red rock and sand and brush everywhere. It's amazing to see the vast difference in the state. But I had such a fun time with my new family! It is amazing to see how different families bring different experiences. My family holidays always included going to Disneyland or Sea World and in fun cases England and Scotland; Jon's family holidays always included going camping, to Lake Powell, road trips and all the sort. And so Jon and I are going to be able to do many diverse things for our kids. I really am grateful that I had this chance to go and have fun with my new family! It was a wonderful experience full of fun, love and challenges (water skiing...), and I really enjoyed myself and my first time camping. I may even allow myself to be subjected to it again! We'll have to see... (tee hee, Jon will make sure I go again. haha)
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